The midnight breeze was calm and cool

The midnight breeze was calm and cool. The chirping of the crickets echoed through the school grounds, coupled with the blowing of the evening breeze brought serenity to Zero. The prefect was performing his duty on the school grounds, patrolling both day and night class dorms, making sure that everyone was abiding to the school rules, especially the Night class students. Yuki Cross, his partner was sick and he was in charge for the night. Having anyone from the Night Class roaming outside of their restricted compound would spell danger to any inhabitant there- possible human attacks. Unlike you and me, the Night Class is made out of very special people, or should I say creatures. They are beasts in human forms- vampires. The Chairman of the Cross Academy has gathered vampires under one roof, educating and nurturing good relationship between humans and vampires.

However, unlike the headmaster, Zero has his own opinions about vampires. To him, vampires were creatures that ought not to exist. Damned by the curse of having to feed on fresh blood, Zero loathed the idea of their coexistence among the humans. He hated them to every fiber of his being; their sights boiled him from deep inside. Zero clenched his teeth as he recalled the night that he tasted the fearsome power of vampires; when Pureblood Shizuka Hiou laid waste to his family, robbed him of his humanity life and cursed him of becoming a mindless Level E vampire gradually. It was the very reason why this vampire hunter despised the vampire race.

Thinking about that incident made Zero nauseated. Suddenly, he felt a surge of hunger ran through him. The urge to feed has surfaced again. He can feel the beast within him fighting to take control of his body from inside. Zero's purple iris is now been replaced by crimson ones, showing the bloodlust accumulated slowly within him. Zero knew he had to satisfy his hunger before he loses control of his actions. He cursed himself from wondering too far from the main campus, now it would be too late for him to hurry back and get his blood supply. Moreover, the fact that Yuki is ill gave Zero no choice but to substitute her blood with the blood tablets that Chairman Cross provided him with.

The deprived teenage boy dragged himself back to his dorm using whatever strength he has left but with no avail. The attack was too strong for the unprepared prefect to handle. He was light headed due to lack of blood and the world seemed spinning around him. The hunger was so intense that it finally took over. Blackness claimed Zero's vision…

A few steps away, pairs of crimson eyes lighted out in the dark, like hyenas stalking its unconscious prey….