
"So, what's this?" Sam asked, balancing a book on her thigh. She took a swig of her Dr Pepper loudly, not caring if she annoyed Danny. "Why are you showing me this?" She turned to find Danny swivel in his computer chair.

"It's called Advice for the Clueless," he explained, taking Sam's hand. She slurpped loudly as he sighed.

"Yeah? So?"

"Doesn't that sound familiar?"

"Yeah. Me and Tuck used to call you clueless all the time." Danny rolled his eyes, imagining the dialouge right then.

"Danny doesn't love me," Sam would cry, grasping Tucker's arm. He would shake his head in disbelief.

"No, he does," he would argue. "He just doesn't know, yet. He's clueless."

"That's right," Sam would sniffle. "He's just too clueless." And then they would burst into song about how clueless he was.

Just like High School Musical.

Ugh. Dany shuddered just thinking about it. How many times Jazz had forced him to spend his Saturday nights watching that movie. It was so unreal how everyone burst randomly into song, while dancing on tables and simultaneously knowing all the sam moves. Anyway, moving on.

"So, do you know what this is?"

"A book?" Danny smacked his forehead in frustration.

"No, Tucker bought me this book."

"Oh!" Sam snapped her fingers in triumph. A smile flickered across her face as she reminisced the night Tucker had called her about Danny's birthday. He said he was going to get him a book!

"So, a book helped you become not so clueless?" Sam couldn't help but snicker a little bit at Danny's helplessness. He was so pathetic.

Danny's eyes narrowed in accusation. "Are you mocking me?"

Sam shook her head defensively. "I am not... I'm just askin why you needed professional help to let me know you liked me back." Danny relaxed, his eyes becoming normal size.

"I don't know," he agreed, shrugging. "I guess I needed help."

"Like therapy."

"Hey," he snapped back. "I never said I needed therapy."

"But, therapy's professional help."

"So is when you ask a teacher how to spell a word!"

"You don't know how to spell?"

"I never said that!"

"You can't speak? You're mute?!"

"Stop twisting my words!" Sam laughed, getting a kick out of this.

"It's okay," she cooed, tracing Danny's jaw. "I love you anyway."

"Good. Me too."

"Even though you have tons of problems that are needed to looked at by professionals."

Yay! It's done! Now, there's a new twist on your reviewing. When you review, you have to tell me which fanfic you like better (if you read the original AftC): Not So Clueless or Advice for the Clueless.

Now, go ahead and click that little purple button down there. Why, may you ask? Well, because if you don't, the world was we know it will be domintaed by the Sharpies of this world. Oh, crap! I have about three-million Sharpies in my room! Nooooooo!! Review! Please! I'm going to die if you don't!

Review, danggit.