What Jack Wants, Jack Can't Have

With a yawn and a stretch, Jack scratched his belly. With bleary eyes, he wandered into the bathroom to relive himself and stopped dead in his tracks. Standing at the sink with a towel wrapped around her torso was Samantha Carter.

"Uh…hi," he muttered, not sure where he was allowed to look.

She turned, looked over her shoulder and grinned at him. "Good morning, sir," she said cheerfully, standing on her toes and kissing him on the cheek before moving back into the other room.

Jack frowned and scratched the back of his head. Now Jack O'Neill was often confused, and right now, was no exception. He was very, very confused. "Am I in another dimension or something? Because I'm not really sure how all this y'know, came to be…" he managed to say, leaning against the door frame.

Carter leaned down across the bed to retrieve her nearly stacked clothes. Sitting down on the edge of the bed, she looked up at him and smiled in a sexy manner.

Jack raised an eyebrow at her and pushed himself off the doorframe.

Standing up, Carter walked right up to Jack and leaned against him. Wrapping one arm around his neck, she threaded the fingers of her other hand into his salt and pepper hair. With the grip she had in his hair, she pulled his head down and planted a firm, passionate kiss on his lips. He knew this was wrong, but he couldn't seem to fight her off. Instead, his hands moved down to the small of her back. He expected to feel the flat, threadbare terrycloth of his old towel, but he felt bare skin under his fingers.

"I'm so glad we finally decided to do this," she whispered to him.

Jack was still confused, but that didn't mean he couldn't enjoy himself. He held her close to his chest and pressed his lips to the side of her neck.

"Sir," she whispered.

"Call me Jack," he answered, letting his rough hands glide over her smooth skin.


"You don't need to call me that."


Jack snapped his head up and looked at Carter. She was glaring at him from across the blue cloth covered table in the commissary. "What is it?" he asked.

"Were you listening to me?" she asked with a resigned frown.

"Uh…yeah! Yeah, of course I was," he replied.

Her expression said she didn't believe him. "Then what do you think we should do, sir?" she asked, leaning forward onto the table.

Jack blinked at her, opened his mouth, closed it and opened it again. "What do you think we should do, Carter?" he asked slowly.

Carter sighed. "You were daydreaming again, weren't you?"

He had thought it was a clever idea…Oh well, there was no point in denying it. Carter was too smart for that. "Yes," he said, hanging his head.

Rolling her eyes, Carter pushed herself up from the table. "I'll see you later, sir. I've got work to do."

Jack waved goodbye and returned to the bowl of fruit loops in front of him. Well, for now he couldn't have the real thing, so he'd settle for daydreams…

A/N: This was just a drabble I did, which actually spawned a short story which is still in-progress.