I am re-editing chapter 1-29 as I am writing chapter 30. I was re-reading the story to help put my mind into the story and there were just so many parts of it that as a much older writer I couldn't stand. There were sections that looking back on were excessive and frankly upsetting for the sake of being upsetting because younger me wanted to be cool and edgy, instead of to serve a purpose in the story. I did my best to edit this chapter to be more in line with what I think is useful and frankly reasonable but this chapter just honestly was very rough but I don't feel up to the task of completely rewriting this intro. I will be leaving my original author notes and review responses intact for the story. I am forever sorry for the hiatus on this story. I don't know why but for a long time I just couldn't bring myself to finish this story but I can now.

(Original authors note from here down.)

This is the new and very much improved (in my opinion) Crimson Smiles story with a fully planned plot and hopefully fewer plot holes then the last version. I had taken a long break from writing my stories since I had been without my own personal computer. But now that I look back on the original story, I as a writer didn't feel comfortable with how weak my plot was and how many parts of the story didn't add up to make a complete picture. There are many parts in the original that I am proud of and I hope that this version receives as much love and acceptance as its predecessor did. Forgive me if I make mistakes in fashion labels, I don't really follow that sort of thing so I'm out in the woods on that issue.

BN:Hey ladies and gents, it's Hessan, your friendly neighborhood beta-reader. I hope you all enjoy this story as much as I have helping MissLunaTick write it. You might see me pop up occasionally, but enough of that. On to the…

Disclaimer (This is for the whole story.): I don't own Hellsing or any other copyrighted items that will appear in this story, also note, I might throw in a lot of brand names in but I am in no way shape or form promoting or advertising for these brand names. I don't want to offend anyone with anything written in this story because I do love and accept everyone for who they are (unless they are rapists or pedophiles. These types of people can get eaten alive by ghouls for all I care, especially pedophiles) and I apologize in advance for anything that might rub anyone the wrong way. I do own all the original characters but I would consider loaning them out if asked. WARNING: This story will have sexual material and mention the subject of rape.

"Normal talk"


Chapter 1: Fresh Start

The airport was relatively quite as the 10:30 am from New York arrived. It was a normal Wednesday morning in June and it looked like it was the start of a beautiful day. The passengers all slowly waking to the static buzz of the intercom as the pilot wished them a happy stay in London and told them when it was safe to disembark. They stood up and collected their bags from the overhead compartments and filed out of the doors into the terminal. Once the anxious rush of people had dwindled down the lone teenage girl was still sleeping in the window seat. The tired stewardess gently prodded the girl and helped her collect her bags before nudging her through the gate into the terminal. After standing there in a sleepy daze, the girl let out a yawn and pulled out her cell phone, dialing a number and waiting for the other party to answer

"Oh honey, I'm so happy you called us. How was your flight?" The sound of her mother's voice put a smile on her lips as she walked towards baggage claim with large bags already weighing her down. Her curly down hair was in a loose braid that ended at her lower back and her natural bangs had frizzed up along with other short strands to make her hair look messy. Her hazel eyes were half open as she fought against the lure of just laying down and taking a nap.

"Hi Mom, it was an okay flight, just long. I couldn't sleep at all so I was reading my book and doing other things. I think I got maybe a total of 70 minutes of sleep. But how are you and Dad?" She stepped off the escalator and continued to make her way towards her other possessions, her baggy T-shirt, fuzzy spongebob squarepants pj bottoms going well with the socks and fuzzy slippers she wore.

"Dad and I are fine, we love you sweetie. Take care of yourself in England okay, and if you need us we'll be on the next plane out okay. Call us once you get to your friends house. You're so lucky to have those nice boys there to show you around. Everyone loves you and is so proud of you going to college in London; you'll be a doctor in no time. Bye bye baby girl." The girl laughed and blew kisses into the phone as she set down her bags to grab the ones going by on the conveyor belt. Slowly her energy was picking up.

"Yes Mom, tell Dad and everyone that I love them okay. Bye Mom." She hung up the phone and piled up her stuff, double counting and rechecking the name tags on the purple suitcases. She then moved all of her bags towards the exit to where cars and buses picked up and dropped off people that, despite which way they were going, always seemed to be in a rush. Taking out her phone again, she dialed another number and breathed a sigh of relief when the phone was answered. "Hey Matt, it's Lina. I'm set to go dude. I just walked out of the baggage claim on the second level, so tell me where to meet you guys." There was a pause on the other side and then a small debate about directions. Lina rolled her eyes, sitting down on her baggage.

