MMC: Guess who's back!

Tommy: You right your name before you speak and you want them to guess who's back?

MMC: Yes bet you can't guess! It's me silly! Hehehehe!

Tommy: Ok, we had a few requests for a sequel but this is --IMPORTANT--!

MMC: Because I can't be bothered to write about the bit in between. Aoyama, I'm terribly sorry, is not dead. After the battle thing, he came he was found by his parents. Yeh, I know…please don't hate me….((Puppy eyes)). I didn't want Ichigo to go through a whole grief phase as well…Ichigo explained her whole new relationship and because I think the actual Masaya would not go berserk, he didn't. See there are some advantages of not changing his character completely. Anyway, so Masaya and Ichigo are kinda, at an awkward stage, while Ichigo and Kish are happy! Yay! And um…yeh…XD! Please don't hit me Masaya haters, I just wanted to keep this as realistic as possible. Sort of…

Tommy: But when Masaya was found- he had wet his trousers and was crying for his mummy! HAHAHA!

MMC: Stop changing my storyline!

Tommy: Oh come on…please…

MMC: Okay fine…he wet himself and was calling for his mummy…and he soiled his underwear too…

Tommy: Now you're getting it!

MMC: Shhh….Anyway, this was only because of requests, I wasn't really planning on doing another one. The epilogue of My Little Strawberry was supposed to end as a cliff-hanger. But yeh, so if this doesn't reach expectations feel free to tell me. I just want you to know, that on My Little Strawberry, even at the penultimate chapter I had no idea how I was going to end it…heh….so this might be the same…heh…

Tommy: STARTO!

MMC: Wait, that's my line, now say the disclaimer!

Tommy: Mew Mew Cherry owns nothing of Tokyo Mew Mew, or its characters…STARTO!


'M'Lady, please be happier, we are trying all we can…'

The young princess pouted, 'Why should I?'

'Please my good child, we'll get you anything you want? Just say the word,' assured her father.

The princess shrugged.

'If it is not too bold, my princess, the men are lining up from around the country just to witness your beauty, please do not let them down by not showing up,' braved a servant.

The princess didn't reply. Her father sighed, 'Leave the room, servants, Nasu; I shall converse with you outside.'

The other servants did as they were told, leaving the princess to herself.

Shutting the door behind him, the King sighed once more.

'So Sire, what is it you wanted to talk to me about?' asked the servant known as Nasu, a short , stout old man who's long pointy ears dropped humbly, his bald head shining in the midmorning light.

Now Nasu, you know my daughter has never been one for happiness,' started the King.

Nasu nodded, 'Yes, unfortunately it is so, sire, have you idea of how to make the young girl smile again?'

'Well…you and me both know, the only man to make her smile was-,'

'Oh sire, he will not come-,'

'He will come!' thundered the King, quite suddenly, 'And this time he will not escape his duty!'

'But the army sire, was his duty at that time-,'

'Are you deifying me Nasu?' growled the King, turning to his advisor.

'N-No sire,' stuttered Nasu, 'B-But…'

'No buts! I want that boy here now!'

'Sire please, I do not think the Princess is in love with him as you say…'

'Of course they do not love! But…,' his voice lowered, 'If the boy can truly make my daughter happy, we must find him,' he whispered.

Nasu paused for a second, before nodding, 'Alright Sire, I trust your judgement, we shall do everything in our power to find the boy.'

'Good,' the King smiled, 'But,' it faded, 'Do you have any idea where the boy is?'

'Well sire…'


'I think the last record of him, was on Earth…'

'I hate this…' hissed Kish, as he tugged at his jeans.

'Oh calm down, these are what everyone wears here,' sighed Ichigo, picking up his normal clothes which had been discarded on her bedroom floor.

Kish wasn't listening. He was busy poking his now covered stomach, looking thoroughly miserable.

'Kish, come on, it's just for now.'

Kish pouted sullenly.

Ichigo giggled and gave him an affectionate smile before sitting down beside him.

'Come on,' she whispered in his ear, 'I like these clothes on you.' Kish grinned as she began to kiss down his neck.


'Oh damn, that's them,' hissed Ichigo, panic spreading across her delicate features.

'Uh…what do I do?' asked Kish nervously.

'Well, um…have you got your ears checked?' she asked, racing to the door and putting her ear against it.




'And Kish?'


'You're staring at my butt right now, aren't you?' Ichigo smirked whipping her head around. Kish grinned perversely.


'Ichigo honey? Are you home?'

'Oh that's my mum, Kish are you sure everything's alright?'

'Absolutely, let's go,' Kish answered, his bright eyes glinting determinedly.

