Author's Note of Coolness!:

Pink: HI! I know I haven't updated in a while, so I'm sorry! I kind of got caught up in watching the Olympics and didn't update! So I made it super long so that you would maybe… forgive me?

Hikaru: I wouldn't forgive you. Actually, I still don't forgive you for starving me last chapter while you skipped off to No Where Land!

Pink:-Sing song- With Maggie, and the Ferocious Beast! (Which I don't own)

Hikaru: What the hell are you talking about?

Pink: I'll never tell! Anywho, I'd like to thank Mrs.MonkeyD.Hitachiinx3, Mihael Jeevas, Shoelacey, XxLakotaxX, ninja enchantress, red-jello04, Dimly, Hyperpegasi, ChristinaAngel, and Phantom Twilight Princess for reviewing! We'd also like to thank blizardwolf1, Princess-Christina-Ark, and wolfspeaker01 for putting us on Story Alert or Favorite Story! YAY! THANK YOU!!

Hikaru: Start the city before I get a head ache!

Pink: ON IT!!

Chapter 8: Help Wanted!

"Alright everyone, we'll see you all again tomorrow!" Tamaki shouted pleasantly as his customers left the Third Music Room.

"But Tamaki, my family is going on a business trip tomorrow! We won't be back until next week!" Random Fangirl Number Five (Named so by Gale) said, practically on the brink of tears.

Tamaki leaned down and tilted the girls face up towards his. "Then, my fair princess, I shall see you in my dreams until you return."

Gale almost gagged as the girls practically melted were they stood. She didn't understand what was so appealing about Host Club Tamaki. He always seemed so fake and rehearsed to her. Although, that was probably because she knew what he was really like. 'He's really goofy, and a bit of a spaz, but he's a kind hearted person. Why can't he show that side of him in the host club?'

"HUZZAH! Another wonderful day! Good job everyone, we'll meet back here tomorrow!" Tamaki declared dramatically.

Gale smiled as she finished her last job of the day, sweeping around Mori and Hunny's table! Because of all the cake they ate, their table was always the worse one to clean. Thus, Gale learned to clean their table last.

"Gale! Are you doing something fun after school today?" Hunny asked excitedly.

Gale smiled and shook her head. "N-n-no. It's a s-s-school night, s-s-so I guess I'll j-j-just go home and s-s-study."

"GALE?! You here?"

Gale cringed as she turned around to see her brother standing in the Host Club's doorway. 'Oh God, please don't let him do something stupid!'

Tamaki looked over to the doorway and quickly remembered who the young man was. "Ah, Ryan! Is something wrong?"

"No, no, nothing wrong! Actually, I'm glad to see that you're all still here." Ryan said happily, clapping his hands together. "How would you rich bastards like to help me out?"

"I think you need more help than we can give you." Hikaru pointed out, remembering his phone conversation from the other day.

"I was wondering if you kids could help out at the restaurant that I work at!" Ryan declared, ignoring Hikaru's comment.

"What happened? Is Ayame alright?" Gale asked quietly, forgetting for a moment to be shy.

Ryan patted the girl on the head gently. "Calm down Gale, Aya's absolutely fine! However, her employees lack such luck. One called in sick, one broke her leg into work, one got hit by a car, and another is sitting in a police station after hitting someone with her car."

"Wow, rough day." Hikaru stated. "How is the guy who got hit with a car?"

"He's… alive. I think he broke an arm and a leg and maybe a few ribs... Anywho, we're really short staffed and we need people to fill in! At first I was just going to ask Gale to come down, but when I saw all of you here I figured I should give it a shot! So, what do you say? Are you guys in?"

We'll help!" Hunny said brightly, looking up at Mori. "Right Takashi?"


"Of course I shall help as well!" Tamaki declared dramatically as he suddenly appeared next to Gale. "Daddy will always be there to help his little girl!

