A/N: Hi to all you dear readers who I guess might have been all a little more than annoyed with my terrible lateness! But before you reach for the stakes, hear me out! (Yes, there is a reasonable excuse for this level of delay)

First of all, my brain was kidnapped by a monstrous writer's block whose demands were more than unreasonable. So it took me months to retrieve it back! Also, I somehow managed to get my dear old laptop (RIP) stolen from me, so I had to save up to a new one. Of course, when I finally had the money and bought a new computer, I had to write everything I had on my old laptop over again, and that I tell you, was a royal pain in the ass!

But overt to something else! I have been blessed with the most awesome beta ever: DarkNaruto002! Be sure to know that it's thanks to her wonderful work that you can read this chapter without tearing your eyes out over crappy grammar and spelling!

She was also so kind as to correct the three previously chapter, so I will soon put up new versions of chapter 1, 2 and 3, so feel free to check them out :D

As a last note, I have to inform of a mistake I made in the first chapter. When I wrote that it had been 3 years since the 'bring-back-Sasuke-mission', I actually meant it to be 6 years. 3 was the originally plan, but I changed it to 6 since I think it fitted best. So when you all might think Naruto and co is around 15-16 years, they're actually 18-19. Sorry for the confusion! I will fix the mistake when I put up the corrected version.

Thanks for all the wonderful reviews you left me!:D –Hands out cookies-

Summary: Hurt and abandoned by his friends, Naruto's only reason for existing is now to protect the one he cares about, but how long will it take for him to break down? Everyone has their limit. Can the suddenly appearance of a certain missing nin help the broken boy? YAOI! ItaNaru.

Pairing: ItaNaru! Hell, yeah! Best pairing ever! 83

Warnings: +MAJOR SPOILERS FROM CHAPTER 398 AND ONWARDS! + Angst, OOC'ness, some character bashing and future lemon between boys. If you don't like yaoi, means boyxboy, try reading it anyways! XDDDD You never know... You might start liking it...x3 But if you positively sure that you can't handle it... Then you are free to go and find another fic to read.

Disclaimer: Don't own Naruto. I'm neither male nor Japanese Dx And if I did own Naruto... Let's just say it wouldn't be a mere shounen manga anymore... -evil laugh-

-Sound of a Lost Tune-

Chapter 4: The truth at last

The evening sun had yet to completely disappear behind the grand mountains that stood tall and proud against the vast sky, surrounding the peaceful forest with their mighty presence. The day had lived; but as it did every time the darkness stepped forward, it slowly backed away, leaving the responsible of the world to the brooding night. And so, the day would hide until the bright morning light would come back and grace the earth with its warmth and comfort once again.

The sky had taken on a shade of the most passionate colors, portraying a picture that artists would have gladly died for in order to capture it on a clean canvas. Shadows were dancing on the ground, making the forest itself seem just as alive as its inhabitants. All around were life and movements, as plants and animals alike feasted on their time during the night as they savored the freedom they had all been given.

Yet, something was off on this particularly evening. Both the sun and the sky were the same, and so were the forest and animals. Nonetheless, not everything was as it usually was every night: because in the midst of the splendid forest, surrounded by trees and moss, two creatures the forest was not familiar with was resting. Strangers. But, they did nothing; they just sat there, facing each other while paying no attention to their surroundings.

Though foreign to the animals, the two shadows slowly became a part of their territory, and most of them had started to get used to their presence. Some were curious and went to check on the new members of their home, some simply ignored them, and the most mistrusting ones stayed away, not yet comfortable enough to get close.

As for Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Itachi, there they sat in ignorance, caring for only themselves. Nothing else mattered: not the rare and beautiful sight of the sunset, not the busy lives crawling around them…. Some would even doubt that they had even noticed the passing of the day itself. No, the two powerful ninjas, silent and calm with the deadly accuracy of a well trained body, had only one objective; it would not be gained with the use of raw power and fists, but with a strong withstanding mind: namely the other's submission.

And Naruto was growing tired of waiting for victory.

