A/N: I liked this chapter. A lot. so, don't own HSM!!

Chapter 10 – A callback

Gabriella looked across at Troy. "Are you okay?"

Troy nodded, staring ahead with his arm around her shoulders.



"What's wrong? You haven't spoken two words since we got here, you haven't tried to kiss me and you can't lie to me. Is it your Dad?" Gabriella asked softly.

"Yeah. And everything in between! Chad and Zeke were moaning about Shar and Tay, we're auditioning for the school musical! I don't know what to do." He cried.

"Well, I'll tell you what I'm going to do. I'm going to stick by you, Troy. We're both in the same situation. Why bother fitting in when you can stand out, right?" She asked.

"But, we're not standing out. We're standing alone." Troy exclaimed.

"No we're not. If we were standing alone, we wouldn't have each other. Besides, everyone else are idiots."

"Just because you're a genius." He joked.

She grinned. "I got a smiled." She flung her left arm around his neck. "I've missed that."

"Well, we should make our way to the auditorium." Troy said, looking at his watch.

"I like it here." She whispered into his shoulder.

"The rooftop garden?"

"Being here with you." She whispered.

Troy lifted her head and kissed her gently. "Is that what you were waiting for?"

She giggled and nodded. "Yeah it was. How'd you guess?"

"You're a suck up." He answered simply.

"Does it work?" She asked flirtatiously.

Troy sighed. "No. But, I love you so damn much and I can't resist you."

She blushed and looked away.

"And I love making you blush." He murmured against her skin as he planted his lips on her cheek.

Ms Darbus breathed a sigh of relief as the last of the single auditions stepped off of the stage. Things were going nowhere. None of these kids could sing. What happened to all of the talented students that she always saw at auditions? "Sharpay and Ryan!"

Sharpay smiled confidently and stood up with her brother. He was about to make his way to the stage when she pushed him back, strutting past him. "Me first."

Ryan rolled his eyes and sighed inaudibly, following his sister. She was two minutes and twenty seven seconds older and she acted like it was all about her. He hadn't spoken to Gabriella in days. She was one of his best friends! He walked over to Kelsi and smiled brightly at her. "Hey, Kels."

"Rehearsal pianist?" She asked knowingly, her petite face full of sorrow.

"I'm sorry." Ryan said sincerely.

She breathed out deeply. "Me too. She's so controlling. She doesn't know how much she hurt Gabriella."

Ryan glanced over at his sister who was waving him over. "I better go. And, uh, for the record, I prefer the original." He smiled softly at her before walking over to Sharpay, taking the microphone that Sharpay was holding out to him. Sharpay's microphone, of course, was decorated with pink glitter and sparkles to match her outfit, whereas his was just a normal microphone.

Sharpay clicked her fingers and the curtains closed in front of them. After their warm-ups, which Ryan didn't see the point in but played along, Sharpay pressed play on a stereo. They both started clicking their fingers as the music started and the curtains opened.

(A/N: Insert 'What I've been looking for' here. I couldn't be bothered with the lyrics.)

"I told you not to do the jazz square." Sharpay hissed.

Ryan rolled his eyes as he turned his microphone off. "Whatever." He muttered.

"Excuse me?" She asked pointedly.

Ryan looked at her and furrowed his brow, taking the green cap off of his head and folding his arms. "I said whatever, okay? And you wonder why Gabby's not talking to you? You've got serious attitude problems. You ruined another of Kelsi's compositions. Do you know how that makes her feel?"

Sharpay looked hurt and cowered back slightly. "But-"

"But, what? Chad and Zeke says something the wrong way so you take it out on everyone else? You guys became friends because of Gabby. And how do you thank her?" Ryan asked fiercely.

"Oh, just because you have a creepy crush on her. Hello? She's not interested.

"Hello? I don't have a crush on her." Ryan shot back. "I may be slow but I'm not stupid. You're just a bully, Sharpay. No wonder Zeke won't go out with you." He stepped past her and put his microphone back before pulling up a chair to sit next to Kelsi.

"That was pretty brave." She said softly as they watched Sharpay walked off of the stage.

Ryan shrugged. "She's just getting on my nerves. I mean, Gabby's not the same. I know what Chad and Zeke said was wrong but, she didn't have to say that about Gabby."

Kelsi nodded in agreement. "Uh, Ry?"

"Hmmm?" He looked towards her, his blue eyes sparkling in the light.

"How much does the part of Zac mean to you?" She asked nervously.

He shrugged. "Well, it's one of those nice to have things. I'd like it, but, I'm more into directing than acting. You know that. What brought this on?"