"Coolness! Thanks… Dad." Ryan said, slightly creeped out over the fact that his sister's 'Dad' was actually younger than him. "So twinzies, are you in too?"

The twins looked at one another out of the corner of their eyes. "Sounds interesting…" Hikaru said, smiling.

"We're in!" Kaoru finished (rather quickly in mine and Hunny's opinion).

Haruhi sighed. "As much fun as this sounds, I have to be home to make my father dinner tonight."

"So you can take some food from the restaurant home with you for dinner!" Ryan whined. "Come on! Please?!"

"I really can't" Haruhi said, extremely grateful to have an excuse.

Ryan shrugged. "Fine, that's perfectly okay. But, do you really want to leave poor Gale all alone with the Host Club?"

Haruhi looked over at Gale, who currently being glomped by the twins as Tamaki yelled at them for harassing their sister. She'd been there before, and suddenly felt very sympathetic towards her friend. Especially since she knew for a fact that Gale wouldn't stand up for herself. "That's true. I guess I'll go too."

"Success!" Ryan shouted as he jumped up in the air. "What about you four eyes? You're the only one left."

"OF COURSE HE WOULD LOVE TO COME!" Tamaki shouted as he clung onto Kyouya. "After all, Mommy wants to help her daughter too!"

"I can speak for myself, thank you." Kyouya said as he pushed a depressed Tamaki away from him. "I will go down to the restaurant with all of. It should prove to be a very interesting experience."

"Great! Lets go!" Ryan said as he began to march towards the door.

Gale sighed and grabbed the back of her brother's shirt. "Ryan, how exactly do you plan on getting us all to the restaurant? Your car only seats five people.

"Tch, details aren't important."


"I think details are a bit more important than you thought." Hikaru pointed out as Ryan looked form the backseat of his car to the Host Club member.

"I've got it!" Ryan declared happily as he stood up. "Alright, Hikaru will sit up front by me (He still doesn't trust him). Mom and Dad (Aka: Tamaki and Kyouya) will sit on top of each other. Next to them, I guess the big guy can put the little kid on his lap. Then, I guess Gale can sit on Kaoru's lap."

"I don't think that's a good idea!" Gale blurted out, her face turning beat red. "B-b-because it's a, uh, threat t-t-to our s-s-safety and a-a-all."

"Gale's right, it really doesn't seem like a good idea." Haruhi agreed. "Kaoru, are you okay? Your face seems kind of red."

Kaoru smiled nervously. "I'm fine! You don't have to worry about me."

"Are you sure? We can go home if you want." Hikaru said quickly, feeling his brother's forehead. Gale wondered if he was genuinely concerned for his brother or if he was just terrified of Ryan and didn't feel like going to the restaurant.

"Come on guys, it's a great plan!" Ryan protested in vain.

"Yes, of course it is." Kyouya said as he pushed up his glasses. "And despite all the confidence I had in your brilliant plan, I took the liberty of calling my limo while we were back by the Third Music Room. It should be here in three… tow… on."

And then, right on time, a long black limo pulled up right in front of them. Gale couldn't help but roll her eyes as an elderly chauffeur got out of the front seat and opened the door for them. It was the type of thing you always saw on TV but never thought would actually happen in real life. After all, who's so lazy that they can't open a door?

"Gale! Sit with us!"

Gale was quickly snapped out of her thoughts as the twins pulled her into the seat between them. The inside of the limo seemed even bigger than the outside was, if that's even humanly possible! Gale would have been awe struck if she hadn't been squished between the twins and trying to stop her brother from rolling the window between them and the chauffer up and down.

"So Gale, who is this Ayame lady you and your brother mentioned earlier?" Kaoru asked.

"Um, she's m-m-my brother's boss and a g-g-good friend of my f-f-family. "Gale answered quickly. She really didn't want to get into all of the details of her family right now. She was especially hesitant to tell Kaoru for some reason.

Kaoru seemed to pick up on the fact that she wasn't telling the whole truth, but changed the subject anyway. "So, what is this restaurant called?"

