Thank you all for your reviews and your help with the word.

Lt Col Michael Griff of SG-2 was first introduced to SG-1 in year 2000 (I think it was the firefly ep where they also introduced Jennifer Hailey) and so is a long time member of the SGC. He's a canon figure, not a character I made up.

Just a question: did I dream it or was there really a scene with Vala wearing some wide leather strap instead of a bra in one ep. And if that actually happened... where can I get screenshots of her wearing that?

Thanks for the reviews and keep it up!


If there was one thing that was important to Vala it was her looks and attractiveness to men. After all, distracting them with her body and her sex appeal was an important part of her work. How could she rob them any other way if she didn't distract them?

For the first time in her life was Vala feeling the kind of belonging as she felt with SG-1 and thus considered the guys on the team her guys.

At first she had been jealous and felt competitive of the other woman on the team, but when she'd noticed Sam had absolutely no interest in any of the three men (or men in general, noticed Vala with puzzlement) Vala had been relieved and gotten to work.

She'd categorized the guys into three boxes:

a) Muscles was someone who was helpful in intimidating people with just his presence and was thus a good preventive bodyguard.

b) Jackson was someone she could entertain herself with, by harrassing him and trying to get an annoyed rise out of him. He rarely failed to provide her amusement. And while she had at first considered him for a sexual partner, she'd soon found out he was too rude, too hurtful and too mean, insulting to her for her to even want him as a sexual, much less romantic partner. She was no masochist. The fact was, Daniel Jackson was abusive. Emotionally and verbally and no woman in her right mind would want a man who treated her like Daniel treated Vala. Like shit. Thus Muscles and Daniel presented no interest as potential sexual partners to Vala.

c) As for Mitchell... Mitchell was the Alpha Male of the pack.

Had Muscles not been on the team Teal'c would've been an alpha too, yet he had willingly taken the place of the beta, something that had surprised Vala when she'd first realized it.

From what she'd heard, General O'Neill was the one whom Teal'c had betrayed his god for, sworn allegiance to and for whom Teal'c had taken the Beta position. She had not yet met the man (and she wanted to, if just to see what it took to inspire Teal'c to do such a thing and then follow him for years), but the fact that he had inspired in Teal'c such loyalty and belief in O'Neill's competence and skill for Teal'c to betray his god and free the Tau'ri, killing his own subordinates in the process, said a lot about O'Neill. And when O'Neill had left and Mitchell arrived Teal'c had taken his old place, the one he was used to and the one he was damn good at.

Mainly providing backup for the team leader and helping the leader look after his team. Well, most of the times. Daniel still managed to get himself killed on a regular basis.

But that was something Vala was sure would never change. Until Daniel died for real, of course, which would probably be very soon because she was sure the Ascended were getting mightily fed up with him and there would come a time they wouldn't let him ascend.

He could really try a person's patience...

Vala saw Mitchell in a different way than she saw the other guys, whom she only saw platonically. Mitchell was the Alpha Male of the pack and the status of Alpha Male alone has many women attracted to such men. But there was more.

Mitchell was the Alpha of the pack Vala was on and since she considered herself the Alpha female and since Carter showed no interest in guys (which was puzzling to Vala, since from what she'd heard Carter had been in an awfully big hurry to get married just a few months before, to a guy she didn't really know, in a hurry big enough to dump the guy who'd loved her for years because she couldn't wait for the "normal life". She resolved to get the blond woman out of her shell, otherwise Sam would die an old maid, alone and lonely, without any family.), Vala considered Mitchell her territory.

Because he was the Alpha, Vala believed he should be interested only in the females of his own pack, not look at others, and since the only female who showed interest in things other than doohickeys was Vala, he would thus have to be interested only in her.

And because the Alpha has the right to all the females in the pack (among wolves; while among silverback Gorillas there is only one adult male and all the adult females in the pack are all his wives and also mothers of his offspring) and since she knew Cam saw Sam as only a friend, then Vala belonged to him, something she thought logical and self-understood. And since she was the only female, and she didn't see the other males sexually, then he belonged to her in return.

Mitchell was hers and that he would go elsewhere, even pay to look at other women, was unthinkable and unacceptable to Vala. If he should be looking at any woman he should be looking at Vala, not at airheads he didn't know.

What was worse was that with this Cam had made Vala doubt herself, her sex appeal, something she had always been completely sure of. Which is why she surreptetiously checked herself out.

