Chapter 13

Reunion with Family

Athena, the glorious and mighty warrior of Olympus. The Goddess, who wove scenes of what happened if people disobeyed the gods, she who turned Arachne into a spider where she will weave and spin for all eternity, she who powers all rule and victory. And the last one who could ever care for Arianna. Hilary remembered well as she floated down by her large and graceful mighty wings. Hilary's eyes widen as she remembered how once Athena tried to kill her.

Athena was always known as a shrewd heroin. The daughter of Zeus and Metis and a symbol of the city of Athens, she was no half sister to Arianna, no sibling, and held no wisdom like the people have said of her on earth. For she was cruel as a wicked black spider preying on her prey to kill her daddy-long-legged husband. To suck him dry until he is nothing but a flake of skin. That one night when Arianna laid upon a cliff, looking down on earth and starring at the humans living their lives, Athena came to her, holding a dagger that had a serpent wrapped around it.

"You are not worth to be a goddess," she told her. "You are not even worth to be of anything. Because you are no goddess, a goddess must be a savior, a powerful and beautiful angel, womb you will never be." She had said to her. Her cruel and cold filling voice skimmed through Arianna's veins. Alas, she had no emotion on her face. No expression to show to her half sister. Arianna stood up from the ledge, standing taller then Athena. "Do you wish to say something?" Athena asked her.

"You have come to kill me," Arianna soon realized. Athena took the dagger and went forward to thrust the dagger through Arianna's stomach when she missed as Arianna jumped off the ledge and flew down to earth. There Arianna turned herself into a human being and stayed on earth, away from the terrible deeds of Mt. Olympus has given her to experience. Her father could watch her afar, but he had no interest going down to get her. And she had no interest going back.

Athena was the last one that Arianna had seen on Mt. Olympus since she ran away. And now, after all these years, she comes back to finish her off.

Athena stood motionless on the sand, like a tall and marble statue that Arianna had saw in Athens. The Virgin Warrior looked down upon Hilary as she remembered how her eyes were so beautiful, they seemed unreal and unkind. A serpent appeared under Athena's gown, slithering up on Athena's long sword, and slithering where it wrapped around her arm.

To Tyson, Athena was the tallest woman he had ever seen. The tallest and scariest woman he had ever seen. Ray and the rest of the boys stood uneasy and sort of frightened by Athena's aura that stood all around her like a suffocating cloud that made them choke and sweat.

"You," Hilary said to her half sister, "Athena, have you come to threaten and kill me?" Hilary felt tensed as she asked her this. Yugi stared at Athena with great awe. He maybe a god, but in truth, Yugi had never seen any other gods except Arianna and Sandalphon. Compare to her father Zeus, Athena was definitely an astonishing goddess who looked very unreal. More then Horus could ever compare to.

"So you remember," Athena noticed by Hilary's appearance that she certainly didn't remember all of who she was. Her voice had so much authority and power; it was almost scary to them. "For so many years we watched and hear of you becoming more and more of a tyrant, and now you're finally there to your true form."

"Father Time has properly effect his wanders," Hilary said, her voice becoming deep and threatening. Yugi realized her voice changed to her older voice of what she had as a woman. Since Hilary had her old appearance, her voice suddenly changed with it. Tyson noticed it too.

"What do you want with me!?" Hilary's voice called out to Athena loud and deep.

"We come for your son," she answered her. Arianna looked down upon Sandalphon. He was still asleep with his head laying on her knees and her hand on the side of his head. "No!" she called back to Athena.

"You and your Egyptian lover maybe outlawed gods, but he has every right to belong to us, where he will be a better god then you will ever make of him", Athena explained to her.

"No, you don't want him as your own, you want him dead! Dead and not existing!" Hilary yelled at her. "Sandalphon is half of a Greek God and half of an Egyptian God; he belongs nowhere but in my arms!"

"You would never take him," Yugi stood up to tell to Athena. At this point, he doesn't care if she's tall and scary, Olympian gods were the most stubborn and egotistic gods mankind and the universe had ever known. "You would never take him in Olympus because he's half Egyptian! And no one in Nun would ever accept him because he's half Olympian! There's only one place that he belongs and that is earth! I do not belong in Egypt and Arianna does not belong in Olympia, only earth can be the place for us to stay together! Only earth is where we live, and nowhere else!"

Hilary felt amazed; Yugi's words took her heart into something meaningful. Into something inspirational. They are a family who are outlawed by their own kind, and only one place for them to live is here. With friends, like Tyson, and Ray, Max, Kenny, and Kai. It all makes sense, for so long Hilary thought she belonged somewhere else, but it was really here that she belonged in! Here, of all places!!! Not the underworld, not the heavens, but here.

Athena felt enraged at Yugi, standing up against her like she was wrong of everything. "How dare you talk back to me?" She yelled enraged at Yugi. Tyson and the rest of the boys felt useless but scared of Athena when she raised her voice.

"You are not of my kind!" Yugi told her back, "I have every right to talk back to you!"