"I-i-it's called the Jade Pearl." Gale said hesitantly. "I know, it's k-k-kind of a w-w-weird name, b-b-but she loves it."

"Is that it? Hikaru asked as he pointed out the window.

Ryan looked up and smiled. "That's it! Mr. Chauffeur Dude, you can just pull up right in front of the restaurant!"

The man nodded and pulled up in front of the building. Mr. Chauffeur Dude went to open the door, but Ryan had already burst out of the car and was running towards the Jade Pearl. The others waited hesitantly in the backseat of the car before following Ryan's lead.

"Aya! Lookie who I found!" Ryan called out as he leaned into the restaurant.

The walked into the almost empty building to see a woman, maybe in her early forties, walk out of the back room. She had medium length black hair and was in very good shape for her age. The woman's stoic expression quickly changed to pure joy as she saw Gale.

"Gale! Where has your brother been hiding you!" Ayame shouted as she ran over and glomped the girl. "God sweety, you're so thin you're going to disappear next time you go behind a tree! Your brother's been feeding you, hasn't he?"

"I'm fine Ayame. Ryan takes really good care of me." Gale said, loosing feeling in her arms. As much as she loved Ayame, she needed to stop working out so much!

Ayame smiled. "Good, I'm glad you're alright! So, now that I have that out of the way, who are these handsome young men behind you?"

"These a-a-are my f-f-friends from school." Gale stuttered, suddenly remembering that they were there.

"And may I be the first to say that it is an honor to finally meet you." Tamaki said politely ad he extended his hand.

"Um, thank you." Ayame said, obviously confused by his attitude. "However, you aren't the fist person to say that. Someone named Kyouya called me a week ago and filled me in on how Gale was doing!"

Gale was about to say something when Haruhi appeared next to her. "Don't even bother. Kyouya knows everything, and we kind of just accept that. That's why we call him the Shadow King."

Gale nodded, slightly confused, but grateful that Haruhi had come. She was really the only person Gale could relate to, considering she'd been through the same thing… only longer. Poor girl.

"Now, are you guys actually willing to, um, work?" Ayame asked, obviously a bit confused as to why Ryan would think a group of rich kids would actually want to work during their free time.

"We will work as hard as we possibly can in order to help in your time of need!" Tamaki declared dramatically.

Gale sighed. Tamaki Translation: We're going to attempt to help but end up doing something stupid and crazy while Kyouya watches. Mean while, Haruhi will likely be the only one who is actually doing anything.

"SUPER! I'll go get your uniforms and then all you'll need are your job assignment!" Ayame said happily before turning to Ryan. "Ryan, can you get the uniforms? We have some extras in the back room!"

Ryan nodded and skipped off to the back room. Ayame smiled and looked back at the boys (And Haruhi and Gale). "Alright Ryan told me some of your names, but I can't remember them so you get nicknames! Alright, big dude, take the twin on my right and head into the kitchen. You two will be filling in for our chefs with me tonight! The rest of you will be waiting tables with Ryan. Any questions?"

Ayame paused and waited for the teens to nod. "Good. Now, let's get our act together before the dinner rush comes in!"

Ryan returned to the group and quickly handed out the uniforms. They weren't very impressive: a plain white button up shirt with a vest. The uniforms also included a pair of full length pants if you're a guy and a knee length skirt if you're a girl. The chefs had typical white chef suits with a poofy hat (Which Ayame would likely force them to wear).

"So, put these on and report to your posts immediately! Go, go, go!" Ayame shouted, causing the teens to scramble.


Gale looked at herself in the mirror of the girl's bathroom. The uniform fit surprisingly well, considering it was just an "extra". 'For some reason, I think these two were planning this for a while.'

"Haruhi, a-a-are you ready?"

Haruhi walked out of the bathroom stall hesitantly. It was strange to see Haruhi in girl's clothing, but it looked good on her. However, Haruhi didn't seem to like it very much.

