This is it everyone. This is the end. :( (Cries) I'm gonna miss this story. It was so much fun to write! And Ryan was adorable. :) But alas, all good things must come to an end…

Anyway, I'll take this time to say: HAPPY BIRTHDAY IVY!! YEAH!! :D I wish I can be there to throw some confetti on you and throw a cake in your face (LoL). :)

Thanks so much to:

Reviewers: Poison's Ivy (of course!), Chica De Los Ojos Café, Beautifuldeath92, I'll Cover Angel and Collins, badkidoh, Okikuchan, Z.Brite, kawaiiitahina123, liliac girl, 718darkstar, Dramatic Melody, NightRaven511, WestSide Love, amethyst-dreams27, HarmonieFan, Tokyo Blue, poofyluvspoof, redraefan, Caged, The-Random-Hitter, Madam Moony, LilLadyG, 4kitty101, paula2284, ShadeKitty

Faves: 13Noir, 718darkstar, B Guy, Beautifuldeath92, Dramatic Melody, IDon'tKnowWhatMyPenNameIs, Ianes, LilLadyG, Madam Moony, NightRaven511, Okikuchan, WestSide Love, Z.Brite, amethyst-dreams27, badkidoh, blklightning, frozenteardrop, 4kitty101, paula2284, ShadeKitty

Alerts: 13Noir, 718darkstar, Azera-v, Beautifuldeath92, HarmonieFan, LilLadyG, Mio Amore, Okikuchan, Poison's Ivy, Reina's in Love, SinCos, StormDancer, Z.Brite, amethyst-dreams27, badkidoh, frozenteardrop, sammyxr, 4kitty101, pastheart, paula2284, Fade to Blue, ShadeKitty

Thanks to everyone who stuck with me to the end! You guys rock! :D

Oh yeah, I'd like to point out badkidoh and say that I was very surprised to see that you nearly guessed my entire epilogue (you'll see in a few minutes) while trying to provide me with sequel suggestions (thanks so much btw!). Some things you said were different, but it's pretty close. Kudos to you! XD

So, here is the epilogue. (bows dramatically) Enjoy everyone!

Disclaimer: (Sighs) Once again, I must say, I do not own the Teen Titans! Just my OCs.


Epilogue- Encounter

Two weeks later…

Ryan sighed to himself as he looked through the scrapbook of newspaper clippings he had collected. Since ever his fascination with Raven started (which was when he was 9), he had gone back to old newspapers and gotten every article on the Titans, no matter how big or small. He now was an avid collector of articles on the Titans.

"Stop being such a grump, Ryan!" Riley suddenly shouted out, grabbing his friend around the neck from behind and ruffling his hair. "I mean, she's five years older and a Titan. It's impossible for you to see her again."

"She calls sometimes," Ryan muttered as he removed his friend's arm.

"Come on, Ry." Riley rolled his eyes. "She thinks of you like a little bro."

"Actually, she's not sure of how she feels towards me," Ryan told him, still flipping through the scrapbook randomly.

"That doesn't mean you guys are going to date anytime soon!" Riley said, throwing his hands up. "I mean, you guys can barely see each other! You have school, she has her Titan business…it's practically impossible!"

"I know," Ryan sighed sadly again. He wished that somehow he could see Raven again. It was killing him everyday without her, and he hated having to settle on only talking to her on the phone once every week.

And the worst part was, she was still being stubborn and insisting it was only sisterly love she had for him.

How was he going to convince her otherwise if he couldn't be there to woo her?

Blocking out the chatter from Riley, who had moved to another topic, Ryan turned back to his scrapbook. His eyes widened as they landed on one article. It had been from a couple of years ago.

The article talked about how Robin had disguised himself as a thief named Red X to catch Slade, but the plan had failed. What interested Ryan the most was how the costume was described. A black body suit with a skull mask. There were two red X's, one on the skull mask and on the chest of the suit. It came with a grey utility belt with various gadgets that Robin had made to specially disarm each of the Titans. It even came with an awesome tattered cape and a voice changer within the mask. How perfect was it?

Red X, huh? Ryan thought as a smile broke out on his face. His smile widened as he shut his scrapbook closed. A plan was already forming in his head as he thought about the structure of the tower and the security system. Imagine…the richest kid in Jump being a mastermind thief.