Not that he was on the border of giving up. He would never do such a thing when he knew what the consequences would be if he did. But, he knew that if someone had the same will to withstand a mental fight like the present one, it would be Uchiha Itachi. All the secrets he had hid, and still hided, had undoubtedly created a barrier around his mind powerful enough not to shrink under the pressure of just any strong will. His own village, the great Hidden Leaf, had not been able to get through, and neither, Naruto did not doubt, had the Akatsuki.

Naruto let himself be swept away from reality for a moment. Distant, yet clear memories of his troubled past invaded his vision; thoughts of many past nights dealing with the huge mental stress coming with the title of a Jinchuuriki, and the many hours of pain and suffering coming back to him, making him close his eyes for just a brief second. A closed and shielded mind was no stranger to him, seeing how he had spent his entire childhood practicing that very thing. And still did.

But the experience of breaking through someone else's mind was something he had yet to gain. At least, not one as advanced and guarded like Itachi's. But, this was a mystery he could not let slip between his fingers unsolved as his duty as a Leaf shinobi required nothing less; and if he couldn't get Itachi to spill whatever secrets he held so tight to his chest, not trusting anyone but himself, he would have no choice but to forcefully take him back to Konoha where he would be faced with nothing less than a cold and certain death.

For all its worth, Naruto could not grasp why Itachi stayed so stubbornly mute, refusing to tell what could very well be his only ticket to survival; because Naruto had great trust in his instinct, and right now, they were screaming at him, telling him that Itachi was in some way innocent and undeserving of the accusations made against him.

But he did not know the truth. He didn't know what had really happened, or what lay behind the mystery concerning the haunted story of the Uchihas. He did not know if Itachi really was guilty or not, or whether he was a culprit or a victim. Until he got the dark man in front of him to open his mouth and speak, he would forever be trapped in confusion with no knowledge of the truth, a state he did not wish to be in when he knew that he could do something to help; if only Itachi would choose to invite him into the secrecy he had masked so well. Why did Itachi deny himself the pleasure of relief and joy, if he indeed, after all, was perhaps not as vicious and cruel as thought to be?

And yet, Naruto mused; as he sat holding the gaze of a wanted criminal (perhaps without reason) he himself did not say anything. He could sit here, buried in puzzles of conspiracy and doubt until the night passed and the day would rise, and repetitively continue on again in an endless cycle, until both would be destroyed. Or, he could sit here and be told what he wanted to know, all he had to do was strategically steer the conversation to his need.

With a feeling of great discomfort and a nagging dread telling him that he would soon be told a story of such importance that it would leave him speechless and drained, he spoke at last, the urge to know possessing his mind to break the silence.

"What really happened that night, Itachi-san?"

He trusted the genius of Leaf to catch what he meant with "that night". He observed the other man, noticing how he shifted just slightly, a movement impossible to catch for the untrained eye. He saw with a strange tingle of satisfaction that Itachi's midnight black orbs, his faint body still not strong enough to conjure the spinning tomoes of Sharingan, flickered for a second, his discomfort at the question showing just barely, but still visible.

And when Itachi spoke, Naruto could sense the faintest trace of annoyance in his dark voice. "I killed them all; my family, my flesh and blood, and the ones who gave me everything I ever wanted. Nothing but that is the truth."

How sure of himself he sounded, but it did not convince the sensitive ears of Naruto as he heard the brief hesitation in Itachi's voice, brief, but yet clear as daylight to the young vessel.

"Do not take me as a fool, Itachi-san" Naruto said in a low voice, still soft, but tinged with a coldness that left no room for objection. "I can see that you're withholding the truth, denying me the right to know what really happened."

"Denying you the right?" Itachi's eyes flashed red for a second as he stared at Naruto with an expression of strong dislike. "Am I perhaps obligated to tell you all of what I know? Do not think that just because you bear the name Ókami, I will bow to you like some weak coward."

