Chapter Three:

Chapter Three:

The remainder of the Christmas holiday was relatively uneventful. There was a frosty atmosphere between Ron and Hermione, but that wasn't really anything unusual. Hermione and Sirius did their best to be discrete about their relationship. Hermione was considerably more adept at this than Sirius. Remus was forced to concede that there was some truth in Charlie's assertion that Sirius was "just showing her off" as he walked in on them for what must've been the tenth time.

They were in the kitchen of all places! Hermione had her back to the door, where Remus now stood. Sirius had found her there a moment earlier. She had been reading, he'd pushed her books aside before deftly picking her up and placing her on the table. He'd positioned him her legs scanning her eyes to check this was ok. When he found nothing but encouragement, he continued. One hand went to the back of her neck, the other ran its way along her now exposed thigh. 'Damn her habit of wearing short nighties!' Sirius thought to himself as he tried hard to resist some of his more animalistic urges. They kissed passionately, her eyes fluttered as he moved his attention to her neck.

It was at that moment that Remus had entered. Sirius grinned roguishly, as he pushed her nighty up a little higher. 'yes' thought Remus, sadly as he backed silently out of the kitchen. Sirius was most definitely showing off.

"Sirius" said Remus quietly as he approached his old friend. "We need to have a little chat." Sirius' ears pricked up at that.

"About what moony?" he asked, his voice guarded.

"About Hermione" replied Remus. "Don't worry, I'm not going to lecture you" he said holding up his hand, as he noticed Sirius adopt his famous 'I'm not going to stand here and listen to your shit' face. "I just don't like the way you show her off so much, it isn't right". Sirius opened his mouth to protest, but Remus ignored him, continuing. "I know that you love her Padfoot, and I know that she loves you too, but if you continue to show her off like a trophy, then that's all people will think she is to you, including her."

"Now come on, that's not…I wouldn't…." Sirius began

"Oh come off it! Don't pretend that you weren't playing it up on Christmas day, or even in the kitchen earlier. There is no way you should look that happy about another man seeing that much of your fiancée's thigh!" Both men laughed, Sirius ran a hand through his already messy hair.

"You're right, as always moony! As always. It's just…she's so damn hot!" he grinned, looking for all the world like a naughty teenager.

"Can I at least trust you not to behave like this once we're back at Hogwarts? I don't think McGonagall could take it!"

"Well then, I'd best make the most of it tomorrow hadn't I? I'll try Moony, but I'm not making any promises! I mean, come on, have you seen that little nighty she wears…?" He trailed off a dreamlike glaze across his face.

"You're still only 18 hey Padfoot?! Asked Remus grinning at his old friend.

"Always Moony!"

"I'm serious Sirius, this can't go on at Hogwarts, it would destroy her reputation, and I don't think she could deal with that on top of everything else she has going on right now."

The jovial atmosphere had vanished. Sirius looked old again.

"Remus" he began, Remus recognised the tone of his voice. He rarely heard it, he knew it meant Sirius anted to talk about something that unnerved him. He was about to ask for advice, something that always made him feel uncomfortable. "I don't know what to do" he finished lamely.

"About what?" Asked Remus, already he thought he knew the answer.

"About Hermione, I don't know what to do. I love her Remus, I really love her. But she's so young, she's so so young, and she's already been through so much." He breathed a deep steadying breath before continuing, "The other night, when we were in bed together, she-"

"What!?" Remus interrupted "you're sleeping with her?"

"NO! You dirty old wolf" were we're just sleeping together, not sleeping together! Anyway, even if we were, would it be that bad?"

"I don't, I mean to say, it's just…god she's so young Sirius. I know, she's 16, no law against it and you love each other, but still, I don't really want to have to think about it to be honest padfoot!"

"Anyway, this is kind of what I wanted to talk to you about. The other night when we were in bed together, talking" He emphasised the last word in response to Remus' smirk. "She got all…weird and started talking about things that had happened to her….last summer. She got all tense, saying she needed to be in control and all this other stuff, but well" Sirius blushed, Remus, had NEVER seen Sirius blush before, Hermione must really be having an effect on him. " I don't really know how to…do what she wants." He blushed again.

If Remus was reading the situation correctly, and he felt sure that he couldn't be, it was just too bizarre, but Sirius seemed to be asking for his help on a pseudo sexual matter! Madness!

"Erm…" it was now Remus' turn to blush, "What do you want me to say Padfoot?"

"I don't know really, it just, worries me sometimes when I'm with her, I forget how young and delicate she is, and sometimes I just want to…well, it scares me."

"Just" Remus paused, wondering how he could reassure his friend, "just…let her do what she needs to do. She trust you Sirius, we all know you'd never hurt her. Just, gods this sounds so cheesy, but, just love her Padfoot".

Both men laughed, it as a ridiculous chick flick moment. Not cool. Sirius wasn't sure if Remus had actually given him any practical advice, but he knew he felt better for simply talking to his oldest friend about what was on his mind.

AN: Bit short I know, but had a bit of a mad week. I'm really struggling with where to take this story, so any suggestions very much welcome as would be any reviews.

Thanks for reading, hope you're enjoying it.

Fiona. x