Harry potter ruins Spiderman 3

Harry potter ruins Spiderman 3

In New York, Peter Parker watches a play of MJ...

……In another world Harry potter cuts his hair, by the end his hair looks like peter parker's Then he flies off on a broom.

He zooms into Spiderman's world on accident…..

Peter parker senses him…..

Harry potter finds the sand before sandman…………

And he takes the sand…..

Harry potter finds Harry osborn's green goblin equipment……

Harry potter takes all of it……..

He finds Peter Parker in the tower before eddie becomes Venom……………….

He steals the venom suit and unsticks it with magic………Eddie never gets it he only sees Harry potter make off with it….

Eddie calls up Harry Osborn and Sandman……

They diecede to have a meeting……. Harry Osborn leaves a note for Peter Parker…

Peter Parker reads it….. it says…..

Dear Spiderman/Peter,

Give us back our evil clothes and weapons. Bring all…. if you don't come something might happen…

son of Green Goblin,

Eddie to become Venom,

Flint to become Sandman.

come or else, to Harry's house.

Peter comes they tie him up and ask him where the weapons are….

Peter says he does not know and Harry Osborn believes him.. they untie him and all talk….

They figure out all saw Harry potter…………………..

They must group together and get him………………..After all they did not have any bad weapons to fight Peter Parker with…..

So they might as well go and get back the weapons…………..And Peter Parker could help them….

So, Peter Parker tells Mary Jane this the next day……………

Then he propses to MJ….

She accepts….

Harry Potter grabs the ring….

Peter tells MJ to stay and he calls Harry Osborn… To say he found Harry Potter…..

Harry O. says to follow Harry P. and they can follow Peter.

Peter sees Harry P…

rush into his own world…. So Peter gets on his suit and follows Harry P. into Harry Potter's world…

When he gets there he calls Harry O. again….

taking off his mask….

Harry O. and Eddie show up they say Flint Marko will show up soon….

They see Harry fly into a school….

They go in…

There is a wizard…..Spiderman asks where the ring is….

the wizard says Harry has it….Spiderman grabs Harry P. Needless to say Harry P. gives back the ring…

Then Flint comes in….

Eddie asks where the venom suit is…

The wizard says that the suit is not a suit any more they burnt it with magic…

Harry O.asks where his green goblin board pumkin bombs and green goblin suit is….

The wizard said it was all cut in half in their labs. It could not be put back together……………

Then Flint says where's my sand…………

Oh, that the wizard says it's now a rock………………..

Harry O. is mad….

Eddie is mad…

Flint is mad…………

And so Harry O., Eddie, Flint and Peter fight and kill Harry Potter and his school and World….

Then they all forgive each other and go back to their own world….

Then Mary Jane gets married to Peter and Harry O. is the best man….

The end……………..