A/N: Firstly, I'd like to apologise for the lateness of this chapter. Both L.C and I have have mocks and assesments recently, and I was aiming to have this up by Christmas, but the internet died when I needed it the most. But this is the last chapter and I hope you enjoy it. As usual, we own nothing.

Owen's POV

I sat there between Tosh and Jack on the high table in the reception feeling absolutely drained, mentally and physically. I was going to ask which cater Ianto hired because there was something off about the shellfish and I didn't fancy food poisoning on top of everything else that had happened today. Enough was enough...that, and I think Ianto deliberately picked shellfish in a subtle way to say I am selfish, no matter what the others think I'm not that dumb.

Suddenly, Jack tapped his fork to his champagne glass to grab everyone's attention. I groan as I remembered that Jack had to give the Best Man speech...why, oh why, did I ask Jack again?

Oh yeah, because Ianto would have bored everyone to death.

Jack's blue eyes gleamed, and I got a feeling of dread in the pit of my stomach. "Now, I did some research on the internet on how long a Best Man speech should be," he said with a smirk. Oh God, this wasn't going to be good. "Apparently, a Best Man speech should be as long as the groom makes love to the bride...so I guess there's no point in even having a speech."

Everyone but me laughed. I knew Jack loved the attention.

"Just like his father then," my mother hollered drunkenly. Oh for fuck sake, I really should have just asked Gwen to do the speeches.

"Now, to being serious," Jack said calmly, his grin melted off of his face. "Owen was a rat-faced arsehole who couldn't really care less about anyone – well, that was the impression he gave off. But truth is, he was a loving man who tracked me down for revenge of the death of his fiancée, he was man so full of grieve that he closed himself to love...then he met Toshiko...and well, she opened him up again. I am proud to call Owen Mervin Harper my brother."

"You're never going to let me live that down are you?" I said through gritted teeth.

"Never," Jack said grinning, his pearly white teeth shinning. He then went back to being serious. "Toshiko...when I found her she was in a troubled state, she was terrified and preferred to hide behind something just to keep her safe. Once Owen opened his bloody eyes and realised Tosh was the one for him, he had made her become one of the most beautiful blossomed flowers in the garden, someone who was not scared to have her say, someone who could be outgoing. I'm proud of you both and I love you both so very much. To Toshiko and Owen!"

"To Toshiko and Owen!" everyone chanted taking a sip of their champagne as Tosh sat beside me blushing beautifully as she usually did. I bent down and pressed a kiss on her cheek causing her blush to deepen, I couldn't help but smirk. I loved the effect I had on her.

"O-O-Owen," I turned to see my mother stuttering as she shivered, making her way to me. I got up and met her half-way, keeping a firm hand on her arm, she had too much alcohol, I'm sure...wouldn't be the first time and I knew it wouldn't be the last. "I was wrong Owen, so wrong, you're not a waste of space, you never were...I just looked at you and saw your father," my mother babbled, tears streaming down her cheeks. Good lord, she can cry! I thought that was impossible. "You're a hero baby," she whispered. "I love you, so much."

I held onto my mother tightly. "Love you too, Mum," I mumbled, and then she felt limp in my arms, I pull back to see her snoring gently. Around the room everyone but the team and my grandparents were asleep.

I felt Jack put a comforting hand on my shoulder. "I'm sorry, but we had to retcon them," Jack murmured.

"She finally saw me as me," I whispered half to myself and half to him.

"I know..." Jack said sadly.

Nana stepped forward and took my mother into her arms. She then smiled at me sadly. I felt Tosh slip her hand into mine. "You were always a hero to me," she whispered reassuringly.

Soft slow music started up and I looked round to see Ianto and Martha working on the DJ kit while the DJ himself was snoring his head off on the floor.

"This one is for you Owen and Tosh!" Ianto called out. "Think of it as your first dance."

I turned to Tosh and pulled her gently onto the dance floor. My arms wrapped round her waist tightly as hers rested on my neck. From the corner of my eye I could see Jack leading Gwen onto the dance floor, followed by Nana, Gramps and Martha dragging Ianto.

"Shouldn't we retcon your grandfather?" Tosh whispered.

I raised both my eyebrows at her. "Tosh, my grandfather is a nutcase, who the hell will believe him?" No point in wasting perfectly good retcon.

She gave a brief nod. "Fair point."

Gwen's POV

I watched Tosh wrapped tightly in Owen's arms, swaying in time to the music. They looked like they were lost in their own little world. When I first met them I didn't think either were marriage material. Tosh seemed like a little computer geek that spent every Friday night sitting and talking to a cat, and Owen was just a mean little twat. But they were my family, and I loved them both.

Jack's arm slipped around my shoulders, strong and protective. He sent a wave of cologne my way; he smelt so good. A scent completely Jack Harkness. "You alright?" he asked.

"Tired," I said, leaning into him. "It's been a long day."

He said nothing, but I could feel the movement of him nod. I listened to the sound of his heartbeat. Thump, thump, thump, thump, thump. Fast and aggressive. "Are you alright?" I asked.

He reached behind him and pulled out two glasses of champagne, handing one to me. I mumbled a thanks and held it between my hands loosely. All the guests bar two or three were out cold and wouldn't remember a thing when they woke up. At least, I hoped not. My memory always came back whenever I took retcon.

I raised the glass to my mouth, but stopped half-way when something sparkled in the light. It was probably debris from the destruction the shape shifter caused. With all the fuss today I couldn't be arsed to get a new glass, so I just got a fork and took it out. And then froze.

Hanging from the end of the fork was a golden band with three diamonds on it. A ring. Oh God, Tosh hadn't lost it earlier had she?!

"What'd you say?" Jack asked, moving to stand in front of me so that he was the only thing in my line of sight. "Will you marry me, Gwen?" he whispered.

Wait, the ring was for me? Captain Jack Harkness was actually proposing marriage to me? Me... I just stood there with my mouth hanging open; I couldn't shut it no matter how much I wanted to.

Jack sighed quickly, mis-reading my silence. "I understand if you...I mean, there was the whole thing with Rhys and -"

I crushed my lips against him, hopefully leaving no room for doubt as it what my answer was. Gwen Harkness...I said it over in my mind a few times. It had a ring to it (no pun intended). Of course, I'd combined ours names before, but never so realistically.

"Is that a yes?" he breathed against my lips.

I just grinned. "We'll tell them later. This is Owen and Toshiko's big day," I said, leaning down to capture his lips again.

Ianto's POV

I was just dusting off the front desk and Geoff the postman came in whistling cheerfully. "Morning Ianto," he said cheerfully.

"Morning Geoff, how are you?" I asked politely.

"Fantastic, my grandkid just got accepted into Cambridge, imagine that?" Geoff boasted proudly.

"Congratulations," I smiled. "Any post for me?"

"Yep, some letters, fast food adverts and oh, a postcard from the Caribbean," Geoff said passing me the small bundle. "Well, better be off then, I'll see you the same time tomorrow Ianto."

"Goodbye Geoff," I called out whilst going through the pile and pulling out the postcard, it was a simple view of a beach with greetings from the Caribbean written in italics in the corner. I turned it round to see Owen's messy scrawl on the back.

To the Wedding from Hell

From the Honeymoon from Heaven

I snorted. Oh, I bet it was. Also, if Tosh and Owen go at it like Jack predicts, they'll get pregnant again...only this time not Owen. I hope anyway…

A/N: Well, there you go. Thanks to everyone who has stuck with this story to the end. Happy late Christmas.

Zebbie and L.C.