Disclaimer: I do not own Twilight.

"This sucks." Emmett scowled as he stood in the middle of my bedroom, his arms crossed. I knew he didn't want to do this. I didn't want him to do this.

"Well then maybe you should convince Edward that I don't need someone to watch me sleep." This was completely ridiculous! Edward was being way too overprotective of me, okay, so maybe I'm a klutz, and maybe I'm a danger magnet, but still! I don't need protection while I sleep!

"I'm not watching you sleep. I'm watching for other vampires that could kill you. Damn overprotective brother." He muttered the last part, and I laughed.

"I'm sorry for your troubles, Emmett." He sat down on my bed and shot a disgusted frown at me as I walked out of my bedroom and down the hallway towards the bathroom.

"Bella." I turned around and saw Charlie walk out of his bedroom. He looked as if he just had rolled out of bed.

"Yeah, Dad?" I asked.

"You going to bed soon?"

"Yeah. Just gonna go and take a shower."

"I'll check in on you later." He nodded, "Night."

"Night." I said as he stared suspiciously at me while walking back into his bedroom.

I rolled my eyes as I entered the bathroom, turning on the shower. My dad was so overprotective sometimes, but never as overprotective as Edward.

This is insane! He's really going to get an earful when he gets home from hunting. I mean, come on…Emmett? Are you joking? I'll be lucky if I wake up and I don't look like a clown. Sighing, whether it was from annoyance or unhappiness, I cut off the water and stepped out, carefully drying my body with the towel, making sure I didn't slip up.

I changed into my sweats and shirt and then started back towards my bedroom. Here we go. I opened up my door and gasped at what I saw, "Emmett!" I shrieked, "What are you doing?" I quickly closed the door, making sure I didn't slam it; I didn't want Charlie coming to check on me and finding Edward's brother in my room. Especially doing what he was doing.

Emmett Cullen was standing in front of my dresser, pulling out my bras.

"Seeing how you match up to Rose. And seeing how Edward is going to feel when you guys finally sleep together." I felt my face heat up, and I snatched the bras away from him and shoved them back into my drawer, a scowl placed on my face.

"Emmett! Keep it down! And act more civilized!"

"Hey, I'm not a prude like Edward, you're gonna have to get used to this stuff when he finally turns you."

"He's not going to do it." I sighed, sitting down on my bed. I had to finally accept the truth. I could feel the tears well up in my eyes.

"Why not?" He asked, sitting down next to me. My side of the bed rose significantly, causing a small smile to form on my face as I blinked the tears away.

"He doesn't want me to become a vampire."

"I do." He smiled, "You're funny, fun to laugh at, and sweet…and perfect for Edward."

"Thanks." I smiled as my phone vibrated.

"You got a phone?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

"No, Edward got me a phone." I rolled my eyes, "Only for 'emergencies'."

"So it's only for when Edward gets worried, Alice has a vision, or he's gone hunting?"

"Pretty much!" I grinned, and Emmett pointed towards the phone.

"You better get that before your boyfriend goes all 'Volturi' on it." I laughed and nodded, grabbing the phone at the final vibrate.

Hello?" I asked. I decided not to be rude, and I put it on speaker phone.

"Bella!" Edward's velvet voice came through the other end of the phone, and it made my heart flutter, "You took a while to answer. Is everything okay? Is Emmett there?"

I opened my mouth to say something, but Emmett grabbed the phone from my hand.

"Listen, prude." Emmett interrupted, causing a low growl to be emitted over the phone, "I'm here. Your girlfriend-"

"Fiancée." Edward corrected, and I blushed.

"Fine. Fiancée is completely fine. Just took a shower. So calm down and stop being so overprotective."

"Emmett!" I scolded, grabbing the phone away. "Sorry about him, Edward."

"It's just my brother. I'll get over it." He didn't sound too sure about himself.

"You okay?" I asked.

"Yes, of course I am, Bella! Jasper and I are both fine."

"That's great. Hey, listen, I gotta go to bed, I'm feeling a little tired, I'll see you tomorrow."

"I'll be there when you wake. Tell Emmett I said goodnight, and that if he leaves your side when you sleep for even a mere minute, he will never see another day."

Emmett rolled his eyes and stood up.

"He got the message, Edward."

"Goodnight, sweetheart, I love you." Emmett stopped and stared at the phone.

I blushed furiously, "I love you too, goodnight."

