HOLY CRAP IT'S THE END!! so will sasuke and Naruto ever have a happy ending? will naruto ever believe Sasuke when he said hte loved him? Will naruto ever confess back to Sasuke? what happened to the adorable little baby fox? Will Sasuke ever make his family proud? is sasuke actually going to adopt Naruto? All answers will be revealed!! plus there is a nice little lemon in there for your enjoyment.

WARNING: LEMON!! no kiba, no shika, straight up sasunaru lemons!! hooray!!
DISCLAIMER: the characters aren't mine but the two part story is my baby. please be kind to it.

They woke up early the next morning to pack their things so that they could leave right after breakfast. When the maid came, she was surprised to see them dressed. After saying breakfast was being served she left and the boys finished their packing.

"It was an interesting trip." Naruto said as he and Sasuke walked down to the dining room.

"It was." Sasuke nodded. Naruto took Sasuke's hand and intertwined their fingers.

"I enjoyed it." Naruto smiled.

"Surprisingly me too." Sasuke said. "Thanks for coming with me." Sasuke smiled. Naruto stopped them just outside the dining room and kissed Sasuke.

"Any time, Sasuke." Naruto said softly and then they went into the dining room. After breakfast the maids were sent up to Sasuke's room to bring down the luggage and pack the car. Naruto and Sasuke said their goodbyes to everyone. As Naruto was speaking with Mikoto Fugaku came up to Sasuke.

"You've done good, Sasuke." Fugaku said. Sasuke looked up at Fugaku. "Naruto is a good boy; you need to hang onto him. I wish you both happiness." He said with a small smile. Sasuke felt like he would cry.

"Thank you. Thank you so much." Sasuke said softly while he smiled brilliantly.

"Sasuke." Naruto said coming to Sasuke's side. "We need to leave so that we won't get in traffic." He said. Sasuke looked at Naruto and nodded.

"Yeah, let's go." Sasuke smiled. Naruto gave a small bow and one last goodbye to everyone and they got in the car and drove off. After they got out of 'The Hills' Naruto let out a heavy sigh. "What?"

"Damn your cousins for being so adorable and making me let them keep Kyu." Naruto said. Sasuke laughed.

"If you really want, we'll go to an exotic pet store and see if they have any foxes and I'll by you one." Sasuke said. Naruto smiled.

"That's okay, Sasuke." Naruto said.

"If you want a fox, I'll get you a fox, Naruto. I don't really mind." Sasuke said. Naruto laughed.

"I don't need a fox. I'm gonna miss Kyu though. He was so cute. Those kids better take good care of him." Naruto said. Sasuke smiled.

"They will. I bet next time we go there they'll be showing off how good the took care of him." Sasuke said. Naruto smiled and nodded.

"That's good." He said. They rode the rest of the way silently, but comfortably. They got to their house and Naruto laughed. "It looks so small." He said as they pulled into the driveway.

"It's good enough for just the two of us." Sasuke smiled.

"Yeah." Naruto nodded. They got out of the car and pulled out their suitcases. As they were walking in Naruto kissed Sasuke. After a whole week of living with Naruto, sleeping in the same bed, seeing him mostly naked and no sex, and now the knowledge that since they were home they could have sex on the living room floor if they wanted, Sasuke snapped. They made it into the laundry room and Naruto had enough time to shut the door to the garage behind him before Sasuke grabbed Naruto's duffle bag, set it on the dryer next to them and shoved Naruto against the door while devouring his mouth. Naruto felt pretty much as sexually frustrated as Sasuke and eagerly kissed him back.

"I can't make it upstairs." Sasuke panted while pulling off his shirt.

"Good, me neither." Naruto said pulling off his own shirt. The two boys quickly stripped. Since they were in the laundry room they just threw all their clothes at the washer before going back to making out.

"God, I don't think I can go a whole week without having sex with you again." Sasuke groaned as he lifted Naruto up while pressing him harder against the door.

"I'm surprised we even made it." Naruto gasped slightly while wrapping his legs around Sasuke's waist. Sasuke ground against Naruto while moving to suck on his neck. Naruto groaned and gripped Sasuke's hair tightly. "Sas, there is lube in my bag." Naruto panted, reaching for the bag. Sasuke stopped and glared at Naruto.

