I'm so sorry for the delay, but you would not believe how much it sucked writing this and it's so unbelievably short, so I have hardly anything to show for my hard work. :p I had finals this week and just as I was finishing typing this my power went out for three days. I just got it back and had to re-type everything out. :( But, I finished it in the end. :p

Just so everybody knows, in case you hadn't read my one-shot, I have a new poll up. It deals with another story I'll be writing, so even if you don't review I would really like it if you guys would please vote in it. I'll leave it open for another week and then I'll start writing. :)

I'm so sorry I forgot to put this in the first time. Thank you to Steoh, again, for beta-reading for me. :)

And, thank you to my friend Kim and my chatzy buddies for helping me with the name thing. (Mostly Kim, for the Pacey stuff. :p)

Disclaimer: I own a Rent dvd and a Rent soundtrack. But not Rent itself... damn...

Enjoy. :)

"How about James if it's a boy?" Roger suggested. Mimi glanced up at him from her position on the floor, trying to wrestle Nathan into a t-shirt.

"James? Seriously? Do you know how many Jameses there are out there?"

"It was just a suggestion. What about Adam?"

"Adam's worse than James. Do you want our child to have the same name as five other kids in his class?"

Roger sighed and absent-mindedly stared across the room at Nathan, who had removed his blocks from their spot in the corner and had begun to build a tower. He and Mimi were discussing possible names for their child. They had been going on like this for about half an hour now and so far couldn't find a single name they could agree on.

"Then what would you like, Mimi?" Roger asked. Every time he suggested a name Mimi thought it was too common or had a bad definition or she knew someone like that once and he or she was a real jerk.

"Something different and uncommon. Like Milo or Pacey."

"Milo?" Roger laughed. Her suggestions were more ridiculous than his.

"Yeah. You know, like Milo and Otis."

"Okay… And where the hell did you get Pacey?"

"Dawson's Creek." Mimi said, as if it was the most obvious answer in the world. Roger stared at her, still not understanding who the hell she was talking about. ''He's the one with the normal sized forehead who is so charming, he got a woman 15 years older than him and...ok maybe not Pacey.''

Roger smiled mischievously, ''Well if my son could do that...''

"Ok, moving on. What if it's a girl?"

"I don't know… Amanda?"

"Amanda?" Mimi stared at Roger in disbelief. "Do you know how many bitches there are in the world named Amanda?"

"Ok, Miss Shoot-Down-Everything-I-Suggest. What do you want?"
"How about Ariel?" Roger snickered.

"Ariel? Like the Little Mermaid? Now we've moved on to Disney princesses? What's next Cinderella? Pocahontas?" Mimi whacked him on the arm.

"No. And Pocahontas was not a princess. That's a common misconception. And if we were to name our daughter after a Disney Princess it would have to be Belle." (A/N: Actually, most of the Disney Princesses aren't actual princesses… It bothers me…)


"Because Belle was easily the best Disney princess ever." (A/N: Fck yeah! :p)

"Obviously," he muttered under his breath. Mimi shot him a look and then continued.

"She wasn't a complete wimp like all the others. She was smart and she read a lot and she could take care of herself for the most part. She didn't solely rely on her prince to save her."

Roger laughed. "Ok, I can see that… Maybe Belle."

"See? Not all my name suggestions suck." Mimi said, sliding into Roger's lap and wrapping her arms around his neck.

"Yeah, I guess…" He leaned in and kissed her. Just then the phone rang and Mimi jerked back a bit.

"We should probably get that…" She made a move to go for the phone, but Roger just pulled her closer to himself.

"Ignore it."


"It's probably just my parents again."

"Again? When have they called before?" Mimi could hardly remember Roger's parents ever calling normally, let alone recently.

"They've called everyday for the past four days. It's getting on my nerves. Pretty soon they're going to realize that I'm avoiding them."

Mimi laughed just as the machine went off. SPEEEEAAAAAAAAK. Roger glanced over at it, prepared for his mother's scolding voice on how they needed a proper outgoing message on the machine. He was surprised, however, to hear a different voice. The voice of a teenage girl.