Hilary just wanted to hug him, but that would probably ruin the cool and uprising scene he was making. But my god, did Hilary felt proud. She could marry Yugi right now as it would seem!

Athena growled as her owl puffed fiercely with its large and vicious yellow eyes. It was almost as if the bird was about to blow up, but instead it spread its long and hug wings. This owl that always accompanied Athena was no normal owl, it was huge compare to the ones you usually see, it enormous and frightful looking. Normally it stares would get you creep out, but this one would just frighten you stiff. Soon the owl matched Athena's anger as her black hair and beading eyes blew through the wind, as the storm struck lightning and the waves of the ocean suddenly became larger dangerous.

Sandalphon opened his eyes to see Athena enraged as her cape and gown blew through the wind, and her serpent hissed. That's when Sandalphon's snake came off of his shoulder and slithered toward Athena where Athena's serpent slithered down toward it. They engaged a fight, snapping and biting and hissing at each other as both snaked fought. Athena didn't seem to notice her serpent was in a fight when she stared angry at Yugi and Hilary. Hilary could feel inside of her change. Her body transforming into something mature and strong.

"I must finish this," she said. Sandalphon stood up on his knees next to her, his red ruby wings appeared out of his back, tall and alarmed. "No Sandalphon," she told her son. "I have to do this alone."

Yugi looked back his lover as if she was crazy. "You can't! Not alone!" he told her. From everything of now, he couldn't let this happen. Hilary couldn't look at him for a moment, but then she did smiling, with tears in her eyes.

Her expression on her older face of Arianna was something relieving to Yugi, as she gave up to him. He helped her stand up and there they stood motionless to Athena. Answering to her that they'll fight to protect Sandalphon.

"If that's your answer then, Fine! I'll just have to kill both of you myself!" Athena said satisfied with the answer. She brought out her sword with pride, her wings stretched up as she flew above into the sky waiting for them to come after her.

Hilary could feel something familiar come upon her. She hugged her torso as she felt great white, blue jeweled wings come out of her like hair escaping through the wind. It wasn't painful as she thought, and it wasn't so terrible that she showed off her old self to the world. Her clothes had changed as the wind blew across to her. A white and beautiful gown and flown upon her, as she felt golden earrings and heavy bracelets take form. Her hair was officially longer then before and there she stood as the wind stopped blowing. She looked down on herself to noticed she was wearing the old warrior outfit she wore when came upon to meet Yugi as a pharaoh in Egypt. The boys' jaws just dropped as not only her outfit, but her whole figure had changed. She was still petite as her regular height when she was Hilary, but she was officially Arianna again.

Athena could only be angered more as it felt a long memory has come to haunt her.

Arianna's hand glowed as she brought it out toward the sea, and there the sand formed and rose up into her hands where a sword of seven spike stood out on each side and glowed purple but was as clear as glass. "The Sword of Wars, I have chosen as my weapon," Arianna said. Pearls had wrapped itself around the blade, showing it's beauty and richness. Sandalphon rose up in the sky, and there out of his golden bracelet, he brought out a sword like before. Yugi could feel something different come upon him as he felt golden wings came out of his back. It was something he had never felt on him before, and he stood awed by the transformation that came upon him. Osiris' eye glowed on his forehead as he felt apart of him filled his lungs with relaxed air.

Arianna rose to the sky and with great speed flew toward Athena and swiped her blade hard against hers. The fight was on.

It was 3 to 1, but the Olympian Gods never fought fair. Athena's great strength was stronger then Arianna's but she didn't give up. It was war against gods, and when this happens, the world falls to pieces. Sandalphon flew to the sky, along with Yugi as they both flew toward the sky and with Sandalphon's great sword, swiped it across Athena's back, Yugi with his Osiris' eye had great instinct power, and he yelled toward Athena, "Mind Crush!"

The feeling was like having your brain explode inside your skull. The pain had shook Athena into terror as it made her fall, but her wings made her float and she had trouble seeing. Arianna beat her elbow against her face, where Athena fell into he water. Her owl appeared before Sandalphon and Yugi, and drastically grew enormous then it's usual size, pecking and flapping it's wings distracting Sandalphon and Yugi to help Arianna.

Arianna swooped in on the surface of the water to see if Athena was drowning, but an arm came out and grabbed her and dragged her in under water. They fought constantly with fists and tighten necks as each choked each other and they sunk down to the bottom of the sea. Water was something their wings were not meant for, but both kept fighting until they swung each other apart.

They swam to the surface, searching for air, until they flew up to the surface where Athena flew backwards and hit Arianna that made her fall to the shoreline.

Tyson and the rest could only watch their friend fight like her life depended on it. Arianna's sword of wars came flying into the sand where it landed right below Tyson. Tyson quickly jumped off the cemented ledge and landed on the sand to take out the sword and give to Arianna. "Tyson! What are you doing!?" Kenny yelled at him.

