AN: Thank you all so much for your patience, your wonderful reviews, and for reading at all. Finally, i bring you the last chapter. Er, that is, i might have an epilogue. Depends on how my reviewers feel about mpreg. Cause honestly, i thought mpreg was stupid at first... but then i kinda grew to love it. Tell me what you think. And er, i'm thinking of deleting the 2nd chapter. Cause i hated it. And helps none at all with story progression. So... and er, i forgot. I don't own Hary potter. We can all see what would happen if i did...

Okay! The smut chapter! okay, so, kinda smut! but it's the first "smut" i've ever written for anyone but myself.

Oh, and ' 's are thought. Excpet at the end, when they're dialog heard durng eavesdropping.

Please enjoy the visuals!

Despite his protests that he wasn't tired, as soon as his head hit the pillow, Harry was asleep. Within a minutes he had wrapped the blankets on his bed tight around him, between his legs and around his back, and clutching them under his chin. His breath evened out into little mewls of comfort, his dark hair falling onto his sleep warmed face and slightly puckered brow.

From across the room in his own bed, Ron watched him with a frown, trying his best to ignore the absolute cuteness that was Harry and focus on the need for sleep that was making his body ache. It wasn't working.

Harry let out another soft little sigh, and Ron buried his head into the pillow with a groan.

Harry rolled onto his stomach, his round little butt sticking straight up in the air, his shirt and covers falling down his slightly arched back, his knees drawn straight under him and shorts stretched tight and exposing the tiniest sliver of crack… Ron found himself beating his head rhythmically into his pillow.

Harry's knees, slowly, inch by inch, spread outward, and Ron watched mouth open and with the tiniest bit of sweat forming on his forehead, as Harry's breath, made uneven by his unnatural position switched to something a little heavier.

Harry finally fell down completely, but then rolled straight over onto his back, legs splayed, dark hair spread across the pillow, breath still heavy and shirt still hiked up, his hand resting tantalizingly close to the top of his shorts. 'Oh fuck,' Ron thought gulping, as he noticed for the first time that Harry seemed to be having a very nice dream. A very, very nice dream judging by the size of the swell.

Harry's dark head tossed to one side, a light groan escaping from the cherry lips, and the moonlight leaking though the window highlighting every little drop of sweat. "Nngg,". Ron thought the room felt suddenly hotter, and he could feel his face flushing with color.

"Aah," Harry moaned, his hips squirming a bit on his rumpled covers, and his hand seeking the source of the heat. Ron's breathing was coming shorter now. Harry was… Harry was… And Ron was watching him! But he couldn't tear his eyes away as the dark haired boy bucked a bit under his own touch. "Oh Merlin," Ron whispered, and Harry seemed to moan in response, that seeking hand pressing heel first into the straining erection.

Little keening noises escaped from the raven headed boys mouth as he tossed his head, his back arching and legs trembling over imaginary touches, and Ron realized his hips were shifting of their own accord, rubbing him against the mattress. He was so fucking hard, it was all he could do not to touch himself. But he couldn't. Not from watching Harry have a wet dream. It was too Wrong. He was such a pervert. What was wrong with him, enjoying the way Harry whined and bucked and shivered… his lips feeling lonely, and hot. He wanted to… he couldn't…

The wandering hand had crept under Harry's dark shorts, Harry was touching himself, the outline of his fingers moving under the waist band, the way he was moving, and moaning… Ron felt the blood rushing to his head, dizzying, his hips pumping faster, just from the site of Harry…

"Aah, aah, nggh, yes…"

"Oh, fuck," Ron moaned, his head tossing as his own arousal threatened to overwhelm him… It was Harry, Harry doing this to him. He was so close, the liquid heat pooling into his tightened gut.

"Yes," Harry whimpered, "aah, please, hah, please, RON!!" The raven head was thrown back, the corded neck straining and sweat slick as the lithe body, exposed below the scrunched shirt, arched off the bed, Harry's hips pumping up into the tanned hand as the smaller boy screamed.

