1Sentence: UraIchi

By: TG



Author's Notes: I have recently been into UraIchi, and so as an exercise I decided to do a 1sentence set from LJ. If you can't figure it out, 1sentence gives sets of 50 words, and you have to write a sentence based on those words using a pairing of your choice. Please read author's note below.

Disclaimer: I don't own Bleach.

Warnings: Some of the sentences are M rated, which is why this little…drabble? is rated M.



1. Ring – Orihime stared at the ring in her palm with watering eyes, Kurosaki-kun's voice ringing through her head, saying "I'm sorry."

2. Hero -Urahara Kisuke knew most people saw the younger Kurosaki as a hero; he was the only one, however, who knew that, despite all the kid had seen and done, he was still just that: a kid.

3. Memory –Ichigo knew that every time he'd another one of those nightmares, he could just stagger into Kisuke's room and everything would be okay again.

4. Box –Ichigo might be in love with Kisuke, but that didn't mean the older man could use him as a box-mover and not pay him.

5. Run –"I've decided to stop running, Kisuke," Ichigo mumbled as he straddled the older man's lap and kissed him clumsily.

6. Hurricane –As Ichigo rocked back into his lover, sweat dripping down his body and that familiar coil in his abdomen tightening, he thought that there was nothing in the world as intense as this.

7. Wings –Kisuke knew he was nowhere near the man Ichigo thought he was, but those thoughts flew from his mind every time Ichigo took him to Heaven.

8. Cold –Even though Inoue put on a smile for them whenever she saw Kurosaki-kun and Urahara-san together, inside, she just felt cold and empty.

9. Red –It would be useless for him to sit around and worry, because he knew that Ichigo would come back to him safe and sound; he just had to.

10. Drink –Isshin thought, as he raised his sake glass to meet Urahara's in a toast, that there was something different and new and unattainable in the blonde's eyes and he promised himself he would find out what the blonde was hiding.

11. Midnight –Isshin pretended he couldn't hear his son sneaking back into his bedroom every night, but that didn't make him any less curious and concerned.

12. Temptation –Every time Ichigo said his name in that voice, brown eyes half-lidded, his hips bucking for friction, it was like sin itself.

13. View –Kisuke could always appreciate the sight of a blushing Ichigo, freshly showered and clutching a loose towel around his waist.

14. Music –Isshin had to face the music sooner or later; his little boy was growing up and there was nothing he could do to stop it.

15. Silk –Ichigo couldn't keep in his moan as his lover kissed him, the piece of chocolate bar passing from the blonde's hot mouth into Ichigo's, melting like silk on his tongue.

16. Cover –As Ichigo dove to avoid a Bala blast, his thoughts momentarily turned to the blonde man waiting for him at home and he smiled.

17. Promise –Kisuke knew that every look, every glance that his old friend had given him was an individual promise of pain if Kisuke ever hurt Ichigo; Kisuke would just gaze back at him evenly, silently promising 'I won't.'

18. Dream –The real thing was better than any fantasy, Ichigo thought as he arched at the hand stroking his cock.

19. Candles –Kisuke plastered one of his infamous fake smiles on his face as he watched Yuzu-chan decorate Ichigo's birthday cake with candles; it only reminded him of one of the many reasons why they shouldn't be together.

20. Talent –Ichigo smirked at the sounds coming out of his lover's mouth as he deep throated him; who knew he had such natural talent?

21. Silence –Kisuke stared at Abarai and barely managed to ask, "What do you mean, he didn't make it;"the only answer he got in return was silence.

22. Journey –Ichigo had come too far to be deterred now, so he reached up, brushed a lock of blonde hair away from a stubbly face, and closed the distance between their lips.

23. Fire –Fire, Kisuke thought, was the perfect word to describe Ichigo; the determined personality, the strength in those coiled muscles, the look in those brown eyes as they rocked against each other, and (the blonde smirked) the hair.

24. Strength –Ichigo had the physical strength to keep moving forward and Urahara had the emotional strength to hold Ichigo up when his body can't move any longer; that's why Isshin has to admit that his best friend is good enough for his only son.

25. Mask –Ichigo's mask crumbles every time he sets foot in the Shoten and he refuses to admit to himself that only Kisuke can do that to him.