"Roger… I know you're there… pick up… Rooooogeeeer, pick up the phone…Ok, fine. I see how it is. You don't want to talk to your sister. Whatever. Well, when you get this message, you should call me back, because I really have to talk to you, ok? Bye." There was a click and then silence. For a moment, Roger was too shocked to move.

"Roger… Was that really your sister?" Mimi asked. She had never met Rebecca, though Roger had told her many stories about her.

"Yeah…" Roger was still in shock. Rebecca had called. Rebecca had called. She never called. They wrote to each other often, but she had never actually called. If she had, then one of their parents would've been able to listen in on the conversation and find out what each of them was up to, since there were things they would discuss only with each other. Neither of them liked their parents very much and kept them in the dark about as much as possible. So why was she calling? "I'd better call her back. It must be important if she's calling me."

Roger picked up the phone and dialed the one number he swore he would never dial again, since it would mean very likely having to speak with one of his parents.

"Hello." Yes! Rebecca picked up. For a moment, though, Roger couldn't say anything. He hadn't seen Rebecca in nearly two years and the sound fo her voice was odd. She was 16 now and her voice wasn't as childish as it was before.

"Hey, Becca. It's me, Roger."

"Finally. Geez, Mom and Dad have been calling all week! Why the hell didn't you answer the phone?"

"Ok, go back and say that first part again."

"Mom and Dad have been calling all week… Oh… Gotchya." They both started laughing.

"So, why have they been calling?"

Becca's voice immediately became sober.

"Nana's in the hospital." Roger didn't like the sound of that. Nana was their grandmother on their father's side. Roger and Rebecca both adored her, she was an amazing grandmother. Not stuffy and stuck-up like their mom's side of the family and not strict and hard like their father was. Roger, honestly, couldn't see the relation and wondered how someone so amazing could have spawned someone so horrible. Other than Rebecca, she was the only person Roger felt he could related to in his immediate family and being in the hospital didn't seem like a good sign. Despite this, however, he immediately lapsed into Re-assuring Brother Mode.

"Nana's been in the hospital before. I'm sure she'll be fine…"

"No, Roger. It's worse this time. Much worse. The doctors don't think she's going to make it out this time."

"Oh…" Roger was silent for a long time. "What's that got to do with me, though? Why have Mom and Dad been calling?"

"It was actually on Nana's request. She wants to see you one more time before she dies. Mom and Dad said you can stay here." Roger was quiet again.

"Uh… Becca, I don't think I can do that… I mean, I've got Mimi and Nathan and work…"

"Fuck work. And you can bring Mimi and Nathan with you." Now she sounded eager. "I can finally meet my nephew and sister-in-law! This is going to be awesome!"

"Don't say 'fuck', and Mimi and I aren't married yet, so…"

"So, what? Come on, Roger, please! It's not just that. I haven't' seen you in two years! I miss you! Marie does too."

"I'll talk it over with Mimi."

"Ok, great. See you!"

"Bye." He hung up the phone and put his head in his hands. What was he going to do? He felt a hand rub along his shoulder and looked up to see Mimi sitting on the edge of the couch.

"So, what's going on?"

"Nana's in the hospital. She wants to see me before she dies. My parents want me to go over there and stay there a bit."

"At their house?"



"You and Nathan could come, too."

"I would love to meet your grandma. And I'm dying to meet Rebecca, she sounds like so much fun!"

"She really wants to meet you, too."

"So, let's go. It'll only be for a little while, right? Not like, a month or anything."

"Are you sure?" Roger was really apprehensive about his parents meeting Mimi. He knew they wouldn't approve and was worried about what they might say to and about her.

"Yeah. It'll be fine, Roger. Let's go."

"Ok. If you're sure."
But Roger had a feeling that this was not going to be a fun experience.

I know! Totally short! But, there was nothing more to put. The next might be unbelievably long, unless i find an appropriate spot to split it.