Title: What the Shell

Title: What the Shell?
Author: Jonathan
Chapter: 6
Rating: PG-13/Teen
Category: Buffy/Xander, Faith/Casey
Spoilers: Up until mid season 4 of Buffy. After Oz left but before Tara. In TMNT, general knowledge. Characters are drawn from cartoon series, movies, or maybe comics.
Summery: The turtles were contacted by Casey about a new problem. They're back with the Scoobs in toe. It's Manhtattan Half Shellverse style.
Disclaimer: Buffy is owned by Whedon, Fox, UPN. TMNT is owned by Eastman, Laird, Mirage Studios
Author Notes: Personally, I never thought I'd return to this. But when a friend suggested I come back to this series, I actually thought it wasn't a bad idea. We talked, and the idea wasn't a bad one.
Oh, and this concludes the Half Shellverse Trilogy.
Sadly, Cobra's fic, Undercover Reporter, which was set in this universe isn't canon. He never finished it and when I thought I wouldn't come back, it didn't matter. Undercover Reporter was a good fic in its own right. A good read too.
Previous installments can be found here: /Series-69

"Close the door behind you." Karn said as Bebop entered the office. He turned to face the two of them after he closed the door. "Nobody saw you come here."

"Nobody saw us." Rocksteady said to Gregory.

"Yeah, dat's the truth." Bebop concurred.

Gregory nodded as he approached his deck. He took the box that was brought earlier and placed it on the desk. He twisted the red circle that was atop the box. It opened within seconds and revealed a helmet.

"We had to take if the from the lair." Rocksteady announced.

Bebop nodded, "The Turtles seriously damaged the one in Sunnydale."

Karn was about to say something when the door to his office slammed open.

"So the Shredder's dead and you're working for new management."

"It's that Harris guy." Bebop pointed out.

"How'd he get here so fast?" Rocksteady asked.

Xander took his kama, launched it forward and slammed Bebop's blaster to the wall. He grinned, "I took Planet Express." He leapt forward and slammed the warthog to the wall.

He pinned him as he faced the other human in the room. "Is this your new boss?"

"Rocksteady!" Karn growled.

The rhinoceros nodded as he aimed his blaster, but was soon stopped he was slammed to the ground. He looked at the reason and was soon discovered Leatherhead sitting on him.

Karn took the helmet in his hands and then went to his watch. "We don't have time for this." He pressed a button and all three of them disappeared within moments.

"That was fun." Xander said with a breath. He looked at the alligator, "Thanks for the assist."

The alligator nodded, "I was happy to help." He watched Xander head toward the window. "We better get going. The boys in blue'll be here soon."

Xander nodded. "That's the idea."

LH added, "At least we know where Shredder's helmet went."


"Did Leatherhead get there okay?" Donatello asked as Buffy and Faith entered the room.

The elder Slayer nodded as she sat down on the couch. "Yeah. He and Xander went after Bebop and Rocksteady."

"We always knew Karn had something cooking." Casey elaborated as he took a bite from an apple. He grinned as he sat down next to her girlfriend. He shrugged, "We just didn't know what."

Faith grinned as she felt Casey rub her right arm. "We still don't."

Buffy added, "We already tracked down Tatsu, Karai, Rat King, and Barney Stockman."

"Yeah," Faith answered. "Even Bugboy didn't help."

Donatello grinned, "Baxter's the fly." He smirked, "They're twins."

"So that means we're back where we started." April replied as she looked at everyone.

Splinter walked into the room, "That's entirely not true."

"Sensei?" Donatello asked with hope.

He nodded, "During my most recent meditation session, I received a message from Leonardo. It was bleak, but it was a message."

"Are they alright?" Buffy asked as she got to her feet.

Splinter looked at her, "No true mention of his location, but a feeling of safety was reached. Wherever they are, all of them are together. We will reunite."

"That's good news." Casey said as he dropped his apple core in the trash.

"I just wish we had more to go on." April admitted.

Buffy was about to respond when a beeping sound was heard. Donatello took out his communicator and opened it up. "It's Xander and Leatherhead."


Two clubs slammed into the training dummy. Each club pressing massively into the rubber covered wooden limb. Blows continued to blast as Casey continued to work out his frustration.

He dropped his club and took out his hockey stick from his golf bag. He walloped the dummy with another blow. His hockey stick hit the dummy repeatedly…each time hitting its mark.

He continued to throttle the dummy.

"You trying to wake the dead there, Casey?"

Jones snapped his head at the source. He snapped, "Hey April.:

"What's with the attitude?" O'Neil asked as she approached the former hockey player.

Casey through the hockey stick and it flung into the wall.

"Jeez Casey." April said to him. Her voice said shockingly, "What's the deal?"

"It's nothing, April."

She picked up the hockey stick. "Well, obviously something is bothering you." She shrugged, "Violence and you go so well together." April slammed the stick on the dummy, "I swear one of these days I'm going figure out why."

He snapped, "April…" Casey turned to her, "Drop the stick before you hurt yourself."

O'Neil said, "Follow your own advice." She dropped the stick. "Look something is bothering you."

He approached her, "Nothing is bothering me."

"Right…" The reporter drawled out. "Being a reporter, I notice things. There's obviously something going on with Faith."

He sighed, "Nothing is going on."

She shook her head, "Whatever, Casey." April turned around and looked at him again, "Just know that I'm here if you need me."

April O'Neil then left Casey Jones to think.


"Hey Donnie…"

The turtle turned around and saw Faith standing at the door. She looked actually somewhat out of it. He could tell there was something on her mind. He looked at her, "Faith, what's up?"

She approached him and took out a stool that sat by his laboratory table. The young woman went to him and sat down across from him, "I need to ask you something."

He nodded slowly, "What do you need?"

LeHane addressed him, "I need some information." He nodded. "Look, nobody knows about this. Well except Casey, Leatherhead, and now you." She took a breath, "And I want to keep it that way. I don't want people to know if it isn't true."

He agreed, "What's the problem?"

She rubbed her stomach absentmindedly. "I need you to check the records at Sunnydale General. I want to know if there were any reported stolen fetuses."

His eyes widened, "Stolen fetus?"

Faith nodded as she filled him on Leatherhead's discovery.

"Sure, I'll do that." Donatello said.

He then turned around on his swivel chair and started to type on the keyboard. Hacking was always something he found difficult. Sometimes it was easy and sometimes it was hard. Passwords and codes had to be found out.

But hacking usually had the same function, and the key was to find the route…to find a way to bypass the security.

He sat at that computer for what seemed like a half-hour. He typed numerous combinations to get within the records. He luckily had a program that searched any combination of letters and numbers.

Shortly, Donatello was granted access.

"I'm in."

Faith nodded as she approached the chair. She watched as Donnie went through the screens. Layers and layers of windows popped up upon one to another.

Donatello typed in the name Faith LeHane but sadly came up with nothing. "There's no Faith LeHane here."

She nodded slowly and thought for a moment.

"Try Faith Wilkins."

He did as recommended and sure enough the new name worked. He watched as a profile of Faith Wilkins came onto the screen.

His eyes widened yet again. He turned around as Faith went to her seat. "I got your answer, Faith."

She nodded wanting the answer to be fast and not drawled out. "What happened?"

Donatello replied, "It's like this…"