(A/N: This will be different from how they actually see Red X again in the show of course. :P And…(chuckles uneasily) Uh…let's all pretend that Ryan and Robin are the same height. I was thinking about it…and Robin is SO not 5'6 in the show. Darn, why'd I make Ryan so tall? XD Oh yeah, I wanted him to be taller than Raven. XP)

Raven sighed, glaring out the window of the T-car. They had gotten a signal of someone breaking in a high-end chemical storehouse a few minutes ago and now were racing towards there.

Raven hated this. Although she had quickly adjusted back to her Titan life, she missed the days she had spent with Ryan. She'd never admit that to her friends though. It would be out of character for her.

"Alright Titans, we split up and search for the culprit," Robin announced when the arrived to the scene. "Starfire, you're with me. We'll take the inside. Beast Boy and Cyborg I want you to check out the perimeter. And Raven, you take the back side of the warehouse."

"Alright," Cyborg responded for all of them as they split up respectively.

Raven sighed again, floating towards the back of the warehouse. I hope I don't run into that thief…She thought angrily. I just may kill him.

Raven finally arrived to her designated spot and looked around, not spotting anything out of the norm. "He probably already left," she muttered to herself as she turned around to leave.

"Whoa!" Raven screamed out in surprise as she was faced with a skull mask. Before she could scream again or react to finding the thief, the mysterious figure grabbed her, pinning her down and clamping his gloved hand over her mouth.

"Shh! You want birdbrain to find us?" Raven's eyes widened as she recognized the cocky tone of voice. And that spicy scent…there was no mistaking it.

"Ryan?" She murmured when he removed his hand. She looked back at him, taking in the Red X costume Robin had adorned years ago. "What the hell do you think you're doing?!"

Ryan laughed, "I just got a flash of déjà vu right now. This is how we first met, remember?"

Raven had to keep from blushing as she realized it was exactly like how they first met. He had her pinned down, and their bodies were too close for comfort as he breathed on her, his scent intoxicating.

Shaking out the numerous thoughts and the clamoring voices of her emotions, Raven glared up at Ryan, "What are you doing in that suit?"

"What? No, 'Ryan, I missed you!' or 'Ryan!!' while hugging me and crying? Just, 'What are you doing in that suit?'. How cold, Raven." Ryan feigned hurt.

"Get off of me!" Doing as she said, Ryan got off her, holding out his hand to help her up. However, Raven ignored it and got up herself. Another flash of déjà vu. Things just got weirder and weirder since ever she met Ryan.

"Now, tell me, why do you have Robin's Red X suit?" Raven asked, wanting answers. A creeping feeling filled her. What if he had stolen the suit with some dangerous intention? Would she have to arrest him? The thought frightened her.

"I wanted to see you again," Ryan answered, leaning back casually on the wall of the warehouse. "I'm busy with school and birdbrain probably wouldn't allow me visiting you. And you're too busy with your Titan duties to visit me. This is the only way I can ever see you."

"You did this…" Raven trailed off, taking in his words. "For me?"

Ryan nodded, and Raven could almost imagine him blushing underneath that mask. "Yeah…"

"Why?" Raven asked, crossing her arms. "Why would you steal a suit and pretend to be a thief just for me?"

He shifted uncomfortably, the heat rising in his cheeks, "Didn't I tell you already?" He shifted again as he fixed Raven with his serious look, although she couldn't see it with that mask, "Although you see me as a little brother Raven, I don't see you as a big sister at all. So I will chase after you using any method possible. And if I have to pretend to be Red X, then I will do so and keep doing so until I can say you're mine."

Raven was now the one shifting uncomfortably. She looked at the ground, not wanting to face Ryan knowing he had that serious look in his blue eyes that would make her crumble. Too bad she forgot he was wearing a mask. "Ryan…didn't I tell you already too? It's impossible…for you and I…"

"So?" Ryan interrupted her, knowing where she was going. "I don't care if you're older, or that you're a Titan. I…I…" he trailed off, blushing. "I like you."