"You had it the whole time and we didn't have sex once?" Sasuke asked slightly ticked off but way too turned on to actually be mad.

"Like I said, I didn't think we were going to make it the whole week. I brought it just incase." Naruto panted. Sasuke smirked and wrapped his arms around Naruto to move him to the dryer.

"We've never had sex on the dryer before." Sasuke smirked. Naruto moaned softly as Sasuke ground into him. The two boys frantically looked for the lube in Naruto's bag. After it was found Sasuke kissed Naruto hard and both groaned into the kiss. Sasuke leaned back and opened the bottle of lube. He squirted some on his fingers and thrust two into Naruto. Naruto cried out in shock and pleasure. Naruto leaned forward and kissed Sasuke, shoving his tongue into the dark haired boy's mouth. Sasuke moaned happily and let Naruto explore his mouth. It felt really nice when Sasuke started thrusting and scissoring his fingers and Naruto started moaning into his mouth. Sasuke swallowed all of the moans happily.

"S-Sas, no mmmore fing-gers." Naruto gasped. Sasuke smirked and poured some lube on his erection and coated it all the way around.

"As you wish." Sasuke smiled. Sasuke removed his fingers and positioned himself at Naruto's entrance. "You ready?"

"Please." Naruto moaned. Sasuke thrust in and Naruto cried in pain and pleasure. It hurt a little but it felt so good that he didn't care that much. Sasuke started thrusting slowly. Naruto whimpered and Sasuke sped the pace. Naruto moaned and groaned as Sasuke pounded into him. He screamed when Sasuke hit his prostate with a particularly hard thrust. Naruto fell back on top of the dryer and hit a button. The dryer turned on and Naruto screamed again. The vibrations from the dryer felt so good, his entire body was tingling form them. Sasuke gasped when he felt the vibrations transferring from Naruto's body into his erection.

"We're definitely having sex on the dryer more." Sasuke said. Naruto just nodded, unable to even speak from the pleasure. Naruto could feel he was close.

"Sasu," Was all he could breath out. Sasuke knew what it meant and sped the pace up to an unbearably delicious pace and pounded relentlessly against Naruto's prostate. Naruto screamed out something that might have been Sasuke's name as he came. Sasuke, seeing Naruto like that, also came with a loud groan. Naruto lay panting on the still running dryer and Sasuke lost the strength in his legs and sat down on the floor. He looked up to see the awkward way Naruto's lower half hung off of the dryer. just the top part of his butt was on top of the dryer, and it was barely on the edge, while the rest of his butt was exposed and his legs hung down, just an inch too short to actually touch the ground. "That felt amazing." Naruto breathed, still laying on the dryer. The vibrations from the dryer mad his voice all shaky and it sounded funny.

"Yeah." Sasuke said. Naruto moved to where he was sitting on top of the dryer and looking down at Sasuke. Sasuke was leaning against the wall looking very happy.

"You know, we should probably take a shower and wash off." Naruto said. Sasuke knew it was really an invitation for sex in the shower. He smiled.

"Sounds good." He said. They both ran up the stairs and into the bathroom to have a few rounds of love making in the shower and then they went into Sasuke's room for another round. Then they stopped to have lunch and didn't have sex on the table only because Naruto reminded Sasuke that they weren't the only people who ate off of the table. Then they went back upstairs for another few rounds in Sasuke's room then back to the bathroom, but this time in the tub for a round, and then after two times in Naruto's room they went to sleep. They woke up later that afternoon too tired to do anything. They just laid in Naruto's bed, cuddled up to each other exchanging soft, sweet kisses to whatever they could reach without moving too much. Sasuke opened his mouth to say something, but then quickly closed it.

"What?" Naruto asked.

"Well, I was going to say that I love you, but you don't like it because you don't believe me." Sasuke said. Naruto smiled sadly and sighed.

"I know you love me, Sasuke." Naruto said softly.

"What?" Sasuke asked.

"I've known all along but I couldn't bring myself to believe you no matter how much I wanted to." Naruto said.

"Why?" Sasuke asked.

"Because I couldn't understand it. I couldn't understand how or why a guy like you would ever love a guy like me." Naruto said softly.

"What do you mean?" Sasuke asked looking at Naruto a bit confused.