"This skirt is so troublesome." Haruhi complained as she stretched the skirt slightly.

Gale couldn't help but laugh slightly. "I-i-if you want, you c-c-could ask Ryan f-f-for a pair of p-p-pants."

Haruhi took one more look at the skirt and shook her head. "It's not too bad. I can deal with it for now."

Gale nodded and walked towards the door. As soon as the two girls stepped out of the bathroom, they were greeted by their friends shocked faces. Gale and Haruhi had barely enough time to exchange confused glances before Haruhi was scooped up by Tamaki.


"Tamaki! Put me-

"Haru, you look so cute! Gale, you look cute too! Right Kao?" Hunny said sweetly before Haruhi could finish her request.

"Y-yeah. You two look cute." Kaoru said quietly.

Before Hunny could cause any more awkward situations for his friends, Ayame appeared out of no where. "Alright, I just introduced the two in the kitchen to cooking. The big guy seemed to get it, but carrot top was majorly confused. So, before they burn down my restaurant, I would like to tell you that your jobs are way simple! All you have to do is ask the customers what they want, then right down their order and tell the kitchen what to prepare! Then, once the order has been prepared, you'll bring the food out to the person who ordered it. Simple, right?"

Ayame took in their blank stares and sighed. "Oh well, good enough! So, I'm gonna go make sure the other two don't impale themselves with spatulas. If you guys have any questions, and you will have questions, feel free to ask Ryan! Bye now!"

Gale waited until Ayame had disappeared into the kitchen to begin her silent panicking. 'What the hell is wrong with Ryan?! I just KNOW that something bad is going to happen! I'm going to mess up and embarrass myself in front of everyone! Or the Host Club will do something stupid and get Ayame in big trouble! Or Hikaru will accidently burn down the restaurant and Ayame will go into bankruptcy and have to move to Antarctica! Or-

"Gale, are you alright?"

Gale snapped out of the panic-thought and looked up at Kaoru. "N-n-nothing."

"You're panicking, aren't you?" Kaoru said, seeming slightly amused.

Gale sighed in defeat. "Yes, yes I am." She admitted, surprisingly only slightly embarrassed. For some reason, she was kind of getting used to looking like a psycho in front of the Host Club.

"Don't worry, I'm a little nervous too." Kaoru admitted shyly. "However, I'm only slightly scared about messing up myself. I'm more scared that Hikaru is going to get hurt or cause some damage."

"T-t-true. I'm sure Mori will look out for him." Gale said quietly, secretly thrilled that she hadn't stuttered a lot. "And Ayame, since she's put way too much money into this restaurant."

Koru looked at the girl as theother "waiters" made their way towards the tables. "Yeah, I know, but I can't help but worry about him. He's never actually cooked before."

"Yeah. I kind of figure that." Gale almost whispered. "Where's Kyouya?"

"Not working?" Kaoru guessed, glancing around the restaurant. "He's more of a supervisor than an actual worker."

Gale nodded. "I kind of figure that too. So, I guess we should start waiting some tables, huh?"

"Yeah, probably. I'm kind of scared to see Milord attempt an actual job. You should have seen him when he trying to win a summer pension at Karuizawa."

"Yeah, it should definitely be interesting. See you later." Gale said as she and Kaoru parted ways. For some reason, Gale's heart was pumping faster than it ever had. She had never felt like this before when she was talking to someone. Although she was so nervous she was about to puke, she felt strangely happy. The emotions didn't really mix very well, but she like how it felt (She's such a happy crazy).

"Excuse me, I've been waiting for five minutes whole minutes and no ones taken my order yet?" Some random female customer complained loudly, unable to even fathom the though of having to wait for something in her pathetic little life.

Our green haired heroin (Dramatic effect!) snapped out of La La land and smiled nervously at the woman. "I-I-I'm really sorry a-a-about that. A-a-are you ready to o-o-order?"