The wind had blown stronger as the clouds became grey and black and the storm became stronger. The wind blew through Tyson's dark hair as he glanced up to Kenny, "She needs help!" Tyson called back to Kenny. Then with all his strength, he lifted the sword out of the sand, but was so heavy, his arms fell so he couldn't hold it up because of the weight it had. So he dragged it through the sand as fast as he could before Athena flew toward to stab her. But Athena was getting closer as she flew down with great speed to the shoreline.

"Arianna!!!" Tyson yelled with all he could, "Arianna sat up to notice Tyson running towards her with her sword. Tyson tried as hard as he could, lift up the sword, and swung it to Arianna, with all the strength he had to throw a glass sword, and there with just one hand, Arianna caught it, and pointed it out toward Athena, with great speed she flew down, without stopping, Athena's body went right through the blade. And all at once the wind and stopped blowing, the waves stopped forming, and clouds dispersed to clear sky. It all was silent.

At that moment, Arianna disappeared, and Hilary laid on the ground with the sword stuck out through Athena's stomach, and she looked down at Hilary's young face with shock.

Her voice gaped with speechlessness. The sun's rays shined out through the clouds, and Sandalphon and Yugi flew down to the shoreline, noticing Hilary still laying on the ground, holding the blade that is still pierced through Athena's stomach.

"You can't kill me…" Athena said to Hilary. Hilary looked at her guilty and nervous like.

"It is Done," A voice echoed from the sky.

Everyone paused to look around. Only Hilary and Athena recongnized that voice. Athena quickly flew outward from Hilary, letting the blade come out as she backed away. No blood was left on the sword of wars, as you expect a god never bleeds. Hilary stood up with the sword still in her hands and she looked up at the sky like something had come over her like a great annoyance.

"So all these years you've finally come to talk to me!" she said up to the sky.

"I have no reason to return and speak with my outlawed daughter," the voice echoed, "But I have come to end and take my other daughter back home."

"I can't believe it," Ray said to himself. "Yeah," Kenny agreed, "It's really him."

"Zeus," Tyson said looking up at the sun rays of the sky, clinging out of the dark clouds. The boys became astonished by the scene that has taken place before them.

"No!" Athena begged to her father, " I must take the child"-"YOU WILL NOT!!!!!" Zeus interrupted enraged. "This no longer concerns us!!!"

His voice roared through out the city, he could be heard countries away from this beach, but it seemed only the Bladebreakers, Hilary, Athena, Yugi and Sandalpon, are the only ones who could hear while the city laid deaf.

"Arianna and The Pharaoh Atem has made their decision. And Gaia has given that choice to accept these outlawed gods to live as they wish on her created land." Zeus explained.

"No more does the humans concern their lives with us, no more do they care. The humans have chosen a path to lead as their own. We taught them the meaningful ways of how life as a human must be, and they chosen a different life style for their own purposes! We as gods do not matter until Gaia has fallen apart and die. For then humans will be in our control again, to start a new life! That is until Sandalphon will be reborn as a full god. He is the key to the end of Gaia, it is his desiscion whether Gaia must be redone and rebuild into something more then how we started before." His voice echoed to reason.

"Until then, we Olympian Gods and Goddesses have no longer any reason to be with the humans. It is Arianna's job to watch over Gaia, Atem's job to discipline it, and Sandalphon's job to end it. That is their role here on Gaia." Zeus finished explaining.

With this, Athena floated into the sun rays disappearing along with her serpent and owl. When they disappeared, the sky went back to sky blue, clear as the day was before Athena appeared. The ocean sounding relaxed and soft between the sky and the breeze.

"So is it over?" Tyson asked, killing the silence.

Hilary smiled, "Almost," she said and she went toward Sandalphon and hugged him. "You'll come back soon, I promise," she whispered in his ear. Sandalphon then shrunk getting younger by age until he vanished into Hilary's stomach where he originally belongs. The Millennium dropped into the sand where Yugi noticed and took it off the ground. "I'll keep this until he'll be born and gets older." Yugi explained. Hilary went hug him, exhausted and happy that it was over.

"So what's gonna happen now?" Max asked Tyson. "I'm not really sure," Tyson answered honestly starring at Hilary and Yugi. And there he walked away. The boys looked back watching Tyson walk away hunched forward with his head looking down the ground, and shrugging with his hands in his pockets. Kai soon followed him, as so did Max and Kenny. Before Ray left, he looked back at Hilary who saw her and Yugi kissing at the ledge of the beach. Then he went followed the rest of the boys, accepting the fact it was too late.

Something that day came upon the Bladebreakers, realizing that one thing, the world was not as normal as it may seem, and the years followed when they all turned 18 and 19 years old. The country had fallen to a discovery of the existence of demons and mythical creatures living upon them, hidden from the world. Soon every existence that hidden itself from the world for thousands of years had come out from the dark and into the light. No war had comprehended the world to come into state with these new discoveries. But it sure put everyone in shock, except for the Bladebreakers and the new newlywed Couple.