Hey everyone! Sorry that I have started another fanfic already when I haven't even finished the other one but I just got this great idea…hope you guys will like this story! This first chapter is just the prologue by the way.

Disclaimer: I do not own Gakuen Alice -.-



Mikan Sakura, a brunette of age 19 has had feelings for Hyuuga Natsume ever since they were called a 'couple' in High School but never has said it out loud to him. Now, one year has passed without any contact to each other, Mikan hears the devastating news from her best friend, Imai Hotaru, that Natsume is engaged to someone else.

She soon finds herself in a love triangle with the bride and groom, trying to win Natsume from Sumire Shoda. The problem is, Natsume, the son of a billionaire does not want to marry Sumire but is pushed into this relationship by his father.


Mikan Sakura:

An energetic girl who came to Alice Academy when she was 10. She was called a 'couple' with Hyuuga Natsume when they entered High School. After their graduation, she finds herself too busy with her job and too shy to ring Natsume and tell him her feelings. She soon finds herself as Maid of Honour for Sumire Shoda and plans to win Natsume back.

Hyuuga Natsume:

The son of a famous billionaire and soon to be married to Sumire Shoda, a girl who he not only does not want to marry but despises. He was called a 'couple' in High School with Mikan Sakura but was too stubborn to tell her his feelings before graduation. Without one year of contact with Mikan, he was forced to marry the girl he does not want.

Sumire Shoda:

The daughter of a wealthy businessman and has an attitude similar to an angry magpie. She is very haughty and seems as if she is a playgirl. Every guy she has dated only lasted a day but when it was time she got married, she chose the one and only, Natsume Hyuuga, not only for his fame and money but his appearance was one she had admired all her life.

Ruka Nogi:

Natsume's best friend and Best Man to Natsume at his wedding. He is also the son of a wealthy businessman but unlike Sumire, he has respect to everyone and does not show of the fame and fortune he has. His father is friends with Natsume's father. He knows Natsume dislikes Sumire and would rather marry Mikan so he helps Mikan in her plans.

Imai Hotaru:

She is Mikan's best friend and daughter to an award-winning novelist. She is smart and owns her own business but throughout the busy work days she has, she still finds time to go out with Mikan. She is one of the bridesmaids and also helps out Mikan in her plans.

Youichi Hijiri:

He is the brother of Natsume and is a cute, little kid who follows his brother around everywhere. He, like Natsume, hates Sumire and helps out with Mikan's plans but only when he feels like it. For the wedding, he is the Ring Bearer.

Other Characters:

Kokoro Yome: One of the Groomsmen.

Mochu: One of the Groomsmen.

Yuu: One of the Groomsmen.

Otanashi Yuri: One of the Bridesmaids.

Nonoko: One of the Bridesmaids.

Anna: One of the Bridesmaids.


Well, that's the summary for the story…hope you guys will enjoy it because I'm really excited to continue it! Thanks!
