A/N: Inspired by KFP 3! Obviously, I have not seen the movie, as it has not been released yet, so no spoilers. Just my little wishful thinking Read/Review!

Shifu stared out at the vast stretch of cloudless blue sky. The long grass he stood in on the hilltopswayed with the breeze, grazing his fingertips and the sleeve of his cotton robe. It really was quite beautiful here. The panda clan had done well in choosing this particular valley to settle in, serene and secluded as it was. The squeals and laughter of children drew his attention to the river. Tigress' three cubs, as well as the children of the village were playing and chasing one another along the shore, collecting shells and skipping stones.

"It's a lovely day," a sultry voice rumbled; Tigress.

Shifu turned to his former student. "It is," he said quietly, "Kai, Ting and Mai Lin have really hit it off with the village youth."

Tigress chuckled. "Yes, they love meeting new people. Who would have guessed any child of mine would be so social?"

Shifu barked a laugh, then gasped as he watched Ting stumble and fall.

"She's fine," Tigress said, and sure enough, a panda cub helped the little blind liger to her feet. Ting continued on as though nothing had happened.

Shifu raised an eyebrow. "My, how times have changed. There was a day you would have flown into a panic over a stubbed toe, let alone a fall."

Tigress smiled. "I can't protect her forever, I realize that now. I would rather she get her bumps and bruises out of the way now. She will need honed coordination when she's older and continues her training."

Shifu winced. "She is already a force to be reckoned with in sparring matches. Oogway help us when she's fully trained."

Tigress laughed. They were quiet for a moment before Tigress turned to face her master, her eyes somber. "What are Po's intentions, Shifu? Will he stay and teach here?"

Shifu sighed. "I don't know. In all honesty, I don't have the courage to ask him." The red panda frowned, gazing out across the river. "My place is protecting the Valley of Peace, as the steward of the Jade Palace. I have accepted this fate with open arms. But it does not have to be Po's destiny. He is free to do as he pleases. If he feels his duty is to his clan, then so be it. I will not take his destiny from him."

"Surely he will stay by your side, master," Tigress implored.

Shifu met her eyes, blue piercing amber. "Duty is often placed before the heart. You know this better than most, Tigress."

Tigress thought of Roho, the father of her cubs; the sacrifices she, and unwittingly, her children, had made for duty and honor. She nodded slowly. "Po is a graduated student of the Jade Palace, and the legendary Dragon Warrior. Though the temptation of being with the family he has never known is strong, my heart believes that he considers the Valley of Peace to be his true, honor-bound duty, and his destiny is you, Shifu."

Shifu sniffled, blinking and clearing his throat. "The selfish part of me prays that you are right, Tigress; and I hate myself for it."