Hello! For those of you who don't know me my name is Conner. I made up this story after a friend's (Jay's) request 'cause she spent a hour looking for and KainxAido pairing and only found one... -sigh- so she forced me to stop working on my exam review and write this story... please forgive any spelling and grammar errors here... those aren't my strong points... Please enjoy and review... I plan on continuing this fanfiction


Pleasure erupted threw his entire body, curling his toes and clenching his fists so hard it turned his knuckles white, the boys breath was coming in fast and heated. God, this felt good!

"Ah! R…right there!" A moan escaped the boy's lips as he felt his climax approaching.

"Ah, you're so tight!" The older boy panted, thrusting again and again into his lover sending shocks of pleasure threw his body with each thrust

"A…ah" The younger one cried out, digging his nails into the others back.

"Careful," he responded sensing too that he couldn't last much longer, thrusting deeper.

The boy under him moaned, again ordering him to go faster, he was just too pathetic. Just the way he liked him, under his power.

The older boy did as he was told and picked up his pace, also pumping his lover with each thrust. This was proving to be too much for him, once again he moaned out.


Hanabusa rolled over and groaned. "What a hell of a dream…" He mumbled into his pillow. This had been the seventh one this month and he was not complaining, they had always felt so good, well, good as a dream can be.

He rolled over now on his back and starred at the ceiling, still breathing heavy. It has been almost a year since Aido had realized that he wanted to be more the Akatsuki's cousin but had always been to nervous about proclaiming his true feelings and was anxious about how his cousins would react.

Hanabusa pulled the covers off and headed to the bathroom. Usually he would never be out of bed this early but with the dreams he always needed to take care of something.

He ran the shower and then looked down at the bulge in his pants; he was accustomed to dealing with this problem. All he needed to do really was to make sure Akatsuki was never up at the same time as him.

Two quick knocks on the door; Akatsuki was up and waiting as usual, except he was up earlier the normal. Thankfully so was he, Hanabusa was just drying his hair when he heard the knocks. "You can come in if you like Akatsuki, I'm all done." With that the door opened and a very sleepy vampire dragged his bare feet into the bathroom.

As usual for Akatsuki he only had his lounge pants on and nothing else. The steamy room was soon filled with his intoxicating smell; Aido could feel himself getting excited all over again.

"Why did you have to get up so early, you usually sleep for an other good hour?" Akatsuki asked yawning.

Hanabusa took a deep breath trying to calm himself down. This was a good this to be so wound-up so early and he had just dealt with 'it' once today. "Sorry, you didn't have to get up when I did."

Kain smirked, "Well then you should take responsibility and do my work for the day." As he said this Akatsuki moved closer to his cousin, bending over so he was eye-level with Hanabusa, he smirked again. "What do you say to that Hanabusa?"

At the moment Aido was at a lose for words; he couldn't say anything even if he had wanted too. Akatsuki never got that close to him first thing; he always went straight to the shower so he could wake up a little even before talking to anyone. Aido could hear his heart beating in his head.

"Hanabusa?" Kain called out again.

"Um...erm…" Hanabusa caught himself before he looked even more like an idiot, "no thanks Akatsuki, you should do it yourself. As I said before it isn't my fault you are up. You couldn't have stayed in bed." Hanabusa quickly walked around Akatsuki and headed back out into the dorm room.

Hanabusa sat down in his spot next to Akatsuki and Ichijo in class. This morning had been odd between Akatsuki and himself. He had avoided him and Kain was giving him the cold shoulder in return and talking to Ruka, how he hated her. If there was anyone who Aido hated more then Zero it would be her. Ruka has always acted to close to Akatsuki always talking to each other in the corner, Ruka was usually blushing and Akatsuki has also smiled for her once or twice. If Akatsuki would be in love with anyone it had to be Ruka.

"Aido!" This was Hanabusa's only warning before the vice-precedent jumped on his back. "You don't seem to be yourself, what's wrong?"

"Nothing vice-president, would you please get off." Hanabusa stood up trying to make Ichijo slid off, but he clung to his neck and wrapped his legs around Hanabusa's waist.

"Not until you tell me what is wrong, you aren't talking to anyone, not even Kain. Are you two having a lover quarrel?"

Hanabusa's heart jumped up into his throat and his face grew crimson red. Ichijo had just called Akatsuki his lover, is that really what everyone thought of them? That they already were lovers? That doesn't make sense though; they had never shown any emotion to each other, other then looking out for a friend and family member. There wasn't even such a feeling on Akatsuki's part, and Aido had been careful so that he doesn't act different around Kain. Could he have slipped up?


Aido's thoughts were interrupted when the professor walked into the classroom signaling the start of their lessons.

"I'll continue this latter; don't think you can get away with this so easily." Ichijo vowed and took his seat, along with Kain who staid turned facing Ruka.

Hanabusa sighed and took his own seat with a flop. This wasn't his day. It had started perfect, but he had chosen to stay away from Kain to calm himself down. His cousin had mistaken it as anger and annoyance and was 'giving Aido his space'.

The vampire sighed again leaning forward and resting his head on his folded arms. This was going to be a long day, Kain had turned forward but his body was angled towards Ruka. That bitch, she was going to get it after class.

Maybe he didn't have to wait so long.

Hanabusa took a look around the class; Kaname Kuran at the instance wasn't in class. He took his chance, leaning forward more until he could see Ruka sitting in her seat, taking one hand and lowering it under the desk until he felt the cold floor touching his finger tips. Seconds' latter ice had gone along the floor missing Akatsuki's shoe and hit Ruka's chair. It continued to climb until it hit her skirt, freezing it to her chair.