"I mean, look at you Sasuke. You're so smart and cool and beautiful. You're like the star of every girl and gay guy's wet dream. And I'm just a goof-off prankster who doesn't care about much of anything, doesn't know much of anything and is just a lazy slacker who relies on luck for everything." Naruto said. "Why would a perfect guy like you be in love with an idiot like me?"

"You want to know why I'm in love with you?" Sasuke asked. Naruto nodded. "Because you make me smile, you can make me laugh, you make me cry and feel frustrated and possessive and overwhelmed. You make me feel happy and silly and excited. You make me angry, you make me overjoyed. You make me feel protective, you make me feel protected. You make me feel calm and comforted. You make me feel awkward and vulnerable. You make me feel so may things that I've never even thought I could feel. You force me to be myself and you love me in spite of it. That's why I'm in love with you." Sasuke said. Naruto smiled.

"I don't love you in spite of you being yourself. I love you because you let me see you being yourself." Naruto said. Sasuke kissed him gently.

"I was serious when I told my father I wanted to make you a permanent part of my future." Sasuke said. Naruto looked up at him.

"So you are going to adopt me." Naruto smirked. Sasuke laughed and kissed Naruto gently.

"I'm not saying today or tomorrow. Probably not even in the next few years. But although I call you my wife as a joke, I seriously want to be able to call you my husband." Sasuke said. Naruto smiled brightly as tears filled his eyes.

"Really?" Naruto asked. Sasuke kissed him and nodded.

"Ignoring the fact that we're practically already lovers, I'd like to try the whole dating and boyfriend thing. Then after a while we'll get engaged and stay engaged for however long you want and then we'll get married and spend the rest of our lives together even when we're old and wrinkly." Sasuke smiled. Naruto smiled and kissed Sasuke slowly and lovingly. After a minute or so Naruto broke the kiss and leaned back slightly to look into Sasuke's eyes.

"I'm not taking your name." He said matter-of-factly.

"And you think I'm going to take yours?" Sasuke asked raising an eyebrow.

"Come on Sasuke, if you're a bad Uchiha, lord knows how terrible I'd be at being one." Naruto smiled and laughed softly. Sasuke smiled and Naruto kissed him gently. "You'd make a wonderful Uzumaki though." Naruto told him.

"We'll see when the time comes." Sasuke smiled kissing Naruto again. He put a little bit of force behind the kiss. Naruto moaned softly and pulled Sasuke closer. Naruto then leaned back and broke the kiss.

"We're having kids too. I don't care if it's adoption, surrogate mothers or test tube babies. I want kids, damn it. Your cousins already took my fox away, I need something small and adorable to shower with affection." Naruto told him. Sasuke laughed.

"Whatever you want." Sasuke smiled. Naruto kissed him again. "God I love you." Sasuke said when they broke the kiss. Naruto smiled and looked Sasuke in the eyes.

"I love you too." Naruto said. Sasuke smiled, very much enjoying hearing those words after so long.

"Say it again." Sasuke said.

"I love you, Uchiha Sasuke." Naruto smiled.

"I love you too." Sasuke said kissing Naruto. They felt like everything was perfect in that one moment. They both said it, they both meant it, and they both knew it. Life was good. THE END.

Okay, i don't know how many people have seen princess bride but i relaized that no one had caught that every time naruto and Sasuke have sex one of them says 'as you wish' and i'm always so tempted to write "and then sasuke/naruto realized that when naruto/sasuke said that, what he really meant was i love you" oh man, that movie is so cheesily romantic.

anyway, naruto would make a terrible uchiha and i'm pretty sure he will force Sasuke to take the Uzumaki name. Who knows, maybe Sasuke'll get lucky and get Namikaze instead. and NO i'm not saying this cause i'm going to write a sequal or something. no thanks, too many other things to be writing. i'm leaving it up to your imagination. but i'm saying one thing for sure, Naruto would NOT become an uchiha.

so, OD on fluff at the end but hey, it's a happy ending. and some of you were doubting me... anyway, this is the end forever. currently i'm working on a new story but also have a one shot floating around in my brain that will most likely be whipped out before the new story comes out. so, leave a review and tell me how amazing/terrible my story was and how devistated/ecstatic you are now that it's over.