Hallo thar sexy thangs! xDDD how's be the youz? (yes, my brain is very horribly fried from lack of sleep, lack of proper eating habits, and TOO MUCH DREYER'S ROCKY ROAD ICE CREAM!!!)

Anyways, here's the next chapter. Sorry it took so long to get finished, and that it's so dreadfully short. -pouts- yeah, it's shorter than the norm, but I really wasn't in the mood to make it longer. And it goes fast, so keep up, yo. If nothing is clarified to your liking, well too bad, because this is what you get, take it or leave it. I'm done trying to please people. This one's for ME!

And because of that, it has taken on a dreadful impersonation of Nightmare on Elm Street...if you can spot the part where that applies, you get something special!

Disclaimer: I own nothing in here but the plot and OC. (and if I get YET ANOTHER PERSON ratting on me for putting OCs in my story, they shall be sacrificed to my sexually frustrated/impotent rp Axel to be BURNED!)

Enjoy, biatches (ilu you all)

(Axel's PoV)

I was back in my half of the house when I felt it. I'd been feeling off since last night and had attributed it to the strange influx of energy in the area. But this…this was different. My head started to swim and it felt like a knife was trying to tear through the side of it. Groaning at the unexpected pain, I fell onto the couch, head in my hands as I tried to think of what might be causing this.

Orion emerged from his room for the first time today. Even the Familiar sensed something was amiss. He slowly made his way over, climbing up my leg to my lap, staring up at me curiously. I shook my head, unable to tell if he was trying to share anything with me through the throbbing pain in my head.

Then, and probably most disturbing of all, my heart began to race in excitement, the smoldering embers in the fireplace suddenly leaping to life, as if being fed powerful energy in a single burst.

I jumped to my feet, Orion having run off at the fire flaring. There was some seriously negative energy close by, and my one and only thought in that moment of realization was…


Not even stopping to put on shoes, I ran out the back door, sprinting across the meadow separating our homes. It was significantly colder outside than it had been before, but I dismissed it. I would have noted finally spotting his house with relief…but the dark aura surrounding it, the way the clouds seemed to swirl over the high roof stopped that reaction, replacing it with dread.

"Shit," I muttered, jumping up onto the porch and throwing open the front doors, instantly being struck with a wall of freezing air, cold enough inside that I could see my breath.

Running straight for the stairs, I only hoped that what I was thinking was wrong. I didn't need to search or call out his name, I knew where he was. The energy was concentrated most in his room. I could only hope that he was safe.

Reaching the third floor, I was surprised to see the door wide open, the bed a mess, but otherwise everything looked normal. I could hear the shower running behind a closed door across the way, but…something was off about all this. I tentatively placed a foot over the threshold, and the moment I did the closed door flew open, slamming into the wall hard enough to make the floors shake. Wide eyed, I could only stare at the sight of Roxas huddled against the wall, blond hair limp and covering most of his terrified face from the water pounding down on him.

He finally seemed to notice I was there, sitting upright. I was about to speak, to run to him, when a dark mist began to float up from the floor, condensing itself into a human-like shape, stick thin arms spread wide to block the door.

"Watch out!" Roxas screamed as the figure hissed, launching itself at me.

I stood my ground, keeping my eyes on it for as long as I could before it hit me, passing straight through with a shriek, vanishing. The force knocked me back a step, grunting at the icy chill running down my spine. The moment seemed to last forever, but the entire attack had only lasted a split second.

The energy lifted, the atmosphere feeling lighter as the temperature rose to a normal level again. I looked back out into the hall, the last place the creature had been before disappearing…for now.

"Nice try," I muttered, "But it'll take more than that to hurt me…"

Once I was sure it was gone for the time being, I ran across the room and into the bathroom, shutting off the water and grabbing a towel to wrap around the terrified blond still just sitting there, staring up at me as if he wasn't entirely in the same moment. Seeing those blue eyes so clouded with fear nearly broke my heart and I hugged him tightly, uncaring about how my pants got wet.

"Are you alright?"

He just shook against me and I sighed.