"No, I just asked for service for my health!" The woman snapped angrily. "I would like a glass of ice cold water with a hint of lemon. For my main course, have the chef prepare boiled lobster. If you can't prepare it, which wouldn't surprise me, I'll order the most expensive thing on your menu."

Gale wanted desperately to roll her eyes at the woman's stuck up attitude. It seemed obvious to that they would serve lobster if it was on the menu, so se figured the woman was being a pain. Instead Gale told the woman she'd be right back with her order and left quickly. Thiswoman was the type of person Gale really despised. However, despite the fact that the woman was possibly demonic, she was happy one of the Host's hadn't tried to serve her. The only ones she really trusted were Kaoru and Tamaki. Haruhi would have quickly confronted the woman and said exactly what she was thinking, and Hunny probably would have started crying.

Gale finally reached the kitchen to see Hikaru carefully flipping an egg over. The Hitachiin was so focused on the egg in front of him, he didn't even notice his friend's presence. The green haired girl walked over to him carefully and tapped him on the shoulder gently. Despite her care, Hikaru still jumped almost a foot in the air.

"Gale! Don't scare me like that!" Hikaru said as he clasped his chest and attempted to breathe normally again.

Gale smiled slightly. "S-s-sorry. Where are Mori a-a-and Ayame?"

Hikaru thought for a second. Obviously, he had been focusing on the egg flipping for a while. "I Ayame had Mori run to the store to pick up something, and Ayame went to go see how the other waiters were doing. Why?"

"D-d-do you know h-h-how to prepare boiled lobster?"

"I'm not sure, but I think you boil it." Hikaru answered sarcastically.

Gale nodded. "W-w-well, you should p-p-probably start boiling then."

"Great! What cabinet does Ayame keep the lobster in?" Hikaru asked as he poured water into a pot.

Gale smiled weakly and pointed over to a tank of live lobsters behind Hikaru. Although Hikaru tortures her relentlessly, Gale couldn't help but feel bad for her friend as he paled considerably. She felt even worse since this was his first time cooking.

"I have to cook it… alive?" Hikaru asked, obviously disgusted by the idea.

"That, o-o-or you can sever the b-b-body in half." Gale answered. By the look of Hikaru's complexion, she could tell it wasn't really helping him.

Hikaru looked from the lobsters, to Gale, to the pot that was resting on the edge of the sink, and back to the lobsters. "I guess I'd rather cook them whole than sever him."

"A-a-are you sure? I c-c-could get Ayame if y-y-you want." Gale said quickly, remembering how worried Kaoru had been earlier.

Hikaru nodded. "Don't worry, I can do this."

Gale smiled and walked out of the room to let her friend be alone with his "victim". As soon as she stepped out of the Kitchen, she was greeted by yet another problem.


Gale watched miserably as Ayame spun a thrilled looking Hunny in circles. After a few minutes of spinning, Ayame became vaguely aware of her ex-stepdaughter's existence and smiled.

"GALE! Can you believe how adorable he is! I will seriously adopt him! Well, except for the fact that he already has a family. Oh well, I'll kidnap him!" Ayame squealed, hugging Hunny again.

Gale ignored Ayame's obsession with cuteness as she was beckoned by the devil woman. Gale looked at the woman more carefully this time. She looked o be in her mid-twenties and was dressed very nicely. Despite her appearance, Gale figured that she wasn't as rich as she thought. Because while she loved the Jade Pearl, Gale knew it wasn't exactly high society dinning.

"Well? Where's my lobster and drink?" The woman asked coldly.

Gale smiled as politely as she possibly could as she answered the woman. "I'm s-s-so sorry for the w-w-wait, our chef i-i-is preparing your lobster n-n-now. I'll g-g-go get your d-d-drink now."

"What? I couldn't understand you, can you say that again, please." The woman said, smiling wickedly.

