Jasper and I reached the yard to our house. We both stopped. Jasper had controlled his fury enough to send waves of relief down my body. Thankfully, Edward was not here to read my mind. He was away with Bella. I wanted to be the one to break the news to everyone, but I wasn't sure if now was the right time.


"Yes?" He felt my hesitancy and became curious. He grabbed my hand and sent new waves of trust through me.

"Could you not tell the others about this just yet, please. I don't want them to know about it yet. I want to make sure that this really happened and they're not just playing a prank on us."


"Please Jasper!" I purposely made my eyes big.

"Well, okay. Bit if we find out that this is a real deal, we'll tell them first thing. I don't like hiding things from my family."

"Thank you."

He cupped my face in his hands. "You know I don't want him around you. There's no need to have that worry that you're feeling." Dang, he's good. "I will not let him get you."

"Thank you Jasper. I know you won't." But that was the problem. I was worried about him protecting me. I just had this insanely horrible feeling that something bad was going to happen, but I didn't know what.

Then, he leaned in and kissed me…again! Wow! This was different. I let myself enjoy it. I foresaw that this was going to end soon, so I wrapped my arms around his neck. He held me close to his body.

It lasted like this for about another minute then he pulled away. He looked me in the eyes, his full of love. "I don't know what I'd do without you. If I ever lost you…" his eyes looked troubled. "You're my whole world. I need you to complete me. If someone ever tried to take you…" his body tensed and his eyes turned to fury. Then his face looked pained. I could feel his pain.

"Oh Jasper!" I buried my head on his shoulder. "That's never going to happen." I looked at him and stroked his pained face. "Don't you think on it for one more second! I would never leave you! We're too perfect for each other! The world would have to turn upside down before I even considered leaving…" To my relief, his face relaxed. He looked relieved. "I love you too much…" He tilted my face up and kissed me once more. While my entire body filled up with butterflies, somewhere deep down, my gut twisted even tighter.