A human girl sat on the shore of a nearby lake. Her petit toes were dipped in the clear, blue water. Her blue eyes were strangely far away, as if she was no longer in this world. In some ways, she wasn't. The small child knew things that no others would ever know.


The girl sat still, completely content. She knew what was to become of her, yet it did not bother her in the least. What was to come would come, she knew. There was no preventing her future, even if she had wanted to.


Mary Alice Brandon gave a small smile as she thought of what was to come in her future. She would eventually come to have a big, caring, accepting family. They would accept her visions. They would love her the way she was.

Undeniable future.

Her smile remained when she thought of the mental asylum she was to be put in. It would not last long, maybe three months. In her future, Alice knew that three months would seem like three days. In her future, she would not even remember what were to become her darkest days.

Dark future.

Her outlook was dark, yes, but tiny Alice knew it would brighten in due time.

Bright future.