"I know what it is!" Tony yelled from the top of the stairs. He ran down the stairs, skipping steps, until he finally landed right before Ziva at the bottom. "I know it, all of the signs. Ziva, I know what's up with McGee."

Ziva gave him a questioning look. "Are you going to tell me?"

"Ziva, he's undercover. He's working an undercover operation. Just like I was. Well, maybe not just like I was. But he's got 'dentist' appointments all the time, and he's always showing up late. Gibbs is always on edge. He's working an undercover op for Vance." He rushed, finally stopping to take a breath.

Ziva paused for a moment. She took a deep breath. "Tony, is there any way we can be sure?"

"Not unless you want to ask Gibbs." Tony said, letting out a small laugh. "It's probably not anything too serious, I mean how many infamous arms dealers could there be? Wait… I take that back… Hopefully he's just working on some little drug bust or something."

"Hopefully." Ziva said, turning and entering the kitchen to pour a glass of juice for Ariel.

"Mom, I'm old enough to pour my own milk." Ariel said, annoyed. Ziva smiled and passed the orange juice jug across the counter.

Tony smiled, ruffling Ariel's hair. "Time for the bus, kiddo. No time for OJ!" He said, taking the glass of juice and chugging it. Ariel grumbled, but jumped out of her chair, grabbed her backpack and ran out the front door.

"Make good choices!" Tony joked after her, pulling on his jacket. "Zee, we should get going, I want to have a little talk with Probie."

. . .

Once they had arrived at work, McGee was already there, though he was looking extremely disappointed. He was sitting behind his desk, typing wickedly away at his keyboard, scowling the whole time.

"McGee, is something wrong?" Ziva asked, sitting down in her chair and looking over at him.

"I'm fine, just a bad morning is all." McGee said, not looking up from his computer.

"Blogging about your feelings, McSappy?" Tony asked, laughing, and walked over to McGee's desk. "Or perhaps, an undercover op?" He asked more quietly.

"What? First of all, I'm not sappy, and what are you talking about?"

"Oh c'mon, McGee! You've had about six 'dentist' appointments in the last three weeks. And you are too OCD to have any cavities." Tony said, returning to his desk and giving McGee a stare.

"Tony, even if I were, I wouldn't be able to tell you about it."

"Whatever you say, Probie." Tony said, but his attention was caught by Gibbs and Vance arguing by the elevators. They were yelling at one another about some failed mission. Tony assumed it was the undercover assignment. He watched as Gibbs went along with the I-told-you-so's, and Vance shook his head, defending himself.

"Vance, I knew this was going to end badly. I warned you, and now my agent's CAREER is on the line." Gibbs yelled, and then turned and walked away from the Director.

Tony and Ziva watched as Gibbs walked over to his desk, and they then watched McGee.

"McGee, you should have told me from the start that he was recruiting you for this." Gibbs scolded, and then looked down at his computer screen. "Two agencies, fighting over an undercover case… They could've killed one of my agents."

Tony and Ziva exchanged nervous glances before Tony spoke up. "What happened, boss?"

"The FBI happened, Tony. McGee was working an undercover op, trying to take down a sailor dealing hardcore drugs, and the FBI thought they would too. They acted rashly, and nearly had McGee killed. Got lucky it missed the femoral." He said quickly, not looking up.

It wasn't until then that Tony looked over and saw McGee's leg wrapped. He'd been shot in the thigh.

"How long's this been going on, Probie?" Tony asked, staring at the wrappings.

"Nearly two months, and it was all ruined because of those agents from the bureau." McGee said, sighing deeply.

Ziva shook her head, confused as to how all of this had happened so quickly. "It is just like them to mess up such simple tasks."

McGee nodded, but continued typing away angrily at his computer.

. . .

Tony and Ziva had arrived home, and Ariel was already there, as always, and the babysitter was making her macaroni and cheese. The babysitter collected her money and left as quickly as she could.

Ziva and Tony sat down at the table on either side of Ariel. They both sighed and looked at each other. "I am glad it was not you, Tony. I have worried enough about you these past years."

Tony smiled, and nodded, kissing Ariel on the top of the head, and going into the bedroom to climb into bed.

Ziva helped Ariel clean up, and then took her upstairs to get her ready for bed. She then followed Tony into the bedroom. He was already in his pjs, sprawled out face up on the bed.

Ziva laughed lightly to herself, got ready for bed, and climbed up next to him.

"I do not know how much longer I can do this, Tony." Ziva said, closing her eyes and resting her head on Tony's shoulder.

"Do what?"

"This. Work. We have a daughter to come home to. That could have been you, shot in the leg. If that had hit his femoral, he would have DIED. I am scared of that risk more than ever now." Ziva explained.

Tony nodded. "What are you going to do, quit?"

"No, I am going to resign."

"Same difference, Zee. I just don't see why now, Ariel is nearly eight. You've done it for years with her and not worried."

"I'm pregnant."

. . . .


Wow, it really has been a long time, hasn't it.

Sorry about the slow-ness of updates, with school ending and summer and all that, I hardly had time to update. But there you go. (:

I hope you enjoyed reading it as much I enjoyed writing it.

REVIEWS! Seriously, without reviews, I don't think I'd keep writing. THey are what tell me if you actually want this story to keep going.