"Okay, we're just going to swing in and pick you up because we got no idea how you'd get to where we are. We're the blue van. See you in a few minutes." Lina clicked the phone closed and sighed, rolling her neck to try and ease the stiffness. Sitting there and watching as people embraced family members and waved cheerful goodbyes, some people exit taxis alone with dimmed hopes in their eyes or business people with the air of importance and the rush that would later become stress-related illnesses. She loathed having extra time; the silence was poisonous to her thoughts, making her think of things better left unthought-of. She distracted herself with the people watching, anything to make the time go by. 'Damn, I need to sleep. I always get like this when I'm tired.' As if that was the magic words a large blue van pulled up and the back doors swung open and three young men hopped out as they waved to her with wide smiles. Lina instantly felt a jolt of energy hit her and she jumped up and was pulled into a group hug. All three boys rubbed her head playfully, messing up her already unruly hair. The driver hopped out and came to join their little sidewalk fete. Lina was giggling and then hugged each of them in turn. "It's so nice to see you guys again. I can't believe it's been a year. How have you all been?" They all chorus a response of good and started to help her load the baggage into the van. Matt, the driver, had straight black hair with the tips dyed red that was just past his ears and his bangs cut back away from his eyes. His green eyes were framed by slim square cut glasses and his lips were curled up in a smile. He had strong facial features, a lean muscular body. He was wearing dark blue jeans, a plain black collared shirt, studded boots and had a single ruby stud through his left ear.

"We've been good, busy with our club and trying to get that other side business started up. When you get settled in at the house, we'll take you to the club and show you around, unless of course you're too tired tonight." The others all nodded as the bags had been loaded and all of them sat facing each other in the van as it drove towards the midday traffic. Seth was sitting closest to her. Seth had blonde, shoulder length straight hair that he bleached white. His right eyebrow was pierced along with his right ear, a tiny stud on the left side of his nose. He had a slim build and wore tight hip huggers and a fishnet shirt, his beat up vans slightly out of place with the image. His lips were slightly feminine and his eyes were outlined in black.

"And I'll introduce you to my new boyfriend, you'll love him. Cute guy from Ireland, has that accent, red hair and great tattoos." The twins sitting across from them groaned in annoyance, Lina snickering at their obvious disdain of the subject.

"I don't think she needs you to show her off to guys that don't like girls. Kinda defeating the purpose of going to a nightclub." Kyle said, his red wife beater tight on his well toned chest and the black baggy pants with chains and zippers held up by a belt with silver skull buckle. His brown hair was buzz cut and the tips frosted green and both boys had matching brown eyes and facial features. His brother Steve wore a blue wife beater, matching pants with a crossed guns belt buckle. Steve's hair was frosted blue, the colors in their hair matching with the laces that tied up their black, platform combat boots. Their boyish good looks were laced with sexy maleness.

"No need for her to get shown off, just let her come sit on my lap and she'll never want to leave it." Lina blushed as Steve spread his legs and motioned her over to sit on his thighs, a grin on his face. Kyle rolled his eyes and nudged his brothers legs closed with his own after playfully smacking his brother in the head.

"If it's all the same to you guys, I'll just stay and get settled in. You know, put my room together. I am going to have my own room aren't I?" The van was slowly making its way over the Thames Bridge, the sun burning off the fog and it looked like the beginnings of a bright, sunny day. 'What a disappointment.' She thought, pulling out her Brighton sunglasses.

"That's fine Lina. You'll be in the room next to Seth. Figured it was safest for you to sleep near Seth than near Mr. Sit in my lap over here." Steve rolled his eyes and flipped Matt off with a grin.

"Yeah well at least I don't bring the birds' home. I have compassion for my fellow roommates and go to the birds' nest."

"Alright, that's enough, we're here." Matt announced as he parallel parked in front of a three story townhouse with a wrought iron gate that had ivy growing over it to block the view from the street. Lina looked up at the house in awe, not expecting her friends to live in such a conventional looking place. They all got out of the van, Matt quickly opening up the gate and front door before going back to help bring her suitcases into the foyer. "This used to be my uncle's, but when I graduated from Oxford he gave it to me as a gift. It's been in the Vance family for generations. It's not as big as some of the others in this area, but it has a yard all the way around. If you want to start a garden Lina, that'll be fine with me. Just ask one of the gardeners to help you and you can store your yard supplies in the shed in the back of the property. A maid service comes on Thursday afternoons to clean but they'll be here for today to help you unpack and tidy up your room and their number is on the sheet next to the house phone if you need it. The rule of the kitchen is if you don't want to cook for everyone, don't get caught cooking or already have ordered take out." Lina nodded absorbing all the information and following behind Matt as he led the way to her room.

