Take Me Away

My Guardian Angel

A white room. That's all she saw. A large white room. She saw an extremely bright light. She saw a silhouette of a figure with large wings. This figure descended upon her and the closer this person got the better she saw. This person had long blond hair. A white robe that ended at her mid thighs. Her long sleeve ended where her fingers started. She was holding out her hand to her. She reached for it. She was about to grab it when...

Raven awoke. The dream again. She same dream she's had since the Titans broke up. Quite a few things from the Titans' days ended. Super villainy had pretty much ended. Now there were only ordinary criminals. Nobody really knew why. The theory was that the criminals that were young, had matured and given up there criminal history. Of course there were still the monsters. Those were the only real problems. But the police had advanced the prison facility to where there was no way they could escape.

Raven was sad to see the Titans break up. Last she heard from any of them was a year ago. Out of five years. They only contacted each other once. They promised that they would stay friends and always keep contact. But they never did. For Starfire it was understandable because she went back to Tameran. But they even promised her that even though that they wouldn't be a team they wopuld be friends and visit her. But last Raven heard no one even remembered. But she did.

Raven was proud of how she turned out. She was working at a club down the street from her apartment. She lived in a middle class neighborhood. Sure it didn't have an ocean view, but it was home.

Raven was happy with her normal life. No crime to fight. No roomates to fight with over who got to use the bathroom next. It was somewhat great. Although she sometimes longed for how it used to be. Her trying to find some quiet to read. Beast boy and Cyborg fighting over breakfast. Robin reading the paper. And Starfire offering everyone some tameranian dish that induced gagging. She missed those times.

Raven got up out of her bed and walked to her bathroom. She shed her oversized shirt and underwear and walked into her shower. She allowed the warm water to cascade down her body and she relaxed some. She wanted to know what the dream meant. Some sort of angel descended down from the sky in a bright light. She chuckled as she thought it was some kind of sign saying go to church and save her from hell or something.

Raven exited her shower and changed into white long-sleeve turtle neck with a purple short sleeve shirt over it and blue jeans. She saw her old costume next to her black coat and she looked at it with sad eyes. Raven sighed and grabbed her coat and closed her closet.

Raven grabbed her keys and locked her door as she left and put on her coat on the way down. Raven walked to her favorite cafe and thought about her dream as she waited for the waitress to return with her tea. The waitress returned with her order and Raven thanked her.

One of Raven's friends walked up to her and smiled.

"Hey Rae, what's up?"She asked.

"Hi Sasha,"Raven replied. "Nothing really. You?"

"Eh, same old, same old. Are you ready for tonight's charity event? Everyone who's anyone is gonna be there," She said. " I even hear that the Titans are gonna be there." Sasha added quietly.

"I wouldn't bet on it. Besides They never showed to the other charities why would they come to this one." Raven said pesemistically.

"Not even a little faith Rae?"

"Not even an ounce."

Sasha shrugged and sipped her coffee. Raven tipped and she and Sasha left to the Music Hall where the charity ball would be held. The event was to raise money for third world children. Raven and Sasha arrived at Music Hall a few minutes later. They dressed in what they were going to wear when the show started.

"Do you don't have faith?"Sasha said after she got ready.

"Yep."Raven answered flatly.

"OK."Sasha said swearing that she saw Starfire. She shrugged it off and the show began. Both Sasha and Raven were up and the sound of techno filled the room.

All I wanna do is stay right here on the floor

Get lost in the night

And dance like there's no tomorrow

Don't care about the sunrise

Somebody please just hit the lights

All I wanna do is dance like there's no tomorrow

Raven suddenly saw Starfire, Beast Boy, Cyborg, and Robin all standing near the wall. Raven was in shock that they actually came and she could see that they had the same shock when they saw her on stage.

Raven and Sasha finished their duet and the crowd clapped for them. Raven and Sasha walked down to them and Starfire captured Raven in her famous bone crushing bear hugs. Raven smiled. She missed it.

Starfire began telling Raven all about her adventures on tameran all in one breath before Raven made her breathe. Raven hugged them all and introduced them to Sasha. Beast Boy began drooling at the sight of her.

Long blond hair, large blue eyes, full-curvy body, pearly smile and voice softer then summer rain. She reminded him of Terra only somehow Sasha was better looking.

The whole team was talking about what they did after their separation and Sasha told them she was going to get ready for her next performance and told Raven she should get ready soon too. All of a sudden, a large bat-like man creature burst through the large stain glass window that showed an angel spreading her wings and ascending to the skies. (Raven always wondered if that was the angel from her dream.)

For the lack of knowledge of this creature we shall call it the "bat". The bat roared loadly and the people in the building screamed and ran in terror of the monster. Robin looked at the other titans and they nodded.

"TITANS GO!" Robin shouted the famous battle cry and the others smiled and ran into the action. All but Raven. She stayed back.


Raven looked back to the crowd of running people and saw Sasha trying to call for her help when suddenly Sasha was pushed and she hit the bar counter top and fell unconscious.

"Gotta save Rae-"Sasha was saying as she passed out.

The bat landed next to Raven and screeched loudly. Raven screamed in fear for the first time in her life. As the beast was about to grab her, a golden light shined down from the stain glass window 100 yards above her.

A silhouette seemed to descend from the light with pearl white wings. This figure blasted the bat with a strong amount of golden light. She stayed in the air twenty yards above Raven and chanted a spell just audible.

"Sothniz noirtem htareza!" (A/N: look at the words closely) A beam of light engulfed the bat and it screeched loudly. It ascended and flew through the window it came from.

Raven remembered this image from her dream and saw the figure ascend back through the light from which she appeared. Raven got up from where she was at and looked at the feather that was left behind.