Naruto felt a wave of mild displeasure wash over him as he listened to Itachi's accusations. He would never wish for any sort of forced and undeserved respect just because of simple name. But he was loyal to his birthplace, to the Village of Leaf, and thus, he would demand to know about the hidden secrets that had tormented his home and loved ones so much. Not because of who he was, as Itachi had accused him, but for this sole reason.

His chest tightened painfully as he thought of Sasuke, and all the agony he had suffered after the death of his family and beloved clan. All the dreadful nights he must've been going through, lying wide awake with nothing but the painfully clear memories of his bloodstained brother and the slaughter he had been forced to witness with a mind still too young and fragile for experiencing something so horrifying and grotesque. How utterly cruel the fate bestowed upon him was, so cold and merciless, destroying an innocent child with no remorse or trace of guilt. Was it really this painful to be human? What were good and warm feelings for when they seemed so easily crushed by the negative aspects of human emotions?

But then images of those he loved dearly flashed through his mind and he knew it was not true. If you had something to live for, a reason for existence, then life would be truly worth living for. He just had to find Itachi's.

"Believe me when I say that my wish is not to force you Uchiha-san, because that would be none of my intentions at all." He chose his words carefully, not wanting to push the man even further away. "But trust me when I say that your hesitation is not unnoticed, and only a fool would let your story pass as the truth. You're hiding something Uchiha Itachi, and I'll be damned if I'll let this go without a fight."

Itachi sat still as he listened to what the other said. And suddenly, he realized why this man was so greatly worshipped and likewise feared. For never had he heard such strength in speech alone, and his whole being ached to bend to his dominance and just tell what he knew. The massive aura emitting from the powerful nin opposite of him was immense, forceful, but also gentle with no trace of malice or evil. But a threat it bore, a threat promising of great anger if not pleased. And Itachi knew that the only way to give him what he wanted was if he told the truth about that day. That faithful day in which all had changed. He swallowed and forced the desire to submit away, nursing and moistening his dry throat before replying.

"Why are you so persistent on me having to tell you something that very well may consist of only assumptions? You don't have a shred of evidence to support your claims. So tell me, how can you be so sure of what you know nothing of?" Again he was overcome by the urge to just spill everything, all secrecy be damned. But, this had evolved into something far more deeper than a simple hunt for truth, and Itachi knew that right now the tight shield around his lips were not caused by any promise or loyalty, but simply because his own pride refused to let this man take control over his own will and feelings.

He opened his mouth, ready to continue what he had started, the defense of his muteness already forming on his lips…

"You're a fool, Uchiha-san."


A fool? Itachi felt something stir inside him, something familiar, yet foreign. Itachi had long since buried his emotions deep within his heart and soul, a result from early age have been taught that a true Uchiha was to never show feelings.

But now, he was sure something had returned. Anger, perhaps, for being so ignorantly insulted by a man who knew nothing, or perhaps, annoyance over the constant persistence pushed onto him. But one thing he was sure of, the words definitely triggered a reaction, and with a piercing glare, he faced his opponent, ready to bite back with everything he had.

"A fool you say? And would you be so kind as to tell me just what I have done to deserve such words?"

Even though he was more than annoyed by the insult given, Itachi couldn't help but feel a little curious as to what the man would answer in his defense. This conversation was slowly moving forward into a deep river, wild and untamed and ready to attack… and it made him excited. Too long had he lived in boredom and silence, finding it hard to feel anything but withdrawal and apathy as the world moved by in its happy pace, and he stood left behind, all too happy to be ignored.

"I call you a fool Itachi-san, because a fool you are, and nothing you say will change the fact that right now you're acting like a spoiled brat," Ókami answered, his voice low and monotonous, never changing as the words flowed by.

Itachi couldn't help it, he chuckled. Again he was insulted, but it caused no anger nor stirred a great fury. Because right now, Itachi was truly captivated by the man's reasoning and he found himself wanting to hear more, this rare opportunity of amusement too precious to waste.

"I can't accept such words without a valid reason, Ókami-san," Itachi said, shifting as hours of stillness had made his wounded body both stiff and sore. "Tell me what your thoughts are and then we'll see whether I'm a spoiled brat or not."

