A/N: and enter another chapter in the life of Linda. Yeah.

Disclaimer: I own nothing, no matter how much I want to. 

Chapter 11


!!!Fabala's POV!!!

I can't BELIEVE her! She got me kicked out of my own MOTHER'S office! What the hale?(twilight reference. Squeal!) I'm SO much more important than that girl.

After I was rudely banished from her office, I walked around the entire school building and grounds, thinking. Who was this girl? My roommate, yes. But she also seemed to be somehow connected to my mother. How? The only person my mom had ever been so connected to was my father. But of course, there was also. . .

No, I would not allow myself to believe that my mother's best friend could possibly be alive. I'd read all the stories, and heard my mother's account of the events. There was NO WAY. But still. . .

After my second run around the school, I decided to go back to her office. Maybe I could finally find out what was going on. I walked up four flights of steep stairs in heels and down a `one-hundred foot long hallway to get back to her office. The door was slightly ajar, and I could tell instantly that no one was in there.

I opened the door and stared at the empty seats. This I had not been expecting. My mom was GONE. With that GIRL. And there was nothing I could do about it. I had no idea where she was. Why, I thought to myself, why her?

I sat down in my mother's chair and I couldn't control it any longer. I cried. No, I sobbed in agony. She was gone. And I was alone. Like always. And people wondered why I was mean. I didn't have the wonderful, glorious life that everyone thought I had. I was just like every other girl. Only, most other girls mothers actually listened to them. Tucked them in at night. Ate dinner together, if only once a week. But not me. I was left alone for days on end, while my mother was off on business, or trying to help the animals. Or trying to find her friend. Elphaba. The one I was named after.

Ugh. I suddenly found myself picturing the girl from my mom's old pictures of her. And putting the GIRL'S picture right next to hers. They looked so much alike. Their flowing hair, their eyes. The only significant difference was their noses and skin. Now that I think about it, SHE did have a faint greenish tint to her skin. . .

I didn't have much time to think about it, because the next thing I knew, a strong wind was blowing, and there she was. Looking just as pissed off as I felt. Good.

"About time you showed up." I said.

She looked at me, and she suddenly looked afraid. Even better. Maybe she would tell me where my mother was.

"oh, you're here. Good. I thought I was going to have to go look for you. I have to tell you something." And she sat down across from me and leaned forward, as if we were old friends.

"What? Does it have to do with the whereabouts of my mother?" I glared daggers at her, and got a satisfaction when she flinched.

"Yes. But, it is also about mine." She looked me in the eyes.

"I'm your mother's best friend's daughter. I was named after her. Which reminds me, we have never been properly introduced. I'm Linda. And you are named after my mother, Elphaba. You are Fabala."

I was only slightly paying attention. If she was Elphaba's daughter, than that would mean. . .

"but, if you're Elphaba's daughter. . . " I trailed off.

"Yes, she's alive and well. Along with my father, Fiyero, whom your mother also knows."

This got my interest.

"But, I thought that they were both dead. They both should be dead. Your mom, she melted for doing wicked things. And your father. . . he broke my mother's heart!" the tears started flowing again.

Linda stood up and walked over to me.

"I know, Fabala, it's all so confusing. But don't worry, it will all work out in the end. I'll make sure of that."

And then she hugged me, and I didn't feel hatred at her at all. Now, I felt hope. Maybe she could be the friend who actually cared about ME, not my mothers money. Finally. A real Friend.