"Come on, let's get you dried off and dressed." I helped him stand up, practically carrying him into the bedroom where the kitten popped her head up from under the bed, nosing out the triangular prism I remembered giving to Roxas when we'd first met. "Good point," I muttered to Kamikaze as she jumped up next to Roxas, licking his hand and purring. "That really isn't doing any good."

When I moved to go over to his dresser, Roxas seemed to snap back to reality and grabbed onto my arms with surprising force.

"Don't…please…don't leave me…" he whispered, eyes tearing up.

I think that's when my heart finally broke…well, what little heart I had left to claim. "Roxas, I'm not going to leave you…I just thought you might like some clothes…"

"Is it gone?"

"…for now."

He stared at me intently, as if trying to tell if I was lying to him or not before he slumped back, hands falling to his sides as he pulled the towel back up around his shoulders. "Okay…"

I nodded and went over to get him some clothes, holding them out to him and turning my back so he could dress. I heard the towel drop to the floor and closed my eyes, trying to concentrate on the fact that there was something out to get Roxas and possibly his mother as well.

"W-what was that thing…?" Roxas asked weakly, and I looked over my shoulder to see that he was dressed. He bent over to pick up his kitten, the feline happily hanging over his arms, purring deeply.

I sighed, holding an arm out which he immediately walked over to, letting me wrap it around his shoulders. "Let's go downstairs…I need to call Demyx anyways…don't worry about it, Roxas. I'll protect you."

(Roxas POV)

I followed Akuseru downstairs, cuddling the droning kitten to my chest. When we got to the ground floor, Demyx was already cautiously making his way into the foyer. I was surprised, to say the least, and it was a nice reprieve from the shock and terror I'd been feeling since last night. I'd really thought that that…thing was going to kill me. But then Akuseru came…out of nowhere…and saved me…

Great, now I'm getting sappy and thinking of him as like a knight in shining armor kind of deal…

But regardless of my twisted inner monologues, I was still nearly paralyzed in fear of what had just happened. If it could happen once, actually twice now, then it was sure to happen again. And I didn't want to be sitting around defenseless and alone when it did.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Akuseru asked, sounding as surprised as I felt to see Demyx standing there.

Placing his hands on his hips, the blond lifted his chin. "Well, excuse me for being worried over our little Roxy. I've been thinking about what you said yesterday about the negative energy becoming concentrated around here, and I wanted to just check in. Clearly you beat me to the punch."

"Clearly," Akuseru replied dryly and I almost smiled at their banter. If they could be the same as they always were in the midst of all this craziness, then I could too.

"Where's your mom, Roxy?"

I looked up at Demyx at the unexpected question, forced to stop and actually think for a moment before I could answer. "Oh…she went into town to get some things for Kamikaze…she said she'd be back when she could."

Nodding, Demyx disappeared into one room for a few minutes, coming back out only to disappear into another…and then another.

"What the hell is he doing?" I asked Akuseru quietly.

The redhead rolled his eyes, leading me over to the couch to sit down. "He's checking through the house to make sure what attacked you is really gone for now." He raised his voice as he continued, "But if he'd just sit still long enough to actually listen to me, he'd know that I banished the fucker."

"And what good is a quick, faulty banishing spell coming from you?" Demyx called back as he headed for the stairs.

"Oh, you little," Akuseru took off up the stairs after the blond, leaving me alone with Kamikaze. And crazy as it sounds, I wasn't afraid of being alone. Not now when I knew they were here. Not when I could hear them moving around and still arguing upstairs. It was comforting to just know there was life in this hulking skeleton of a house.

I sat for the next ten minutes or so, talking quietly to Kamikaze as she ran in spastic circles on the couch next to me. At one point she stopped, so dizzy that she ended up falling to the floor, which actually got me to laugh for the first time in what felt like forever. "You're such a dork, cat."

Shaking her head, causing her large ears the flop on either side of her face, Kamikaze looked up at me from the floor and meowed loudly, the scratchy, hoarse sound echoing in the sudden silence of the house.

My heart jumped up into my throat and I slowly lifted my head to look up at the ceiling. Why couldn't I hear them anymore? Where did they go?

"Hello?" I called, getting no response. "Hello!" my voice just echoed around me as if I were in a tunnel.

I looked down again, only to find that Kamikaze had disappeared as well. What in the name of the Mother Goddess was going on?