Sitting up straight he smiled knowing what you happen when the bell wrong and she tried to stand up. That would teach Ruka not to flirt with Akatsuki, and she would know it had been him. Hanabusa is the only one who can control ice.

A piece of paper bounced off his head. Hanabusa turned to his left, Ichijo was smiling like a cheesier cat. He picks up the note and unfolds it; Ichijo had said he wasn't going to let this topic die to easily.

So are you having a fight with Kain? Ichijo had written in perfect handwriting.

Hanabusa's heart thumped in his chest. He wasn't mad or fighting with Akatsuki, and he could even think of a reason why Kain would think they were.

No we aren't. Aido scribbled onto the sheet of paper and flung it back to Ichijo.

Kain turned around in his seat hearing the shuffling of paper and knowing that it wasn't Hanabusa taking notes on whatever the professor was lecturing the night class about.

"Hanabusa?" Kain whispered to his cousin, who jumped when he called out his name.

"Y-yes?" Aido looked paler then usual, but his cheeks had a red tinge.

"Are you alright, you seemed to be a little off tonight. Are you sick, you face is red." Akatsuki leaned closer and went feel Hanabusa's forehead in case he had a temperature.

Hanabusa saw Akatsuki leaning closer, he could feel his cheeks burning, but it was only because Kain was talking to him and not wanting to have him know that he wasn't sick but sick minded. Unknowingly Aido was leaning back in his seat as Kain reached out for his face, after a few second of his Aido had nowhere else to go, falling off of his spot.

"Wha-" Hanabusa said as he fell, but was cut off as he pulled Ichijo down on top of him.

"Aido, Ichijo! Is there a problem with your seats?" The professor asked after hearing the thump on the floor and seeing the two vampires laying on the ground.

"No sir." The two of them said re-taking their seats, rubbing their heads were they had hit the floor.

With that the professor turned back towards the chalkboard at continued his lesson.

"You're such a cluts Aido, you can't even stay seated." Ruka said with a snort, and then tugged on Akatsuki's arm. "As I was saying Akatsuki…"

Hold on one second! She just called Akatsuki by his first name! Since when have they been so close?! Hanabusa glare at the back of Akatsuki's head. Why hasn't he told me anything about her? Surely he would have said something if he had feelings for her, I mean, we are close. Aido thought sulkily.

A piece of paper bounces off his head again.

What was that about? Are you so mad at Kain that you don't even want him to touch you?

No that isn't why, Hanabusa wrote down on Ichijo's note, I just slipped. It had nothing to do with him, and for the last time, I'm not made at him!

Aido crumple the note up and push it onto Ichijo's desk, flopping down onto his own with annoyance. It was only the first class of the day and it never seemed like it was going to end.

The piece of paper rolled across his desk again.

You say you're not angry at Kain and yet I just saw you glaring at him. Is it because of he is talking more to Souen then you?

Hanabusa didn't know what to say to this. It was almost like Ichijo has come right out asked if he was jealous of Ruka. He knew the answer, of course he was but he wasn't going to tell that to Ichijo, he would never let him live it down.

"Aido," he looked up to see the professors' gaze on him, "you seem to be having trouble paying attention in my class. Do you have a problem with my lecture or method to teaching?"


"Saved by the bell Aido, I expect you to bring a more positive attitude to class tomorrow."

The class was filled with the sound of books being picked up, murmurs of students talking and…

"Argh! Aido!"

Right on cue, Hanabusa thought as he heard Ruka shriek out his name. He kept on walking threw the classroom, he had planed to let her go after a minuet or two but she has asked for it with calling him a cluts.

"Aido get back here! Unfreeze me this instant!" A smile spread across Hanabusa face, no way he was going back now he thought passing threw the class doors. As I do Ichijo catches my eye, a smile across his own face. Looks like he didn't need Hanabusa's response to his note, Ruka being frozen to her chair was all the answer he needed.

Yes, Hanabusa is jealous of Ruka.

The young vampire glanced out of his dorm room window towards the school buildings where the night classes were now walking out of. Hanabusa had ditched the rest of the school day after first class. He hadn't been in the mood to listen to old men explain how to do things he already knew; Hanabusa was probably one of the brighter night class students.

He let out an irritated sigh. As the night class approached the nigh dorm he could be Ruka still beside Akatsuki, this was the other reason why Hanabusa hadn't wanted to attend his other classes.

Hanabusa flopped down on his bed. He was going to need a reason why he wasn't in class for Akatsuki and why he hadn't said anything to him… but so far…. nothing.

Quickly he pulled the pillow over his face as Akatsuki walked in.

"I thought you were here." He said dropping his books on the floor.

Hanabusa simply made a sound of agreement in his throat. He heard Akatsuki sit down on the bed. At once a mix of emotion filled him, he was so thrilled with the fact Akatsuki was so close to him again but at the same time Hanabusa didn't think his heart could handle this new speed.

"What is wrong with you, Hanabusa, you have been avoiding me all night."

"No I haven't." Aido mumbles into the pillow over his face.

Akatsuki lets up a discouraged sigh and collapse beside his cousin on the bed, tonight isn't turning out well. Hanabusa seems to be in complete withdrawal and won't even keep a normal conversation between the pair.

"Hanabusa," Akatsuki wrapped his arms around his cousin, pulling him up against himself. Aido seemed to go stiff at his touch but Akatsuki didn't care, he was losing his patience with Hanabusa.

"Aka-" Hanabusa began to say but the door slammed open with Ichijo walking into the room followed closely behind by Shiki.

Ichijo spotted the two curled up on the bed together going from Kain's normal and composed face to Aido's wide-eyed and blushing face.

"Sorry for the intrusion, but we are looking to have some fun. I assume you two have heard of the game spin the bottle?"