If Ókami noticed the eagerness that had somehow lured its way into the sound of his voice, he didn't comment on it. Rather, he just sat there without moving, his mask white and still and once again Itachi found himself desperately wanting to pull it off and see for himself what kind of face that would lie beneath. How utterly devastating it was to have an opponent just an inch from where you sat, not knowing if he had the decency to look you in the eyes or not.

"Do you care for your family Itachi-san?" Ókami suddenly asked, surprising Itachi with the unexpected question.

His family? What good would it do him to know that? How pointless of him to ask such a question, when the answer received would get him nowhere. It seemed so meaningless that Itachi was for a moment caught off guard, not sure if he should take the man seriously and thus answer the question truthfully, or just outright laugh at the sheer stupidity of it. But, when he looked into the mask of the only nin with a reputation great enough to match his own, Itachi knew the man was dead serious, and probably expected Itachi to be nothing less in return.

"I'm not sure what importance this may have to our conversation, but I will play fair and give you the answers you seek," Itachi replied. "My family is dead Ókami-san, killed and buried, their bodies rotten and soul long since perished. How could I feel anything towards them other than hate and contempt? After all, I killed them with my own hands, did I not?"

Ókami, to Itachi's great annoyance, only shook his head, and he got a suspicious feeling that inside that stone faced mask, the man was smiling. "Oh, but I think otherwise Itachi-san. Why would Akatsuki rise against a man of your power and abilities, if something big had not happened to make them lose trust in you? And what else could that be besides you not being what you have made yourself to be? Your lies are easy to detect, and I will hold this discussion high until dawn strikes, continue the day, and so over and over again until you tell the truth. Rest assures Itachi-san, I'm a patient man capable of waiting for my spoils."

"Ah, but have we not already discussed this?" Itachi asked. "I will not be telling you anything, so you would do wise in stopping this meaningless bickering, because in the end, you will gain nothing of it."

They sat faced against each other, breaths held as they both moved a bit closer, the sharp edge of their vocal fight thrilling them to excitement, perfect evidence that a battle did not need to rely only on weapons and physical violence in order to be true. It was intoxicating, like a drug numbing his senses, making his heart beat faster and experience an adrenaline pump. The atmosphere around changed in a matter of seconds, auras of suffocating strength and impossible strong wills thundering around the two sitting in the clearing, chasing every living creature near away, the pressure too much for them to bear. The wind howled and the ground shook, everything trembling in fear under the great force released.

And then it stopped, as quickly as it had come, the commotion calmed and the earth stilled, and again did the forest lay in comfortable peace.

They didn't speak. Not at once. Just sat there in silence, observing and thinking ahead, planning their next move as they waited for the other to continue what had been started.

Finally Ókami sighed, pulling up straight with a determinate gesture, steadying his position on the old, wasting log while directing his stare at Itachi. "You know Itachi-san, when I asked if you cared for your family, you never gave me a proper answer, but merely a suggestion for me to work out. So I will ask you again, do you, or do you not, care for your family."

This time, Itachi was ready to reply without hesitation. "No, I do not care for my family, Ókami-san. They're all gone, and I have no emotions left to spare them. Not hate, not love, nothing. Why is that so hard for you to accept?"

"What about Sasuke then? Your brother, who last time I checked was still very much alive and breathing within the borders of Konoha."

With that statement, Itachi fell silent; because what could he say, when something so painful and difficult fitted best deep hidden beyond the veil of his memory, was so bluntly presented before him, creating a rift in the hard shell of his blackened core that ripped open a wound of such misery that he nearly couldn't stand it? What in the world possessed the man to bring up the topic of Sasuke? He narrowed his eyes and through clenched teethes and suppressed emotions he spoke. "Would you say I care for my brother when I slaughtered his whole family and left him alone suffering with only contempt and thoughts of revenge as company? Because I'm sure any sane man would agree that I wouldn't."

