Title - Goodbye Tommy

Disclaimer - I own nothing

Summary - This is about Tommy leaving Reefside and Kira missing him and she is sad he is gone but

also sorry she never told him how she felt. Tommy/Kira (Kirommy) Pairing.

Chapter 1 - Leaving

XXX - June/7/2005 6:30 - Tommy's house

Tommy woke up at the same time as usual. Took a shower and got dressed. Today was like any

other day. he ate breakfast alone and went to the Cyber cafe to meet Conner, Eathan, Kira, Trent

and Haley before opening and they talked about their week.

XXX - 8:00 am - Haley's Cyberspace

"Morning Dr.O," Kira said when Tommy walked in the Cybercafe

"Good Morning Kira," He said smiling at her

"Morning Dr.O," Conner and Eathan said at the same time

"Morning," he said to the two still looking at Kira

"Good Morning Tommy," Haley said giving him a drink

"Morning, Where's Trent?" He asked looking around the room

"His dad needed him to help with some big project and he said that he wanted you to stop by and

take a look at it around noon today," Kira said smiling

"Okay," he said sitting down next to Conner and Eathan.

"So how was your week?" Tommy asked they had always got together to talk about how their

weeks went.

"Well I hit a little speed bump with the soccer camp I have been working on," Conner said starting

the conversation like he always did.

"What's wrong," Tommy asked

"Well we still have to find an area big enough to start out with,"

"You will,"

"Well, my week went great, i finished a new game i have been working on and i am almost finished

that software i have been working on as well," Eathan said as they all rolled their eyes because he

said the same thing every week.

"How about you Kira?" Tommy asked because he knew that Kira always liked to be last to talk about

their week.

"Well I finished two new songs and i am getting a new Guitar next week. it is all yellow of course and

it has a little black in it,"

"Nice Kira," Tommy said smiling at her again.

"What about you Dr.O," Conner asked

"Nothing just working on some things in the lab and that's all,"

"That's it?" Kira asked

"Well i have to go to a wedding on KO35 next month,"

"I thought Andros was already married," Eathan said

"Zhane is getting married to Karone and then two months after that Cole is marring Alyssa on the


"Okay," Eathan said looking a little confused.

Ring Ring Ring

"Hello," Tommy said picking up his phone

"Tommy," said the voice on the other end

"Yeah, Anton is that you?"

"Yes, I need your help right away,"

"What happened?"

"i can't explain it can you just get over her and fast,"

"Yeah sure I'm on my way,"

"Bring the rangers they might need to help to,"



"No problem, We will be there soon," Tommy said as he hung up the phone and looked at the other

three and they just looked back.

"What's wrong Dr.O?" Eathan asked

"I dont' know but we have to get to Trent's house and fast, i think something happened,"

"Let's go," Conner said and they were out the door.

XXX - Mercer house - 8:45

"Anton, What Happened?" Tommy asked running over to his friend

"I don't know it backfired and well,"

"TRENT!" Kira yell as she saw him lying on the ground about forty feet away and she ran to him

"What happened?" Conner asked

"Their machine backfired and hit Trent,"

"Is he alright?" Eathan asked

"I don't know, I couldn't make it over to him,"

"What do you mean?" Tommy said looking at Anton

"My Leg," He said looking down at his right leg which they had now noticed was cut really bad.

"What Happened to it?" Conner asked

"The Machine fell on it,"

"Ah," Conner said as he saw the Machine lying right next to Anton

"Guys, get over here quick!" Kira yelled

"What is it!" Conner yelled back

"Just get over here!" She yelled and the two boys ran over to their fellow past ranger

"What happened?" Conner asked when they saw Trent motionless on the ground

"I don't know, what am I a psysic?" Kira snapped

"Sorry," Conner said now looking smaller then her

"He might have hit his head," Eathan said

"Maybe, Dr. O come here," Kira Yelled

"Hold on," He yelled back as he looked to Antons' leg

"Tommy, go check on Trent," He said his voice weak

"Alright I will be right back,"

"Alright," he said as Tommy got up and ran over to the former white ranger.

"Trent," Tommy said as he knelt down beside the boy.

"Is he alright?" Kira asked kneeling next to Tommy

"He should be, Conner get me some water," Tommy said now looking at Conner

"Sure Dr. O," Conner said running towards the house to get water for Tommy. he came back only

moments later.

