Kiss me

Kiss me

Disclaimer: Don't own, searial.

I longed for it. More than anything, I wanted it. I wanted it so much I dreamed about it, both at day and night. I'd watch him, taking him all in whenever I got the chance. Every part of him was interesting to me. His back and his hands, his face and hair… even his legs. But by far, the most interesting part was definitely his lips. Whenever I talked to him, I'd watch them move, wanting nothing more than to close the gap between us. I'd like to think that I would if I ever got the chance to, but in reality, I'd probably be too scared.

"Winry?" I snapped back to reality, realising I'd been spacing out. "Are you alright?"

"Huh?" What am I doing? How long was I out? By god, I didn't blush, did I? "What do you mean? Of course I'm alright! I'm perfect!" I gave a nervous laugh and started concentrating on my tools instead.

I didn't notice Ed had gotten up from the couch and walked up to me until he was way too close. With his hand on my shoulder, I turned around. It was hard repressing the blush that without a doubt was spreading across my face. I could feel it growing hot, and that only made me more embarrassed. I turned back to my tools again, unable to handle the situation.

"You were staring at me… Are you sure you're not sick?"

"Sick? Me!? I'm healthy as a nut, Ed! There's nothing wrong with me at all." Healthy as a nut!? What's wrong with me!? I'd never say something like that! Why, oh why did I allow myself to space out, knowing that I was talking to him? Of course he'd notice!

I mentally kicked myself. How on earth was I going to get out of this situation without getting even more embarrassed?

"Healthy as a nut… right." Ed didn't sound convinced at all. Of course he didn't… I'm acting crazy! Get a grip, girl!

Before I could react, Ed had grabbed me by the shoulders, holding me put. Thoughts of how strong he was sailed through my head, but I quickly snapped out of it when I noticed he was getting closer to me. What's he doing? Why is he getting closer? Is he going to…?

I was close to fainting of excitement, expecting something I'd only dreamed about before. This was perfect. Absolutely perfect! Subconsciously, I could feel my mouth pouting, longing for the gap between my lips and his to close. I closed my eyes tightly. Any second now…

Well, I got my kiss, but not where I was expecting it. He held his lips on my forehead for a few seconds before pulling away. "You're warm, are you sure you're feeling okay?" he looked at me, concerned. "And you're acting strange too…"

He paused for a second, apparently thinking. The excitement of my supposed kiss had made me speechless; all I could do was watch him.

He let go of me. "Ah well, you don't have a fever. Now fix my arm, I have to be back at central tomorrow!"

I sighed. I was too exhausted to argue with him. I guess I got what I wanted… kind of.

a/n: Hurr… Yes. And that's that. Winry feels pretty OOC to me, but then again, she's really only acting like that because she was caught drooling over Ed… by Ed. Hell, I'd act like that. :P

Anyway. Let me know what you think.