A blatant lie, but there was no way he could tell the truth. What a fool he had been not to have been prepared for this kind of scenario. After all, Sasuke had and would always be the one and only flaw in his perfect plan proven impossible to remove. That day he'd been so ready, so determined in his mission, so set on succeeding without looking back. But, when he had stood in his parent's bedroom with their blood on his hands and slain bodies on the floor before him, he had found himself unable to move as the younger Uchiha had stumbled in, fear stricken and in great shock. He had killed his whole clan in a matter of minutes, the guilt overwhelming, but his loyalty towards to Konoha too strong for regret.

It only took one pleading look from his beloved little brother to crush all of his willpower and take every solution away, as he couldn't bear to raise his hand against the one who meant the most to him. Sasuke, his sweet darling brother who had been his only sanctuary in the cruel estate of the Uchiha household and his only passage of relief and comfort when the heavy responsibility of his position came weighting down and took a hold of him. Only with Sasuke had Itachi felt like a real human, sane, like he could matter beyond just being a tool to the Uchiha name. He knew he had never acted like he cared for Sasuke, but he truly had. He had cared so much that it tore his very being every night he went to bed, the knowledge that his innocent brother would one day grow up to face the same future he lived in, a future of killing, brainwashing and a certain path towards insanity, paining him like a needle, constantly protruding his skin.

So, when the Sandaime had spoken to him, telling him in detail about the horrible things he would soon be forced to commit in the name of Konoha, he had felt a cold hand grip his heart, clenching the throbbing organ and making him nauseous; not because he was expected to brutally murder his whole clan and kinsmen, or that he would be betraying his own flesh and blood in the worst way. No, he was absolutely mortified because he knew that along with the killing of his blood, Sasuke would have to go with them. He had felt like crying, screaming, and wanting to pin the damn Hokage to the wall and refuse to do it.

But, of course, he could not do such a thing. In the end, the Uchihas had brought this upon themselves in their greed and hunger for power, and Itachi was the only one who could stop them from declaring war against the council and village. Either way, it would end with bloodshed and countless would be killed. Why not choose the easier option and just take out the responsible party before they got the chance to strike?

Perhaps, Itachi had done the right thing that day, ensuring the safety of his dearly beloved home and stopping a potential army of delusional ninjas that possessed one of the world's most feared bloodlines. But, with his gruesome sin came a Konoha rendered speechless in shock of his believed betrayal that had left only one survivor, a lone successor to the Uchiha name that stood left with nothing but the cursed heritage of the demon eye: the Sharingan.

Itachi didn't kill Sasuke that night, simply because his love for him was too great. Despite all strength and determination in his act of playing the villain, Itachi knew he had had lost.

The moment Ókami had uttered the word Sasuke, the game was over and they both knew it; the only thing left was to wait for the inevitable to happen.

Why postpone it when the outcome of the battle was already decided?

So, with a resigned sight he waited for Ókami to speak up and deliver the blow which would force him to finally come out from the dark curtains of lies that had shielded him for so long.

He saw the other man's triumph as he, too, knew that victory would not be much more delayed.

"Ah, but I say you do, Itachi-san. You care about your brother because, for what other reason would you not kill him? To make him believe his existence should only revolve around revenge and thoughts of growing stronger?" Ókami asked before pausing. For a moment Itachi thought he was finished and only waiting for his resigning, but the man wasn't done and when he spoke again, it was with a soft and sincere voice, mild, almost sounding…sad?

"Your actions, for whatever reasons committed, have maddened him, Itachi-san. It made him lose faith in every beautiful thing life has to offer and turn his back against those who love him dearly. When I ask you to tell the truth, which I know you will, I say to do it not for me, not even for Konoha, but for Sasuke. At least, give him back his right to live without the black hole of hate and misery in his heart."

The words struck him like the point of a sword would, the sharp edge penetrating his skin and flesh, creating an invisible wound hurting with the pain of guilt and sorrow. Of course, he knew he had hurt Sasuke with his spiteful words and vile doings. Of course, he knew that he'd given his little brother a square cut path towards insanity. But, he had refused to dwell on these matters, hoping that the younger Uchiha would somehow pull it through. How foolishly naïve he had been to believe that. If he, himself, hadn't been able to escape the madness, how could he think Sasuke, strong, but far weaker than Itachi, could?