"Um, I-I-I'm s-s-sorry tha-

"I'm sorry, what?" The woman said loud enough for the people around them to look up from their meals.

Gale could feel tears of embarrassment burning in her eyes as she tried to hold them back. To make matters worse, the sudden embarrassment was making her stutter even more. "I-I-I w-w-was s-s-saying that I was s-s-sorry tha-

"Oh, never mind. I don't have enough time to wait for you to learn ho to speak properly." The demonic one said smoothly, still smiling. "How about you try speaking to me again when you get over you apparent inferiority complex. Oh God, are you going to cry now? Get away from me before you get tears on my new clothes."

Gale gladly turned away and ran towards the bathrooms as fast as she could. She didn't even bother to stop as she reached the door, afraid that she would start crying if she broke her stride. She allowed herself to slide down the nearest wall she could find, eventually sitting on the cold (and filthy) bathroom floor and proceeding to cry to herself.

After a few minutes, Gale heard the door of the bathroom slam against the wall. The distraught girl pulled her knees up against her chest and buried her face, hoping that maybe she would magically blend into the wall.

"Gale? Are you alright? Ayam's cursing out that woman if it makes you feel beter."

She immediately recognized the voice and wished that she had run into a room that locked. She pulled her knees even closer to her as she tried to stop her uncontrollable sobs. Despite her wishes, Gale soon felt the presence of another human in front of her.

"Gale, it's just me. Are you alright?"

Gal looked up slightly to see Kaoru's amber colored eyes staring worriedly at her. Slowly, Gale lifted her head up until her chin was resting on top of her knees. She figured that her makeup was smudged by now and guessed she looked pretty rough to him. On top of that, she still couldn't control her emotions long enough to stop crying like an idiot in front of him!

"I-I-I'm fine." Gale lied.

Kaoru looked at the green haired girl carefully. "You didn't look okay out there. Honestly, you still look pretty bad."

A sob Gale had been holding in escaped her, causing more tears. She immediately tried to stop, but her tear ducts had stopped listening to her at this point. She quickly buried her face again so she didn't have to meet his eyes.

"You still look really nice though!" Kaoru said quickly, obviously afraid that the latest tears had been a result of his comment. "I was just saying that, it's okay to be upset about things. I mean, you hardly ever show any emotions at all! I don't know much about mental health, but if you don't show more emotions, you might end up like Kyouya. Unlike his condition, your apathy is reversible."

Gale could tell that he was trying to cheer her up, so she tried to laugh slightly. However, it kind of came out sounding more pathetic than her sob had.

"Do you think she was right?" Gale whispered quietly, still avoiding Kaoru's eyes

Kaoru looked at his friend sympathetically. "You do seem to have a bit of an inferiority complex, but that doesn't make what she said right."

Yeah, not helping Kaoru. I'm the author, so I should know!

Realizing this himself (Not really, I'm kind of helping him), Kaoru decided to change his approach. "Gale, you're a really great person. You're smart, pretty, artistic. You shouldn't keep being so hard on yourself."

Gale looked up to see Kaoru sitting only about an inch away from her. This caused Gale to panic even more than him seeing her cry had! Seeing Gale panic, Kaoru figured it was his fault and also panicked.

"I'm sorry! I'm really not used to this kind of thing! The only person I really have to comfort is Hikaru, and I usually approach that a bit differently than this! If you still want to be left alone, I can leave now. I'll tell the others you were fine and everything, if you want! I'm really so sorry!" Kaoru continued without taking a breathe (Skill).

Without warning, Gale leaned forward and leaned against Kaoru's chest and continued crying. She wasn't sure why she was crying now, or even if she should still be crying. It didn't really matter, at this point she just wanted someone to cry on. As she sobbed, Gale felt Kaoru' arms rap around her tightly. He wasn't really sure if he was supposed to do that, but it always worked in movies. Slowly, Gale began to calm down again.