26. Ice –Ever since the Pineapple found out about his and Kisuke's relationship, he's gotten the cold shoulder and he doesn't fucking understand why.

27. Fall –All his life he's always been taught that it hurts when you fall but you have to just pick yourself back up and keep on going; but now he has a certain Substitute Shinigami who will pick him back up and kiss his wounds.

28. Forgotten –When he saw Ichigo's angry face, he realized he had forgotten their anniversary; the blonde just put a hand behind his head and laughed like a madman as he ran from the angry teen, shouting "I didn't realize you were such a romantic, Kurosaki-kun!"

29. Dance –Kisuke often encouraged Ichigo to do normal teenager things even when the redhead didn't want to; he smiled as he whispered "Have fun at prom, Ichigo" into his ear in such a way as to make sure the kid would be thinking of nothing but him all night long.

30. Body –Ichigo knew that when Kisuke muttered "you're beautiful," he didn't just mean his body.

31. Sacred –Kisuke knows he's betraying his best friend's trust by fucking his only son, but no matter how hard he tries, when he hears Ichigo beg for more while writhing underneath him, he finds that can't stop.

32. Farewells –Kisuke figured the whole point of reincarnation was never having to say goodbye.

33. World –Ichigo's favorite place in any world is sitting on the roof of the Shoten with Kisuke; it always brings the kind of inner peace he never thought he'd have.

34. Formal –Byakuya knew that the orange-haired brat had a certain disregard for formalities (his eye twitches every time Kurosaki calls him by his first name), but the way he looked at Urahara made him wonder if something else was going on behind the scenes.

35. Fever –Kisuke fed Ichigo another spoonful of chicken noodle soup and tried to ignore the half-lidded brown eyes dreamily watching his every movement as he replaced the cold compress on the teenager's forehead.

36. Laugh –Ichigo was still pissed about the first time he'd tried to top and Kisuke had laughed at him; well, the blonde would just have to deal with no sex for a week.

37. Lies –He could never lie to Kisuke; that damned man knew everything.

38. Forever –Kisuke wishes that forever existed for people like them; they would always be off fighting some kind of evil and there was no guarantee that they would both come out unscathed.

39. Overwhelmed –Kisuke never thought he could feel this intensely toward his best friend's son; his chest constricted every time he caught sight of Ichigo's soft orange hair and he knew it was love.

40. Whisper –Ichigo lay there panting in the after-glow, enjoying the feel of Kisuke's warm breath ghosting over his collarbone, whispering nonsense words of love.

41. Wait – Kisuke knows about Ichigo's feelings; now he just has to play the waiting game.

42. Talk –Despite what others think, Ichigo loves staying up to all hours of the night talking; he'll never admit it, though.

43. Search –Kisuke's hands fumbled inside the drawer for the bottle, the writhing form below him, panting and slick with sweat, distracted him and the breathy "please" wiped his mind clean, the lube forgotten.

44. Hope –The moment Kisuke heard about the car accident, he'd rushed to the Clinic as quickly as he could; as soon as he got there and saw the prone figure with orange tufts sticking up from the bandages, he knew he could only hope for the best.

45. Eclipse –Ichigo secretly hates when that green and white striped hate eclipses Kisuke's beautiful gray eyes; this is why he always takes it off before kissing him.

46. Gravity –Whenever Orihime thought about Kurosaki-kun and how he doesn't love her, her heart felt weighed down with the gravity of knowledge and unrequited love.

47. Highway –Ichigo had never returned Inoue's feelings for him, but as he watched her walk away, it felt like a stretch of highway was between them and no bridge could ever connect them again and he couldn't help but wonder where he'd gone wrong.

48. Unknown –When Kisuke asked him to give a chance, Ichigo felt like he was taking a 'trust fall' that he could never recover from, but now he wouldn't trade it for anything on any world.

49. Lock –When he felt Ichigo's fingers tentatively lock together around the back of his neck, playing with the short blonde hairs there as they kissed, he knew that he wouldn't only ever want Ichigo.

50. Breathe –As cliché as it sounds, when Ichigo is around Kisuke can't breathe, but when the boy isn't by his side, it feels like he is dying.



Author's Note: If you like a sentence and wish to base a story off of it, please ASK ME FIRST and don't forget to credit me for the idea.

TG © June 2008