"Troy and Gabriella are auditioning." She whispered. "I don't know how good Troy is but Gabriella is really good."

"She sings?" Ryan asked.

"Yeah. She was in here during gym and then Troy came. It's complicated. But, forgetting how good she'd be for the character, with her limp and all, she could get the part. And even if Troy can't sing, Ms Darbus might give them the part because of their chemistry." She blushed slightly and looked away, knowing she'd said too much.

"Kels, what are you hiding?" Ryan asked. As one of her only friends, she couldn't hide from him.

She rolled her eyes. "I can't tell you."

Ryan was about to protest when Ms Darbus stood up from her seat in the audience. "Right, well, any last minute auditions?"

"We'd like to audition, Ms Darbus." A voice called, causing everyone to turn to the left wing, watching as Troy helped Gabriella onto the stage.

"Mr Bolton. Where's your sports pose or whatever its called?" Ms Darbus sneered, taking her hatred of his father out on Troy.

"Team?" He tried helpfully. "Actually, I'm here to audition. With Gabriella."

Ms Darbus stared at them thoughtfully for a while. They had possibility. "Miss Nielson?" She sat back down and looked up expectantly as the students bustled around onstage.

Gabriella looked to a blonde girl glaring at her from a few rows behind Ms Darbus. She knew Sharpay wouldn't be happy but, Gabriella wanted this. She wanted to conquer her fear. No one knew she was a singer and she had never had the confidence to perform. But, with Troy by her side, she felt like it was only them. She felt Troy squeeze her left hand, tugging her towards the piano and she followed.

Bold – Troy

Italics – Gabriella

Underlined – Troyella

It's hard to believe
That I couldn't see
You were always there beside me

Gabriella smiled softly at Troy when she heard his harmonic voice. This didn't surprise her much, she had expected him to have a perfect voice. No matter how many people protested that perfection only existed in fairytales, Gabriella saw perfection when she saw Troy Bolton. She realised it was her turn and she started to sing softly. She started off quietly, her confidence still wouldn't let her voice rise to her full potential.

Thought I was alone
With no one to hold

But you were always there beside me

Their voices melted together in perfect harmony and Ryan looked across at Kelsi as he fingers played the piano expertly. They shared a look of shock, not expecting the basketball jock and farm geek to sing so brilliantly.

This feeling's like no other
I want you to know
That I've never had someone
That knows me like you do
The way you do

And I've never had someone
As good for me as you
No one like you

So lonely before
I finally found
What I've been looking for


As they finished singing, Troy and Gabriella were looking deeply into each other's eyes and Troy had to fight himself not to grab her and kiss her.

"Bolton, Montez. You have a callback. You surprised me, Troy Bolton. I expected something from Miss Montez, but not from you. Kelsi, give them the duet from the second act. Work on it with them." She slid her glasses onto her nose and left the auditorium.

Gabriella grinned hugged Troy tightly. "We did it, Troy."

He laughed and pulled back slightly, still holding her waist. "Yeah, we did."

Troy, Gabriella, Kelsi and Ryan all turned to the auditorium doors as they slammed shut, realising Sharpay had left. "My sister has left the building." Ryan muttered, breaking the silence.

Kelsi giggled and turned to Troy. "I didn't expect that from you."

"I did." Gabriella whispered.

"What do you mean?" HE asked.

"The perfect voice for the perfect guy." She said softly.

"Wait." Ryan exclaimed. "Are you two…" He left the question hanging in the air.

Kelsi sighed. "That's what I wouldn't tell you."

"Gabby, you've got a boyfriend?" Ryan exclaimed.

Troy frowned. "What do you mean?"

Gabriella rolled her eyes. "I've never had a boyfriend. And all of my friends have been match making me ever since. But I did it by myself."

Troy smiled and kissed her softly, making her giggle. "Ryan, please don't tell anyone."

He nodded. "No worries."

Kelsi handed Troy and Gabriella a manuscript each and started speaking excitedly. "We can reahearse during free period, before school, after school-"

Ryan put his hand over her mouth. "Kels, calm down."

"Are you okay, with us getting a callback?" Gabriella asked, addressing Ryan.

He nodded. "Sure. I want to concentrate on directing, anyway. But, Sharpay might be a little more difficult to convince."

"I can't believe she's turning back into a bully." Gabriella mumbled. "I guess once you're a bully, you're always a bully."

Troy pulled her closer and kissed her forehead. "Don't worry, Brie. No one will hurt you."