To have this terrible mistake of his told to him by a stranger, who obviously, he couldn't phantom why though, knew Sasuke quite well and understood his suffering, made him feel both despite and gratitude towards the powerful man that had done so much to evoke emotions long forgotten inside him, curiosity for saving him, confusion for realizing what no one else had and later annoyance for prying into the matter, and now he had made him feel, what? Lost perhaps, because his determination was wavering and his resolution falling apart, and to put it quite simply, he did not know what to do besides giving in. Still, he did not feel beaten or weak in any way for letting the battle go, but rather he felt sure and calm about it.

Perhaps, he could tell the other man about the secrets that had tormented him for such a long time, and maybe, just maybe, things could go back to how they once were. And he felt at peace, knowing that what had just occurred had not been a loss faced with shame and humiliation, but instead, it was a reaching hand from someone who sincerely wanted to help. He didn't think the compassion was directed towards himself in person, though; it was more like Ókami's aid was intended for someone else. And that person, Itachi had a strong feeling, was probably Sasuke Again, he wondered what kind of relationship this man had with his little brother?

If he had the chance to go to Konoha clean and be proven and seen innocent, he would use that freedom to find out just who exactly Okami was. With that new resolution in his mind, he decided it was time to speak up at last.

"Before I start Ókami-san, I will ask you not to interrupt me while I speak, and please, understand that what I'm about to say is the truth; whether or not you choose to believe it, is up to you."

Ókami didn't answer, but a nod confirmed that he understood and would do as he asked. With that assurance, Itachi began to tell the wretched, but true story of the Uchiha-clan.

"It all began many years ago, long before our birth, when the world and nations were indulged in a terrible war. At that time there were no united ninjas, just individual clans hired by the wealthy to fight for their country. Among the many clans, two stood strongest above all: the Uchihas and the Senjus. Always fighting against each other, the two powerful clans were long considered rivals and their fame grew as their battles continued. Until one day, when the leader of the Senju clan, Hashirama, proposed a deal: a truce with the Uchihas. The Uchihas agreed to the truce, but one opposed this idea of peace: the leader of the Uchiha clan, Uchiha Madara.

"But in the end, he had no other choice but to follow his people's decision, and together with the Land of Fire, Konoha became a village of both ninjas and civilians. For a while there was no fighting and Madara held true to the truce."

"But when the position of Hokage was to be decided, and Hashirama was chosen as the Shodaime, Madara refused to submit; at the Valley of the End Madara challenged him to battle, a battle which he lost, resulting in his death."

"However, the damage was already made, and Madara's actions had placed mistrust towards the Uchiha clan in the heart of the village. As proof, Hashirama named his own brother as his successor to claim the position as the second Hokage. In return, the new Hokage gave the Uchihas a new purpose as a token of trust: the making of Konoha military police."

"Then, disaster struck nineteen years ago, when the nine-tailed demon attacked Konoha, creating such a huge rift in the already tender trust they had done so much to obtain. Because, you see, Ókami-san, the Kyuubi had to come from somewhere, and there is only one force in this world strong enough to control it; namely, the power of the Uchiha. The leaders became suspicious, believing that the Uchihas might be planning a rebellion against the village. So, the Uchiha clan became resented and pushed away from the rest of Konoha while being guarded by the Anbu. Eventually, their suspicions became real. Tired of the discrimination and hatred, the Uchihas plotted a coup d'état…to take over Konoha."

Itachi stopped in his telling. He wondered if Ókami believed him. Even as he spoke, he could hear the incredibility of the story; and, if Konoha's most loyal ninja didn't think it true, he was as good as dead. But, he was not afraid, death had never scared him, and now, he just felt a great relief in knowing that he was free, if not from the hate, but from himself.

"A spy," Ókami suddenly said, not asking, just confidently stating a fact. "If the Uchiha clan was planning to overthrow the village, Konoha would need a spy."

