Hey sorry this took so long, I had some trouble writing it cause I was stuck full of ideas for another fic of mine, and couldn't figure something for this one. Please leave reviews.

and if anyone has any ideas for a fic or things to put in future chapters of this one please message me or leave a review. thank you

Even if you have no powers, and you are only human, you can still be a hero. All it takes is to sacrifice your time, life or patience to someone else be it a stranger, a friend or a loved one. And then and only then are you a hero.

A few days after the mini mart robbery, Grimmjow was sick of the hospital. He had to get out, no matter what. So Grimmjow waited till night and Snuck out. He climbed out the window and since he was in the hospital pajamas he crept through the alley ways till he got home. Grimmjow still had the card from his flowers but the flowers died so he left them at the hospital.

Grimmjow laid on his bed and pondered who sent him the flowers and considered him a hero. Then it struck him, whatever happened to Ulquiorra? Was he shot? Or did he get out unscathed? Grimmjow thought some more and another thought struck him. Did Ulquiorra send the flowers or the store clerk?

The next day Grimmjow laid in bed and listened to his scanner. Then something came up, there was a bomb situation at His high school. There was little time left as it was stated before it went off and there was Sixteen students trapped in the building. Grimmjow had to see for himself what was going on.

When Grimmjow arrived at the school he heard there was ten minutes till detonation. All sixteen students were still trapped. So Grimmjow snuck around to the back and entered the school through a secret entrance. Grimmjow easily found the group of students because they were loud with their crying. Grimmjow then noticed that part of the hall was already blown up.

Grimmjow Looked at one of the other students. " I thought there was only one bomb."

" No." a girl said, " there are four planted in the school, two small and two big."

"how do you know?" Grimmjow questioned.

Then another bomb shook the building collapsing another hall. Some of the kids fell to the ground. That's when Grimmjow Counted only 13 students in the group.

" Because the terrorist who did this told us before the first bomb went off." it was the familiar voice of Grimmjow's albino friend Shirosaki.

Grimmjow turned to see Shirosaki running out from the hole in the hallway. His eyebrow was split open and blood oozed from somewhere on Shirosaki's head.

"we got fifteen minutes till the first big one goes off." Shirosaki told Grimmjow. "The bomber was a student like us and died with the first explosion, And there is someone trapped back there I couldn't get him out. Maybe you should try wile I lead these guys out the secret exit."

"Why?" Grimmjow questioned. " Don't the front doors work?"

"Not anymore they don't." Shirosaki answered. " The bastard wired them shut this morning when nobody was pay'n any attention."

"Damn." Grimmjow replied. " Well get these guys outta here I'll get the person who's trapped."

Without any other words Shirosaki led the other student down the hall. Soon all of them would be safe. So Grimmjow turned and ran to the hole in the hallway. Grimmjow walked in and almost instantly noticed who was trapped and how they were trapped.

It was Ulquiorra. He must have been in the hallway when it exploded. He was out cold and pinned under a large slab of cement. It almost looked like he died but Grimmjow could see his faint breathing.

Grimmjow rushed to Ulquiorra's side. Ulquiorra was pinned under a slab of cement that weighed about two hundred and fifty pounds. No wonder Shirosaki couldn't get him out. The slab was not laying on top of Ulquiorra, just positioned in a way that it was kind of leaning against the wall. Only about fifty pounds of pressure was being exerted on him. This relieved Grimmjow for if it was the entire thing on him he could have been a goner.

By this time Grimmjow only had about twelve minutes left at most. Grimmjow Tried to move the slab but it wouldn't budge. It seemed heavier than he had presumed. He needed help but from who? Shirosaki was escorting others out side about an eight minute trip right there, he could never be back in time.

Grimmjow started to panic He didn't know what to do. Then it struck him, leverage. If he could find a strong pipe or something he could move the slab. So Grimmjow searched. The gods were obviously on his side for he found a large metal beam nearby.

Grimmjow used his leverage theory but he had to use most his strenth and his weight to move the slab. After moving the slab he guessed he had about nine minutes. Grimmjow Picked up Ulquiorra Bridal style and started to run for the secret entrance.

Ulquiorra's eyes opened as he was carried out only to gaze upon Grimmjow's face.

The next day

Ulquiorra Woke up in the hospital. He felt like he had been shattered. Someone sat in the chair beside his bed. He turned his head to see who it was. It was Grimmjow just the site of him made Ulquiorra smile. Grimmjow noticed Ulquiorra had woke up and looked at him. Ulquiorra had a smile on his face, and Grimmjow couldn't help it but to smile back.