Ron's eyes widened, he stiffened, and then he was coming, his blue eyes rolling back in his head, his mouth open and moaning and his hips jerking down spasmodically of their own accord.

As soon as he could, he opened his eyes, looking through the darkness for Harry…, Harry who was laying stone still, his eyes wide and green and dazed in the darkness, looking at Ron. He'd seen. Worse. "Oh fuck," Ron said. Worse, he knew.

"Ron?" Harry's voice was small, fearful even in the darkness.

"Oh fuck," Ron yelled again, scrambling to throw the covers off his back and get out of bed, he managed to roll himself to the floor, and jump to his feet. Across the room, Harry had scrambled out of bed too, but had fallen flat on his face when his foot was caught in the blanket. Ron scooped up his pants and ran for the door, Harry surged to his feet and grabbed for Ron, and with a giant thud they hit the floor again. Ron made to crawl toward the door, but Harry grabbed his ankle and dragged him back down.


From the room next door someone yelled, "Keep it down! Some of us are trying to get some mmmph, mmmph, mmmph!"

Ron, startled, ceased trying to crawl away, and Harry took this as a chance to subdue him. The smaller boy climbed up Ron's body, straddling him and pinning him to the floor.

"Ron," he said into his best mates ear, a trifle out of breath from the exertion. "We need to talk." Ron gulped.

"O… okay…" Harry sighed in relief, ruffling the hair on Ron's neck and making him shiver. Ron was suddenly very aware of how Harry was pressed into him, and the squishing of his pants.

"Good to see your cooperating. First. Are you gay?" Immediately Ron's struggling resumed, forcing Harry to pin his arms above his head.

"Wah!? No! I mean… Harry! I mean… wah! Why are you sitting on me!?" Ron's already red face flamed.

"Hmm, good question." Harry said, shifting slightly to sit more comfortably. "But since I'm the one pinning you down, I get to ask questions. Ron Weasley, did you get off from watching me have a wet dream?"

"Wha… What kind of question is that?" Ron asked, starting to get a little angry, his face bright red. Harry ignored Ron's struggling, and bent closer.

"I'm still on top, so I get to ask the questions, and I've only got one more." Ron was seething, every intention of using years of wrestling experience to pin the younger boy down and make him talk. "What would you do if I did this?" and then Harry licked him.

Harry licked Ron Weasley, just a gentle swipe of his slightly rough tongue, wet and hot, across Ron's neck. Harry thought Ron tasted good, salty, and a bit like soap, but definitely Ron. Ron thought he might have died and gone to heaven.

"Ha… toa… wah?" Ron mumbled incoherently, while Harry waited patiently. "Harry? Tongue? Harry?" Slightly more coherent. "Did… you… just… Lick … me… why?"

At this point, Harry apparently lost whatever nerve had been driving him in his quest for answers. His face flamed. His hands shook. And he scrambled from Ron's back. "Er, no… no reason… hahaha… just… er… messing…" but he wasn't fast enough. Because before he could fully stand, Ron had rolled over, reversed their positions, and pinned Harry to the ground.

"Er?" said Harry.

"Payback," said Ron. And then he licked him. On the mouth.

"Was that a kiss?" Harry asked, his face flushed and breathing heavy.

"Er… yeah?" Ron looked similarly flustered, and smiling just a bit.

"Good," Harry smiled back, pulling his best mate turned probable boyfriend down into a thorough snog.

From the doorway, six pairs of eyes watched and giggled as the boys struggled through.

'Not there! That hurts Ron!'

'Ack, teeth, Harry teeth!'

'My eye? Seriously, my eye!?'

'Didn't Remus say something about spit?'

"Yes, I said not to use it!"

"Aah, Moony, you just had to give our position away!"

"Everybody, run for it!"

well, what do you think? I think i'm going to post it on livejournal. if i can ever figure out how...