Getting slowly to my feet, I searched the room, calling for the kitten and getting nothing.

"Maybe I should go find the guys." I muttered to myself. I shuffled out of the living room and into the foyer, each step, every breath, seeming to echo hollowly around me. Was I going crazy finally or was it darker in here than it had been only a minute before? It was like the sky had gone cloudy or something…

Standing at the bottom of the left staircase, I placed a hand on the banister, the wood cold to the touch. I stared up the long expanse of stairs that seemed to grow longer and longer as I watched. I shook my head and the illusion dissipated. Shrugging it off, I began to climb the stairs. About halfway up, I heard a faint sound…but it was one that didn't belong in the house.

It sounded like…music. Soft and melancholy, floating down from the second floor. Quickening my steps, I got up to the second floor, stopping on the landing to look from one end of the hall to the other. The music was louder here, but I couldn't tell which direction it was coming from. For some reason, I headed for the locked door. As I drew closer, I could instantly tell that the music was coming from behind the door I couldn't open. And this close, I could tell it was a piano, as if a professional pianist were behind that solid piece of wood and composing the most sorrowful song I'd ever heard.

Feeling my heart clench, I pressed a hand to my chest and reached for the handle. Surprisingly, it turned easily and the door swung open with a quiet, groaning creak. Leaning my head into the room, I saw that there really was no window, the walls charred and black, debris strewn across the dull wooden floor. In the middle of the room, there was a piano, which looked just as out of place as the music it was playing on its own. From where I was standing, I could see the keys moving up and down, but there was no player sitting on the bench.

Strangest of all, though this whole experience was strange, the piano looked more like a projection than a real, solid instrument. The edges kept flickering and the color seemed off, like an old film trying to continue playing through its overuse and age. The music turned darker, heavier and I tried to back out of the room, unaware that I'd stepped inside, when the door slammed shut. I frantically grabbed onto the knob, yanking with all the strength I had, throwing my shoulder into it and pounding my fists until they were bruised and sore, screaming for someone to help me.

The music stopped abruptly in a jangle of discordant notes, as if the player had been startled into stopping. Everything grew darker and darker and I swallowed hard, afraid to turn around. Afraid of what I'd see if I did.

I didn't have to turn around, as it turned out, feeling cold, clammy hands close around my throat, squeezing brutally and cutting off my air. I let out a gasping cough, trying to pry the shadowy hands off my neck, but my fingers just went right through it, touching my own chilled skin. But…but I couldn't breathe!

I gagged when I tried to inhale, tilting my head back to try and see my attacker, seeing a brief flash of red hair and green eyes, heart becoming heavy with dread and betrayal. No…Akuseru wouldn't do this to me…he wouldn't…he'd saved me…he…

Eyes rolling back in my head, I croaked out something nonsensical, darkness closing in around me, everything growing cold and heavy until…

"Roxas! Wake up!"

I jolted up from the couch, coughing and rubbing at my sore neck. I felt hands grabbing onto me as I almost fainted right then and there, eyes burning as I tried to open them. "Wha..?" I started coughing again before I could finish the word.

"It's alright, just breathe," that was Akuseru…I couldn't mistake his voice…and the vivid memory of what he'd done made me jerk away from him.

"You fell asleep, silly, just relax." Demyx assured, rubbing my back lightly.

I rubbed at my eyes until I could see clearly again, looking around to see that I was still in the living room, still on the couch. Kamikaze was sitting on the back of the couch, head cocked to the side as she stared at me, Demyx and Akuseru sitting on either side.

"I…I what?"

"Fell asleep."

"O-oh…" that's odd…I didn't remember falling asleep…

The two of them watched me carefully, keeping whatever thoughts they had to themselves. I just sat there and thought myself, wondering why I'd thought that 'dream' had been real…all of it had seemed like it was really happening and…

"Wait!" I jumped to my feet and ran for the stairs, Kamikaze jumping onto my shoulder before I left the room. I didn't care about how her claws bit into my skin as she held on, nor that I could hear Demyx and Akuseru running after me. Jogging up to the second floor, I went straight to the locked door, trying to open it.

But it was just as stuck as it was the last time I tried.