"Here, Dr.O," he said handing Tommy the bottle of cold water. Instead of Tommy drinking it he pored

the entire thing on Trents' head and Trent Began to wake up.

"What happened?" Trent asked coming into consciousness

"You tell us," Eathan said

"Oh no Dad!" Trent said getting up very fast and running towards his father

"Trent your alright," Anton said looking at his adopted son

"Yeah lets get you in the house," Trent said motioning for Conner Tommy and Eathan to help get his

dad up and into their home.

"Are you alright?" Tommy asked when Anton was safely put onto the couch.

"Yeah," he said smiling

"Well now that I'm here what did you want to ask me?" Tommy asked sitting on the chair in front of

the couch.

"Well Tommy I know it might be hard for you,"

"I can handle anything remember," Tommy said smiling and everyone else could not help but smile


"I need you to go on this little mission,"

"Mission?" Tommy asked

"Yes do you remember Billy Cranston?" Anton asked hoping the former ranger did

"Yeah, good ol' Billy," Tommy laughed as he remembered the former blue ranger

"Well he has called me and he needs your help,"

"With what? Why did he call you?" Tommy asked confused

"He needs help on this one planet i forget the name i think it started with a O," he continued


"Yes and he needs your help,"

"Alright but with what?"

"I don't know but he is sending a ship to pick you up. if you say yes if not then someone can take a

nice ride up in space," Anton said

"Alright, I will help, anything for an old friend,"


"Wait how long will it take?"

"He said it might be a very long time," Anton said a little shaken for what might happen he knew

Tommy could get a little frustrated and angry at times. he hoped that this was not one of them.

"Very long as in how?" Tommy said looking over at Kira to see her expression. she was smiling so he

decided to say he would no matter how long it took.


"Good then the ship will be here in two hours,"

"What that's fast,"

"It left about two hours ago,"

"Alright where?"

"Soccer field,"




"Yes, and Mike,"

"Alright, hope you feel better, keep in touch, hope to see you soon," he said shaking Antons' hand

"Trent you were a great ranger," he said shaking Trents' hand and then pulling the former ranger

closer so he could whisper.

"Take care of Kira for me," Tommy whispered

"I will," Trent whispered back he was one of the only people that knew of his secret love for Kira.

"Conner, Take care and good luck with the soccer,"

"Thanks," Conner said as Tommy pulled him closer as well

"Watch out for Kira for me make sure she does not get hurt,"

"I promise," Conner said he also knew about Tommys' love for Kira.

"Eathan, be careful, try not to get into trouble, and good luck with the computers,"

"I will," Eathan said as Tommy pulled him forward and whispered

"Watch out for Kira if anything happens to her contact me straight away and I will be here ASAP,"

"Rangers honor," Eathan said he was the last one to know about Tommys' secret love for Kira.

"Kira, Be careful if you need anything call me and good luck with the music," Tommy said only shaking

her hand smiling and then he turned around and was gone.

XXX - Two Hours later - the soccer field

"Leo," Tommy said as the former lost galaxy ranger walked over to Tommy

"Tommy," he said as he shook Tommys' hand

"You must be Mike,"


"It is nice to meet you," Tommy said shaking Mikes' hand

"Lets go," Leo said

"Alright," Tommy said as he walked up to the ship and the door closed and then he was gone.

Right as the ship took of Kira was running towards it and before she could reach it it was gone, along

with Tommy. Kira fell to the floor in tears she never told him how she felt and now he was gone


"Kira!" Conner yelled as he ran to her aid

"He's gone," she kept repeating through her tears


"Dr. O,"

"I know,"

"I never got to tell him how I felt,"

"What do you mean?" Conner asked he just noticed the other two running towards them and then

he saw Casidy and Devon running behind them.

"I mean,"

"Kira are you alright?" Trent asked hugging her

"No I'm not alright,"

"Whats wrong?" Casidy asked

"Dr. O's gone,"

"I know we all know that but why are you so upset?" Eathan asked no one knew Kira loved Tommy


"I Love Him!" Kira finally said

"What!" They all yelled


To Be Continued...

Hope you enjoyed. tell me about any error. Chapter 2 will be up soon. Thanks :D