'What could be wrong with me enough for Cam to rather look at other women? My boobs are still great, they're big and full, my body is still slim and just-right muscular, I've got an amazingly thin waist and even better hips and ass, not to mention my legs. My thighs could crack nuts. My belly is flat and muscular... Why would he want to look at other women instead of me?'

Vala knew she was jealous, there was no denial for this woman, she'd always been brutally honest with herself about everything, and she was justifiably jealous and angry, for her leader was going to gawk and drool over someone other than her. That would just not do!

There was only one thing to do...

"I want to go with you."

Vala's simple declaration had Griff's eyebrows shooting up into his hair and Cam spluttering in surprise.

"What!?" he burst out and then glared at Griff, who was barely stiffling his chuckles.

"I want to go with you. I want to see what is so interesting to you." she shrugged nonchalantly. "Won't you take me with you, Darling?" She purred, running an enticing finger down his cheek.

Then she took out her most lethal weapon.

She pouted.


Now, Cam had seen women pout before in his life and he was immune to it.

But Vala took the pout to a whole new level. She'd literally made an art of it.

Her thick lower lip (all-natural and no sillicone or any other stuff in it, he'd noticed in the first hour he'd known her) stuck out, while big, sad gray eyes stared at him with such an expression of pleading and sadness that it tore at his heart. He groaned in misery, he hated it when women pulled such tricks.

'I'm not gonna give in.' he promised himself, repeating the mantra. 'I'm not gonna give in. I'm not gonna give in. I'm not gonna give in...'

He gave in.

"Okay, fine, you can come with me, I'll sort it out with the General." he yelled, ignoring Griff's outright laughter and the interested attention of others in the messhall. He was ready to do anything just to get her to stop looking at him that way. He dreaded the future, for now she knew she could get him to do anything she wanted by pulling that pout on him "We leave this Saturday at 0300, we've got a lot of road to cover before we get there. If you're not waiting for me topside at exactly 0300, then I'm leaving without you. And, remember, no picking pockets there or anywhere else!"

That was his last hope.

He knew how Vala was about her sleep. She would fall asleep and not even an earthquake would wake her up. She liked her sleep, called it her beauty sleep and because it was her beauty sleep it was the most important thing on the planet to her. Well, apart from treasures.

There was no way Vala would EVER wake up in the middle of the night for anything else than a watch shift.

But that expression on her face had him afraid and doubting his convictions.


Vala had known the second he'd given in. When he'd burst out his compliance she'd smiled triumphantly.

She would go with Cam to the car show and, if all went well, by the end of the day Cam would know whom he belonged to... to the Alpha Female of his pack.

In a very deliberate and symbolic gesture Vala confiscated Cam's glass, ignoring his protest, half-hearted though it was since by now he knew she always did whatever she wanted anyway, and took a slow sip, looking challegingly at other women in the room.

She hadn't been on Earth for long enough to know for sure whether this act had the same meaning as on her planet, but drinking from the same cup/glass/container was a pretty much universal symbol of possession, of a romantic affiliation. Well, except that on some planets it was more, on some planets it was a wedding ritual by itself. She hoped it wasn't that way on Earth too because it was too soon to be marrying Cam, though with all the Tau'ri oddities she wouldn't be surprised.

She could see her statement had been made by the clarity in the eyes of women in the room.

Since no woman rose to the challenge Vala put the glass down on the table again and rose from her seat, satisfied her public claim over Cam had been made without interference. Griff was looking at her astonished at her audacity for having just confiscated her CO's glass and drunk from it, while Cam was a picture of despair.

He'd concluded she'd set out to make a scene and along the way a fool of him. He was sure his authority had just suffered a heavy blow, with his subordinate acting this freely and possessively about him. He just hoped the fact that she was alien and was as such not even a civilian (since she officially didn't even exist) would mean something to Landry and stop him from taking disciplinary action towards him.

Then she, making sure she had his attention, left the room swinging her hips seductively.

When she was out of the room she sped up, heading towards her quarters, not wanting to lose any time.

She had to hurry, she namely had plans to make.


P.S.: does anyone but me find it curious that when Daniel and Sha're drank from the same cup on Abydos they were married, but when Jack and Sam drank from the same cup nothing happened? Oh, just how deeply in denial TPTB were... there were many occasions when J&S actually got married according to the customs of the local population, yet TPTB ignored it...