"Mm..." Gale moaned quietly, afraid that if she opened her mouth she would start crying again.

Kaoru hesitated slightly. "Well… when you ran in here before, you kind of ran into the men's room."

Gale immediately sat up and looked around the room. "I guess I didn't see the urinals."


"I MUST see how my daughter is doing." Tamaki declare loudly.

Haruhi shook her head as she continued to block the door. "No. You'll just end up making things worse for her."

The girl watched as Tamaki quickly ran to the nearest corner. She might have cared if she hadn't been preoccupied by how Gale was holding up (might of).

"But I don't trust him!" Ryan shouted. "Or maybe I don't trust his brother. Which one is Hikaru?"

"You hate his brother." Haruhi said dryly.

"Ryan, I'm sure that Kao will help Gale. I just hope she's okay." Hunny said as he hugged his Bun Bun.

"Hey, look who I found!" Ayame said as she walked over with Mori. "He got lost on his way to the convenient store. Did Gale come out yet?"

Just as the teens were about to shake their heads, the door to the men's room opened to reveal Kaoru with his arm around Gale's sholder. The poor girl hardly even saw her friends before she was tackled by concerned Host Club member's.

"GALE, DADDY WAS SO WORRIED ABOUT YOU!" Tamaki screamed as he rushed out of his corner at light speed.

Haruhi sighed. "I tried to tell him that you were fine, but he didn't listen.

"Gale! Are you feeling better now? We're really sorry we let the mean lady make you cry!" Hunny said as he too began too cry.

Gale smiled slightly as her friends slowly released her. "I'm f-f-fine, really. I shouldn't have l-l-let that woman get t-t-to me. I'm sorry you a-a-all had to worry like that… and a-a-apparently have to g-g-guard bathroom doors."

"Worrying about my daughter is nothing you should blame yourself for!" Tamki said almost seriously.

Haruhi sighed. "As much as I hate to admit it this, I think Tamaki's right. Worrying about you and gaurding doors for you is what friends are for."

Just as Gale was about to open her mouth to thank her, the teens were distracted by a scream that came from the kitchen. The Host Club immediately took off and ran across the restaurant.


Kaoru quickly ran over to his brother's side and attempted to pull the lobster off of Hikaru's ear. The eldest twin let out a slight yelp of pain as the crustacean refused to let go of his new friend no matter how hard Kaoru pulled. The other's tried to hold back their laughter as they watched the scene before them unfold.

"He didn't boil the water fist." Kyouya stated as he leaned against the wall next to Gale.

"Where have you been this whole chapter?" Haruhi asked curiously.

Kyouya shrugged. "I was supervising from the table next to the kitchen until I heard Hikaru's girly scream and ran in here."

"I. Ow. Didn't. Ow. Scream.Ow. Like. Ow. An. Ow. GIRL!" Hikaru said between, um, ow's.

"So... y-y-you've been here the whole t-t-time?" Gale asked him. "Why d-d-didn't you try t-t-to help him?"

"I'm supervising."

"Got it!" Kaoru said as the lobster let go and he slammed into the sink behind him.

Hikaru quickly grabbed the lobster from his brother and threw it into a pot and held the lid down. "You know, I really had a problem with killing you in such an awful way at first. Now? Screw it; I'm happy you're slowly being cooked alive! How long does it boil for now?"

Haruhi looked at Kaoru. "Should we tell him that the woman who ordered the boiled lobster left?"

"No, just let him go. It's better this way."Kaoru said, happy his brother was finally cooking.

"S-s-seven minutes, I think."


Author's Note 2:

Pink: Wow, I'm really tired!

Hikaru: That would be because it's two thirty in the morning!

Pink: I guess that makes sense. I know it's a pretty bad chapter! SORRY! It's late and my creativeness is fleeting! This has fluff though! Love the fluff!

Hikaru: You're creative? That's a matter of opinion.

Pink:-Ignoring- Well, please review! Thanks for reading! BYE:)