"What are you doing?" Demyx asked, placing a hand on the door to lean against, but instantly snatched it back. Seeing the look on his face, Akuseru wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me away.

"Ah! What the hell?!"


I went silent, staring at the door. And as we all held our breath, trying to listen, there was the faint sound of a piano, like someone was idly running their hand over the keys from one end to the other, and then it was gone.

"W-what was that..?" I whispered.

I looked up when I got no answer, seeing Demyx and Akuseru looking at each other strangely. They didn't say anything; just lead me back downstairs where we stayed until Melissa came flouncing back into the house late in the afternoon.

She was bright and cheery until she saw the somber looks on our faces. "Who died?"

I bit back a smile, getting to my feet to run over and hug her tightly, seeking shelter and comfort.

"No seriously…" she muttered, dropping the bags she held to wrap her arms around my shoulders. "What happened? Boys?"

Demyx sighed and got to his feet. "You might want to sit down for this." He indicated the couch and Melissa went over to sit and I went with her, refusing to let go. Kamikaze ignored the heavy atmosphere, trotting over to climb all over the bags mom had brought in, finding the one with the bag of kitty food and hopped inside the paper bag.

"What happened?" she repeated.

I lifted my head and started to explain, telling her about what really happened the night before and this afternoon while she'd been away, including the strange dream I didn't remember having. I still swore it was true. And I kept casting wary glances over at Akuseru, afraid that he'd jump at me and started choking me like I'd dreamed.

Melissa looked mildly shocked, though I knew she was probably mortified that her baby had been alone when things like this were happening. "Are you boys trying to tell me that this place is haunted?"

"Possibly," Demyx broke in. "We don't know for sure, but there's been a cloud of negative energy that's collecting near here. Maybe it has nothing to do with you two and your house is simply in its path or maybe it has everything to do with you. We just want to make sure you're safe."

"You painted over the charms." Akuseru said bluntly, looking around the room. "We noticed while we were doing a walk through."

"Charms? I just wanted to put more color variation in the house. I had no idea that all the blue was there for a reason." Melissa tapped her fingers against her lips, blue eyes thoughtful.

"Well, it's no use to paint everything blue again, the charm seal is broken. That might be why that entity, whatever it is, got inside."

Akuseru shook his head and I just sat and listened to them debate, feeling lost and scared that our house was now some kind of breeding ground for…negative things.

"No, Demyx, that thing was on a mission. It wasn't just trying to scare Roxas, it was after him. Entities, no matter what they are, don't do that on their own. Someone invoked this thing."

"Invoked?" I surprised myself when everyone looked over and I realized that I'd spoken up for the first time.

Demyx recovered first and seemed more than happy to elaborate. "Yes, invoking is a word used when someone calls forth a spirit or entity and either possesses themselves with it or sends it after someone or something else. Basically, you're calling up a butt load of energy that you can control and use to an extent."

I raised an eyebrow at that. "But…who would want to do that?"

He shrugged. "Beats me. But that's what we're going to figure out. Axel and I are going to do our best to cleanse the house and put up some new charms, particularly in your bedrooms, and then hope it'll keep that thing away long enough for us to figure out a permanent solution."

Melissa nodded, clapping her hands. "Well, that actually sounds like a bunch of fun, boys. How do we start?"

I smiled faintly as Demyx began talking animatedly about the procedures of a cleansing, thinking that everything would be okay as long as I was around my mom and friends. Nothing could hurt me while they were around.


Horrible ending, I know, but if you dun like it, then don't even bother to review, yo. I'm not in the mood to put up with losers who have nothing better to do than bring other people down because they hate themselves and have no life.


Dreyer's Rocky Road Ice Cream, Disturbia by Rihanna (DON'T EVEN CRACK ON ME FOR THAT, OR YOU DIE!), and the deliciously nonsensical, cracky Rokkugo by Super Junior T -grins like a retard- my favorite line in that song is still: "Ah I like it, I like it! The watermelon claps!" xDDD


And I finally put up a random, super short vid of myself on my YouTube account. All those who go and suffer through seeing my fugly face and read the credits...well, you'll know what you get as a prize -winks- and if you don't watch, then you dun get. Sorry. LOL!

Until the next~
