Author's note: I know I should be working on my other stories but I just love this idea! Hope you like it too! (note: it may later turn to yaoi…YamixKaiba maybe…)

Disclaimer: I don't own anything…at all…

Fuzzy mistake (for lack of a better title)

Ch 1: The transformation

"Yami…are you sure this is gonna work?" Yugi stared at his dark half, who was pacing around the room feverishly.

"No idea…but that's never stopped us before, right?" Yugi rolled his eyes at his now-hyper yami. Curse the day he introduced the once-pharaoh to sugar…

Today was a special day. Ishizu had promised Yami and Bakura (grudgingly, but in order to free Ryou) their own bodies. Needless to say, Yami was just a wee-bit excited.

"Yamii! Calm down!" Yugi wined, "Jumping around won't help her get here faster…" grudgingly Yami sat down.

Once Ishizu came in with Ryou, she had both yamis take over their host's body. The two glared at eachother while Ishizu continued. Needless to say, neither where listening.

"Now you two, I've never done this before so it may turn out wrong…ARE YOU TWO PAYING ATTENTION?!" Ishizu fumed when the two finally stopped glaring at each other and turned back to her. "Thank you." As Ishizu began her incantation, Bakura felt himself begin to solidify,(they had decided on Bakura going first, so if there where any kinks he would get them first. This worked with Bakura because then he was also able to get a body first so everyone was happy.) He glowed for a few moments before separating from Ryou and landing on his newly created butt on the floor.

"OW!...hey…I'm solid! Hah! I beat you there, Pharaoh!" ignoring the tomb robbers boasting, The crimson eyed teen quivered in excitement as the female Egyptian turned to him and began the same incantation as before.

Yami felt himself separate from Yugi as he felt his spirit become covered in flesh, blood and bone…and why was it feeling so itchy? He felt a sharp pain in his lower back and in his fingers as his newly gained fingers and toes felt as though they where curling up and shrinking. Was this normal?

Once the light died down, Yami looked around. Standing up, he felt off-balance and fell foreword on all fours again. This felt…strange…looking around for Yugi. He found him…after looking straight up. WOW! Yugi grew! Looking around again, he saw that everyone was towering over him…what was going on?! Looking indignantly at Ishizu, Yami flicked his tail in annoyance. The poor woman looked horrified as she stared down at the pharaoh with her hands over her mouth.

"Yugi…what's going on?" is what he meant to say…what came out was; "Meow meow…MEW!"

"Y-Yami?" Yugi looked shocked, "Is that you?" Yami nodded. Boy he felt lopsided…and fell over as the monstrous Bakura let out a howl of laughter.

"I-I can't believe it! This is just too rich! Behold, the king of puffballs!" Yami frowned.

'King of what?!' before he had a chance to look the Grande-sized Bakura's hand shot out and grabbed the scruff of his neck, dangling the poor yami several feet above the ground.

"Ack! Bakura! Put him down!" Bakura ignored the hikari's panicked cried and Ishizu's threats and carried the pint-sized king into the bathroom.

Yami glared up at the tomb robber as Bakura plopped him down on the sink in front of the mirror.

'what does he want?' Yami got his answer as he looked in the mirror.


Yugi cringed. "I think he found out…"

"Oh dear…" Ishizu muttered, "I think I miss-pronounced one of the words in the incantation…"

Yami stared in shock at his reflection. His small feline face was covered in black fur. Everywhere was covered in black fur! From his abnormally large dark-red-tipped cat ears to his long fluffy, also dark-red-tipped, tail. The only part of him that was him were his eyes that shone brightly, blood red, against the midnight-black fur.

'Dear Ra…I'M A CAT?!'

Author's Note: so….please forgive me if it's bad writing…and please review and tell me what you think! - I'll try to update soon if you like it…bibi! (I love summer)