"Yes," Itachi answered, not surprised the man had figured it out. "I was ordered by the Third Hokage to enter my clan as a spy for the village, to report back to him of what I knew. The irony was that my own father placed me in the Anbu in order to spy on the village, when in reality I was a double agent, working against him for the sake of Konoha. You might wonder why I betrayed my clan like that, but the reason was quite simple; I was tired of war. Tired of meaningless killings and deaths, and afraid of the possibility of a fourth ninja war.

"Eventually, it was decided that the Uchiha clan posed too much of a threat to be ignored any longer, and their annihilation was ordered. And I killed them. Not to test my strength, not because the power drove me mad, but because I was told to do so by my home which I loved. That is the truth Ókami-san and only you can decide whether you believe it or not."

And just like that, it was out. For years he had lived with this burden, never doubting that he would bring it with him to his grave. But now, he had told what he had sworn to keep a secret, to a man he did not know, who for some reason, seemed to look past his façade of a murderer. And now, he could do nothing but wait.

Ókami sat in silence, like in deep thoughts, and for the first time, Itachi felt anxious to know what was going in on in the other man's mind.

"Who knows other than me?" Ókami finally asked, his voice revealing nothing.

And just like that, Itachi knew that the powerful ninja believed him, and accepted his story for what it was: the truth. He felt amazed; fascinated by the trust given to him by a man who had all reason to do otherwise. He shook his head in amused disbelief. "Of those who are still alive there are only three who know: Danzo and Konoha's advisors, Homura and Koharu." He paused. "The Third Hokage knew as well, and as far as I know, he took the secret with him to the grave."

Ókami held still for a brief moment and then abruptly stood up, lifting his small figure up to stand above Itachi, his mask imitating as ever with his black Anbu cloak blowing so slightly with the evening breeze. "Sandaime...," he murmured softly, and with the name came the sound of a desperate longing, a longing and a grief so strong, that it filled the air around them with sadness and Itachi was for one second tempted to ask what was wrong, but he didn't; for, with the sorrow, came also the sound of revelation and knowledge of something Itachi did not know about.

"Sandaime, of course," Ókami spoke again, a little louder than before. And before Itachi knew what had happened, Ókami had turned around and proceeded to walk away from their little camp buried within the midst of the forest.

Itachi's eyes widened just so slightly, and in bewilderment, he called after the other nin, the situation so incredible absurd. "Will you just leave me then, trusting me not to escape?"

What was up with this ninja, just walking away like that, leaving a potential lunatic behind unguarded and alone? His questioning stare met the white wolf mask as the man turned to meet his words.

"Ah, but why would you want to escape Itachi-san? After all you told me, I believe running away would not be very convincing to your case, now would it?" Ókami said, falling silent before he added with something Itachi could only describe as a small, but amused laugh.

"Besides, I think you could hardly outrun me in your condition." He then turned around once more and walked further away without looking back.

Itachi couldn't do anything but look bewildered after him, mentally berating himself for not realizing that with his wounds, escape would be impossible. But, this was ridiculous. He clenched his teeth and called out again, refusing to be left unanswered. "At least, tell me where you're going then." He stared after the surprisingly small back of Ókami whose steps did not cease, and he once again wondered who this man was—this man who could create so much fear and destruction, but had shown to bear a wise heart of understanding and trust, and who now turned his back to someone no one else would.

And Ókami's voice rang clear and strong through the lush forest and green clearing as he voiced his answer:

"Don't be so distressed Uchiha-san, I'm only going to send a letter."

Itachi could swear he heard a little smile in the man's answer.

A couple of miles away, bathing in the last warm rays of the evening sun, Konoha laid in its peaceful slumber. The night was approaching with its dark and silent whisper of both sleep and calm. Down the dusty streets of the grand village, shops could be spotted closing and people seen hurrying home to be with their beloveds as little by little, Konoha was finally preparing for the blissful rest that was soon to come.