Raven's heart thumped in her chest, and a part of her wanted to say that she too liked him. But she couldn't. At least not now. "Ryan, look—"

"Raven?" Robin called from her communicator, interrupting her sentence. "Raven, did you spot the culprit?"

The two looked down at the communicator connected to her belt. Raven's eyes traveled back to Ryan, who looked at her.

"Raven? Are you there?"

Pressing the voice only button, Raven answered, "Yeah Robin, and no, I didn't see anyone. What about you?"

"Same. And Beast Boy and Cyborg say they didn't see anyone either. Nothing's been taken, so I guess it was a false alarm. We're going for pizza then. You wanna come?"

"Sure, I'll meet you there though. There's something I need to take care of first."


Raven turned her communicator off and looked back at Ryan. He leaned against the warehouse, his arms crossed against his chest.

"So what were you going to say?" Ryan prompted, waiting.

Raven paused, wondering if she should finish what she was going to say before. She was going to say that it was impossible, and if he was going to be stubborn then she was going to cut connections with him altogether. But…she didn't want that. And besides, even if she did do that, Ryan, the stubborn kid he is, would just keep pursuing her. It was stupid to even say it.

"Never mind," Raven told him, shaking her head. "But you're not really going to steal are you?"

Ryan chuckled, pushing himself off the wall and walking towards Raven. He put his masked face close to hers, whispering in her ear, "The only thing I plan on stealing is your heart."

Raven's eyes widened with surprise, staring at Ryan as he pulled away and gave her a two finger salute. "Ciao, Rae."

"Wait, Ry—" Raven reached out towards him, but he teleported away before she could grab him. She looked at the spot were he once was, a smile slowly forming on her face.

She would never admit this to him, it would only give him hope, but she anticipated the next time she would encounter Red X.


And thus, Big Sister is Pretty comes to an end.

I hope you have a great birthday Ivy!! XD I wish I could be there to celebrate it with you!

The sequel is now in the works! I don't know when I will post it, but make sure to keep a lookout for it! It will be called: Baby, Be Mine.

It'll probably be posted soon though considering I've already written up to chapter 2. XD And because it's Ivy birthday, I'll give you guys another present by having a sequel teaser!

So enjoy this teaser! :D


It was excruciating as to how fast, yet slow, things were going. It nearly blew Ryan's mind.

To think that once everything was over, he would have to call her 'Mrs. Xander'. It was both pleasing and frightening. Thoughts raced to his head, mostly circulating around how things would turn out.

Would she run away, scared? Would she say no? What if she tired of him later on in the marriage? Or worse, what if she had another man?


"You really need to work out more, Carlos." Ryan teased when the Carlos finally caught up, bending over to breathe.

"You…need…to…stop," Carlos retorted between gasps, trying to calm his beating heart. "What are you taking to be so energetic? Steroids?"

"How did you know?!" Ryan laughed when Carlos gave him an incredulous look. "I'm joking."

Carlos narrowed his eyes, still suspecting his boss was on something. What else would have him so hyped up at 4:30 in the morning?! And it was even fishier because he had never seen Ryan so…happy. He was always either serious or joking around, but never happy. Never with a wide smile plastered forever on his face and blinding everyone with it. It was scaring Carlos…


Nightwing paused, "They're not that bad…are they?"

"You've been the victim of their uncontrollable strength and lasers haven't you?"

Nightwing did not respond to that. Instead he coughed and avoided the subject, "It's just one night, Raven. And if you want, once the kids are asleep, you can have your date in the tower."

Raven thought over it. It was risky, to have her date here. But it'd be even worse to cancel on him last minute just because of three kids. "Alright, if you promise I can have free reign of the tower tonight with my date, then I will not kill your kids."

Nightwing burst out laughing, "Yeah right, Rae. As if you would…" He trailed off when he saw that serious looks in her eyes. "You're not joking, are you?"

-X-End ofTeaser-X-

Hmm, maybe I put too much? XD LoL, but I hope you guys enjoyed it!

Knowing me, I probably won't be able to resist the temptation of uploading this story, so it might be up maybe even by tomorrow or depending on how much I want you guys to suffer while waiting for it. :P Jk, jk, I'll try to get it up as fast as I can! A day or two should do. :D

I hope to see you guys there! But for now…