"Since you don't have a job yet you can take money out of the group jar that's in the library if you need to buy anything for your room. Don't worry about paying it back; it's kind of like a spare change jar. Just contribute if you can but it's not mandatory. No wild parties, no insects as pets, and do your own laundry. Your room is on the third floor on the backside, so your room can't be seen from the street, you have a large window, a closet and cable hook up. The house has wireless internet and only Seth and I are on the same floor as you. Steve and Kyle are down stairs and there are two other bedrooms on the second floor, and a private bathroom in your room. All the other rooms are on the first floor. Any questions?" Lina was just staring at him, her head swimming with the bombardment of information, clinging to the important one about a bath. They entered her new room and the guys politely piled her bags against the wall and stretched out their backs.

"Uuummmm…..do you have that on a print out or something cause I maybe got thirty percent and it mostly consists of that bathroom thing." Matt laughed and patted her on the shoulder on his way out with the others close behind.

"Don't worry, you're a smart girl so I'm not worried about you. It was mostly a reminder for these three wankers. See you later Lina." They all bid her welcome to the house and then left her to start unwinding. She called her mother again, updating her on situation and alleviating the fear of her only child being almost halfway around the world with four young men. As she was on the phone, Lina started to unpack her bags to get to a change of clothes and her bathing supplies. Once she had ended the call she looked around the room, amazed at how big it was.

'If this is a guest room I wonder what the master room is like.' The room was painted in lavender; it obviously having been designed for a female occupant. It made her feel as if she had stepped into one the pages from the romance novels she read. The four poster bed was across from the large balcony windows, the sheer linen drapes allowing massive amounts of sunshine into the room. 'Gonna need much thicker curtains.' She opened the doors, smiling at the small terrace and the view she had. 'I owe Matt so much for this, it's a new life. My first steps into the world away from the womb.'

A large dresser was against the wall and the matching mirror was mounted to it. On the opposite wall of that sat a desk and chair with two doors. The first door she discovered lead to the closet, but she paid it very little attention as she grabbed her toiletries and change of clothes to take a shower before the maids showed up to help her. Undoing her braid as she started the water for a shower. The curly locks bounced around her waist, her slippers and socks being the first articles to be tossed carelessly into the corner, followed quickly by her shirt and pants. Plain white undergarments covered her body as she searched for a towel. Her hips were femininely wide and were complimented by a pair of soft breasts. Not thin as a model, but enough so that she was healthy and proud in her appearance after struggling with her weight her whole life. Finally satisfied with the water temperature, Lina stepped into the shower and felt pure repose wash over her as the stiffness in her muscles melted away.

It had been hours since the maids had arrived and Lina was amazed at how quickly all her luggage had been emptied and properly put away even with all her knick-knacks, posters and paintings on display across the walls. The room felt as if she had been living there for months and now all she had to do was add the curtains, to make her feel truly at home. 'Guess this means Seth and I are going shopping tomorrow.' She thanked the maids for all their help as they left. She smiled at her room before locking the balcony widows and heading downstairs herself to hunt for dinner. On her way out of her room she bonked into Seth, seeing that he was all dressed up in his punkish glory.

"Where are you going all dressed up like that Seth?" He smiled and walked down stairs with her, leading her to the kitchen.

"I'm getting ready to head over to the club, actually I was about to ask if you wanted me to bring you along since the others already left. I don't really think you'll be comfortable here all by yourself, especially not after nightfall." Lina looked out the darkening windows, a small shiver a fear passing through her.

"I would love to come. My room is almost done and I'm not tired anymore. Besides, I'm interested in meeting your new boyfriend."

"Then hurry upstairs and get dressed cause I'm not letting you come with that house dress on." Lina grinned and dashed upstairs, leaving Seth to check his cell phone for messages. Back inside her room Lina went straight to the closet, looking through her outfits and tossing the worn dress in the general direction of the hamper.

'The first sign that I'm comfortable, my clothes spread out all over the room.' The little laugh that accompanied the mental joke was followed by the sound of hangers being slid along the rack.

"Here's that black dress." A yelp followed and she hopped out of the closet holding her foot in one hand and her dress in the other. "Damn hanger." Tossing her black dress onto the bed Lina undid her hair from the braid, leaving it in a loose ponytail. Humming tunelessly she quickly went through the process of making herself presentable to the rest of the human race. With a light layer of makeup, a small dab of perfume, Lina was ready to hunt down her shoes. Passing by the balcony windows, the hairs on the back of her neck rose and the tingle of goosebumps ran down her flesh. In trepidation Lina turned, meeting a set of glowing red eyes through the translucent curtains.

Chapter End

OG end note: I hope you enjoyed this first chapter. It will be a long labor of love to try and not rush events together and to keep my story consistent.I also take the moment to thank my beta. Please leave reviews.