Hey what's up?! Not Me! lol ;) . . . heh heh. (clears through out) Sorry just had some chocolate. Anyway I here's the next chapter hope u like. :)



Next to the fire in the Gryfindore (sp?) common room three students sat. Their school books were on the table in front of them, as they were doing their homework. Although they couldn't seem to concentrate, questions about what could be bothering their young professors occupied their minds. Professor Daidouji had looked really worried when she came into the DADA classroom to get Professor Hiragizawa the other day.

"Did you notice how tense the new professors have seemed lately?" Harry asked his two friends, breaking the silence.

Ron nodded, "yeah mate I heard Professor Li almost attacked Malfoy during class."

Harry's eyes widened. "Are you serious!?" Ron nodded as Hermione looked up from her Potions book.

"Oh honestly you two!" Harry and Ron looked over at her, "A Professor would never attack a student, it's against the rules (A/N: Don't really know if that's true.) now get back to work this essay is due tomorrow!"

The two males shared a look, but Hermione was right. They didn't even start Snape's essay yet!


"How have your classes been Tomoyo-chan?" Sakura asked her best friend. It was dinner time at Hogwarts, and the four young teachers were sitting next to each other.

"They've been great Sakura-chan!" Tomoyo replied. "Eriol-kun says his have been going good to." she frowned "although the Slytherin and Gryfindore houses don't get along very well."

"That's an understatement Tomoyo." Syaoran said glaring at the snake house and its head of house. He didn't like the Slytherine's very much; they were so stuck up.

Beside Eriol, Snape seemed to sense the glare and returned one of his own, though it had little affect. Nothing he did seemed to bother the young foreigners.

Unfortunately, the relative peace within the great hall was interrupted by the sudden opening of its large doors. All eyes turned towards the great hall doors as two figures stepped through. "Cornelius, to what do we owe this visit?"

"You know very well what Albus!" Fudge exclaimed, trying to look menacing, "I have given you enough chances, if you don't fire those children then I will be forced to place Dolores as the High Inquisitor again!" The great hall went completely silent waiting to see the headmasters reaction, it was easy to tell who the Minister of Magic was referring to.

Professor Dumbledore sighed, and looked at the smug faces of Cornelius and Umbridge. "For the last time Cornelius, I will not fire Miss Kinomoto and her friends, they're excellent teachers." He turned slightly to see the smiling faces of said people.

"Have it your way" Cornelius fumed, their faces becoming red, "As Minister of Magic, I hereby place Dolores Umbridge as High Inquisitor of Hogwarts!" A sickly sweet smile appeared on Umbridge's face as she looked at the Hogwart's professors, her eyes landing and staying on the CCS gang. "Good luck Dolores."

"Thank you Minister." Umbridge replied in that voice of hers. Many people cringed as the Minister of Magic swept out of the great hall. They looked wearily at the ex-Defense teacher, memories of last year returning.

Professor Dumbledore stood up his eyes never leaving Umbridge's form, "Students please return to your dormitories."

OK, I was having a really hard time figuring out what to write for this chapter, that's why it took so long.

OK Ok, I'm sorry! (goes and hides in a corner) don't hurt me!


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