A/N: my first twilight fanfic! I'm also writing a Maximum Ride fanfic, titled "A Rose by Any Other Name" if you want to check it out.

Disclaimer: I don't own Twilight or anything except Michaela and Brian, alright?

Chapter 1

I breathlessly rushed into the classroom and into the closest empty seat I could find just as the tardy bell rang. I caught my breath, and noticed every student staring at me. Blushing from the sudden attention, I pulled out my schedule from my backpack. First class of the day: Algebra II, classroom 108. This was room 108 right? I was sure of it.

An old, balding man, who I presumed to be the teacher, walked in the room and wrote his name on the chalkboard: Mr. Richards.

"All right class, welcome to your first day as sophomores, and welcome to Algebra II," Mr. Richards droned in a bored voice. He continued to roll call, listing the names of various students with a very I-would-rather-be-somewhere-else tone.

That's when I saw Him.

Three rows over, second to last seat, sat what looked like an angel on earth. An angel that seemed to have gotten zero sleep the past week, much like me. He looked like perfection, with golden eyes staring intently at the teacher matching his golden hair. I could just stare at him forever, but…

"Michaela Davidson?"

"Wuh? Oh, here."

"Ah, pay attention next time Miss Davidson. Oh, I see you're a new student here? Welcome to Forks High. Where are you from, what school?"

My cheeks reddened with the sudden unwanted attention.

"I just moved from Shelton, it's about a three-hour drive from here, and I went to Oakland Bay Junior High."

I wanted to bury my head in the desk as I heard various voices whisper "new kid", "Shelton?", and "junior high!"

Thankfully Mr. Richards continued roll call and then rambled onto classroom rules. I turned my eyes to the angel, and noticed he seemed to be the perfect student as well. He had a notebook out and was already scribbling notes. I realized I should probably be taking notes also, but I couldn't tear my eyes from the boy.

The bell rang, and I realized that I had wasted the whole class time staring at the boy. I hurriedly scribbled down the assignment, shoved my notebook back into my nearly thirty-pound bag, and yanked out my schedule.

"You're Michaela right? What's your next class?" said the most beautiful voice I could ever imagine. I turned around and saw the angel himself, and I instantly lost myself in his golden eyes. I stared at him until he frowned, most likely waiting for an answer.

"Oh, um, I have Chemistry with Ms. Young in room… 213," I responded, breaking free from his gorgeous eyes. He flashed a stunning smile at me.

"Great! We're in the same class, again! I'm Brian by the way, Brian Cullen."

I smiled back and melted on the inside.

He walked out the door and I shadowed him. I think I was supposed to try to memorize the route, but instead, like in Algebra II, I found myself admiring him again.

He suddenly stopped, and I ran into him. Oof! I looked up and he had the door propped open.

"Chemistry, room 213. Ladies first?" he asked with a flourished smile. A smile that left me breathless.

"Uh, sure, thanks," I said after a pause. I found the class was half empty, that we still had several minutes before the bell rang again.

I sat down at the nearest table and took out a sheet of paper. Science wasn't my strongest topic in the past years, so I was determined to take notes and get at least a reasonable grade.

However, I began doodling hearts all over the paper. Seconds later, a hand doodled a perfect little heart, complete with a perfect little arrow.

I looked into his eyes- Brian's glittery golden eyes- and, I think my heart stopped.

I only resumed breathing when he instructed me to do so.

"Breathe," he said, looking at me funny. "Are you okay? You're turning an interesting shade of purple. There's still enough time to go to the nurse, you know."

I took a deep breath and made sure my heart was beating cooperatively. It was.

"I'm fine; I just might need to check my blood sugar later. I'm a diabetic," I explained. I expected slight confusion and "what's that?", but Brian just nodded.

"Ah. My father's a doctor, and he's spoken of diabetic patients before."

I chuckled to myself.

"Well your father could be very useful for me." Brian frowned, so I quickly reassured him. "Just joking! My blood sugar has been very under control lately," I stated matter-of-factly.

The teacher then rushed into the room, and I spotted at least four students simultaneously stuff their cell phones into their pockets.

"At lunch we should do Q & A's," Brian whispered to me. I grinned.

"We shall."

The bell rang, and it became an Algebra II repeat. Introduction, role call, introduce-and-embarrass-the-new-kid, then notes.

This teacher didn't ramble on in an impossible-to-understand dull monotone manner, but rather in an impossible-to-understand speedtalk clocked at approximately 84 words per minute.

I tried to decipher her chicken scratch, but came out fruitless. I watched as Brian's paper became filled with flawless cursive writing, then turned my attention to my heart-filled paper. I sighed dreamily, then wrote the letters M and B in the middle of a heart.

Brian took my pen, then with the flick of his wrist, added a plus sign between the two letters. I blinked, and he was back in super-student mode as if nothing had happened.

Not even two hours had gone by on my first day of school at a completely new school, and I was already head-over-heel in love.