"Goodbye, sweet Bella." He said, and then hung up the phone. I closed it and sighed, setting it back down on my nightstand.

"You talk like that to each other all the time?" Emmett asked as I crawled under my covers.

"Yes." I nodded my head, no wanting to talk. I was tired, he needed to get over it. It's not my fault vampires can't sleep.

"So…what do you and Edward do while he's over here?"

"We talk, and when Charlie comes in to check on me, he hides in the closet, and then I fall asleep. He likes to watch me sleep, I don't know why." I shrugged my shoulders. What was so fascinating watching a human sleep?

"That's boring." Emmett scoffed. "How come I got stuck with the boring job? Can't you stay up?"

"No." I retorted.

"Why not?"

"Because Edward will be worried if I look like a complete zombie when he returns in the morning."

"Oh so what? So does Rosalie. It's called make-up, Bella."

"Emmett? I'm going to sleep, goodnight." I said, reaching over and turning off the light. He still stood in the same place.

"What now?" He whispered, and I rolled my eyes.

"Sit down! I don't know!" I shut my eyes, hoping that if I opened them, this would all just be a stupid dream and Edward would really be there.

"Edward just sits here?" I opened my eyes back up, and Emmett was still there.

"Well I really don't think you want to hold me as I fall asleep, do you?" I spat back, and Emmett shook his head.

"He holds you as you sleep?" He asked, and I buried my face into my pillow, darkness overcoming my eyes.

"Yes." I mumbled through the pillow. "Now shut up while I try to sleep! We really don't want to explain to Edward why I have dark circles under my eyes in the morning, do we?"

Emmett shook his head, and then sat down in the rocking chair. I smiled and then drifted into unconsciousness.

Emmett's POV

This is so boring! I want to just want to pummel Edward for making me do this. I was wasting practically twelve hours of my life!

What is so fascinating about watching a human sleep anyways? Edward is so old-fashioned, it's not even funny. I doubt that people back in that day even liked watching the person that they loved sleep.

"Edward." I heard her moan, and I snapped my head in her direction.

"Bella? You awake? It's Emmett, not Edward." I got up and stood at the foot of her bed, staring at her.
She was completely asleep!

"Edward." She moaned again, this time, a little louder then before.

"Shh! Charlie's gonna wake up!"

"I love you…Edward." She sighed, and then buried her head into the pillow.

Maybe this is why Edward loved to watch her sleep. So he could hear her say his name and that she loves him over and over again. But doesn't she do that when she's awake too?

"Please, Edward." She pleaded as I settled back down into my chair. "I want to." What in the world was this Bella dreaming about? Maybe she was asking Edward to sleep with her again, and he was refusing. Typical Edward. Why does he have to be such a prude? "Change me. Change me." She repeated, and realization hit me.

She was dreaming about Edward, and she wanted him to change her into a vampire. Poor girl! I don't understand why Edward doesn't change her though. He'd get what he wanted: her, living, with him, forever.

"Edward, please!" She screamed out into the night. "Edward…" She rolled around so that she was facing the other direction. "I want to…" She rolled back around, and then started thrashing. "Edward, please! Edward! Edward!" She got louder and louder with every scream of his name, and I ran over and placed a hand on her arm. She immediately stopped thrashing.

"Bella. Bella, it's okay. I'm here."

"Hold…me." She muttered, and I backed away in shock. "Hold me, Edward."
"I'm not Edward, it's-"

"Edward, please."

I sighed and looked around the room. No one was here. Edward wouldn't come back for another four hours at least. No one would notice if I held Bella for the night. I crawled into the other side of the bed and wrapped an arm around her torso.

This was strange.

It wasn't Rose, for one thing, my sweet, sweet Rose, and for the other? It was my brother's girlfriend I was comforting….in her bed.

Wasn't this only shown in the nasty soap dramas that Rose and Alice gush over? Where a boy and a girl date, but the boy's brother ends up sleeping with his girlfriend?

I shivered at the thought. If Edward finds me like this, I'm surely dead.

But, I'd probably knock him out first.

I looked around Bella's room.


She doesn't have any sharp objects to stab or knock me out with if I knock Edward out.

She sighed in content, and then rolled back over so that her warm face was on my chest. She wrapped an arm around my chest, and I let go, placing my other around her shoulders. She snuggled in closer to me.

"Oh, Edward."

So this is why he loves to watch her sleep.

"I love you so much, change me, Edward, change me. I'll be good, I promise. Please change me."

My brother's just weird.