As the people of Konoha were slowly disappearing from the open road, a lone man was making his way towards the grandest building of the village, located in its center as the most splendid pearl of Leaf. But the great sage Jiraiya had no time to enjoy the wonder of Konoha in the evening as he, with fast steps, was closing in on the Hokage Tower. Besides, the public baths were closed for the day, and it was time for Jiraiya to see Tsunade.

Not bothering to use the doors, he simply jumped up to the window, smirking at the carelessness of his old teammate. Tsunade was never the person to be afraid by something as stupid as open windows and unlocked doors. "Let them come," she would say, "and they will see just who they decided to mess with."

"Oi, Tsunade," he called out, "Have you see—"

His words came to a halt, because in front of him was no familiar busty Hokage, but rather an empty chair left in a hurry with a desk containing more than one pile of what looked suspiciously like unfinished paperwork. He shook his head and chuckled at the sheer laziness of his dear friend.

Stretching his sore muscles (sitting still for hours of peeping sure takes its toll), he jumped down on the floor and walked over to the abandoned desk. Still smiling, he looked over the clean cut wooden desk; taking great pleasure in the future headaches the amount of work would cause Tsunade. He turned to leave, not wanting to wait without knowing when she would appear, when something odd caught his eyes and made him falter in his steps. Amidst the mountain of white papers, there laid a crumbled piece of parchment, like someone had read it and then thrown it away in hurry. Jiraiya recognized that it was the kind of parchment one would use to send a letter with a messenger bird, usually for the sake of great urgency. Without any thoughts of personal privacy, he picked it up, curious to know what news had reached the Hokage and had obviously been read already.

Lazily, he let his eyes grace the contents of the message as he began surveying the text written. His smile faltered. With shocked eyes took in what stood written, black ink on paper which spoke of only truth and Jiraiya was left speechless. Quickly, he finished reading, his mind completely blank, and for a moment, he could do nothing but gape in disbelieving astonishment. Then, he ran, the letter thrown away on the desk in a crumbled lump, the exact same way it had been left by a blonde woman less than a half an hour earlier.

Breathing heavily, Jiraiya pushed open the heavy door leading into the Hokage's private file archive, his eyes automatically seeking out the person he knew he would find inside. The room was dark; the only source of light was a lonely candle light, burning a small flame on the floor in the middle the room, surrounded by shelves and stocks of numerous files and papers, all which were placed there by the former Hokages themselves. Kneeling in front of the tiny shimmer of orange light was the familiar form of the fifth Hokage. Her face was turned from him, facing the black abyss that stretched far and deep within the room. In her trembling hands, he could spot a single paper, clenched in the depths of her palm, her knuckles white and shaking.

"Is it true, Tsunade? God forbid, please let it not be true," he called out, his own voice heavy with confusion and urgency.

She didn't turn around, and Jiraiya felt himself wishing with every fiber of his being that she would speak and tell him that what he had just read was a lie, that he somehow must've been mistaken; that such an error, such a terrible thing, could not have happened!

But when she turned, her face pale and shocked with the sudden revelation, he knew it was all true, and that somehow, Konoha it its selfishness, had betrayed one of its own.

"Well, one thing is clear," he said in a shaky voice, "I really pity whoever will have the misfortune of being the one to tell Sasuke his plans of revenge will have to suffer an early retirement."

And thus the plot thickens! Most of the "truth revealing" dialogue between Naruto and Itachi is taken from Naruto chapter 398-401. I had originally thought of another reason for Itachi's betrayal, but then the truth was revealed in the manga, so I decided to just stick with the canon plot.

There have been a lot of people asking why I made all the rookie ninjas resent Naruto after the Kyuubi was discovered, and not just Sasuke and Sakura. Goodness knows they have more brain than that. Yes, I do admit myself that it is a little bit farfetched, but I needed a reason for Naruto to become isolated from the others. I will give a decent explanation for their reasons later of course!

And about my question concerning Sakura (who will appear in next chapter btw), It seems like people want her to continue being a stubborn idiot. And who am I to deny my readers wishes?xD So Sakura is now officially a not likeable person in this fic!

Drop by a nice little review will you? The cookies are waiting :D

-Ishib Ioay