Ichigo bit her lip. She was hoping Kish would resist, but even if he had there was no turning back now.

'Stay up here for a second,' she whispered, leaving him on the upstairs landing, 'I have to explain to my dad before he sees you,' she explained rolling her eyes.

Kish nodded.


'Oh honey, we haven't seen you in a while, with all those trips you and friends have been organizing, how are you?' Sakura asked, embracing her daughter as if she had been away for years.

'I'm…good…thanks…mum…' Ichigo squeezed out as she felt her ribs being crushed under the pressure, 'But….can't…breathe…'

'Oh sorry sweetie,' Sakura smiled, realising her daughter from her iron vice grip and letting her stumble back.

'Oh good Ichigo,' grinned her father, Shintaro, as he entered with about seven shopping bags slipping from his hands. His knuckles were turning white from the strain, 'Help me out will you?'

Ichigo nodded, happy to see her parents again.

'Sure thing,' she smiled relieving him, 'Oh and I have something to tell you guys.'

'Oh sure honey what is it?' asked Sakura as they entered the kitchen. Ichigo sighed, her smile fading.

'Well, it's just, we were given assignments at school this week, and I mean…I have to make sure my grades stay up right?'

'Of course,' replied Sakura absentmindedly.

'Well, it's an exchange student programme,' smiled Ichigo, hoping she looked convincing.

'Oh,' grinned her mother, 'that sounds nice, where are they from?'

'Uh…Italy?' Ichigo murmured, speaking in more of a tone of question than answer.

'Oh how lovely!'

'So who have you got?' asked Shintaro, emptying a pile of canned foods on the countertop.

'Well, dad, do you promise not to get angry?'

Her father flinched, 'And why…why would I get angry?' he asked suspiciously.

'Well, it's…it's…'

'Oh it's a boy isn't it!' cheered Sakura, clapping her hands together.

Her father's face turned pale. Then red. Then sort of…blue?

'A….boy…' he gritted.

'Now…dear…' Sakura laughed nervously, placing a calming hand on his shoulder.

'A boy! Why couldn't you have picked a girl?' he barked.

'D-D-Dad…I didn't have a choice they picked for you, and I…it's not my…'

'I finally thought you had got some sense when you and that Aoyama boy broke up but now-!'

'Shintaro!' warned Sakura.

'Dad!' growled Ichigo, finally getting a word in, 'It's not my fault, besides he's not my type!'

Straight lie.

'I don't like him in that way-,'

Another lie.

'So you and him are going to get along! He's a nice, honest, normal boy!'



Shintaro took a deep breath, eyeing her intently.

'Bring him down…' he mumbled, taken aback slightly by his daughter's outburst.



Ichigo bit her lip, but nodded begrudgingly. Whipping around she stormed back upstairs, kicking the clown plush toy that lay on the steps as she went. That had not gone as planned.


Kish poked his head out from behind the door.

'Wh-what was that all about?' he asked anxiously.

Ichigo shook her head wearily.

'He wants to see you?'


'Yep, right now…'


Ichigo sighed, 'We better go…'

Kish nodded as he followed Ichigo back downstairs.

'Dad…' she whispered nervously, poking her head through the kitchen door.

Her dad didn't seemed to have calmed down. He sat rocking precariously on his chair, sipping his tea.


'Um…this…this is Kish,' she said, taking a hold of Kish's hand and pulling him into view.

Her father's neck grinded round. He raised an eyebrow, surprised.

'What's with his hair?'

'Shintaro!' shushed Sakura panicked.

'It's quite alright,' smiled Kish, speaking up for the first time, 'I get that a lot.'

'Oh honey, please don't take any notice of him,' blushed Sakura, 'He's just a bit grouchy.'

Shintaro growled, and muttered something under his breath.

'It's fine, I'm just happy to have a new experience and in such a beautiful house no less.'

Now Ichigo raised her eyebrows. Since when could Kish act like that, so courteously?

'Well dear, how about you sit down, I'll make some tea,' offered Sakura, retreating back to the countertop.

Kish nodded gratefully and took a seat at the table.

'So you're an exchange student?' asked Shintaro.

Kish coughed nervously, 'Uh…yes I am…'

'And you're going to be staying here for how long?'

Kish turned and looked at Ichigo for support.

'A…Two…three weeks,' she mumbled, trying to guess how long it would take her to gain the confidence to tell them.

'Three weeks huh?'

Kish nodded, 'Yes, I hope that's alright?'

'How long have you known this boy?' asked Shintaro, ignoring Kish's question.

'I told you, only since this morning, I didn't even know who it was going to be until then,' replied Ichigo, frustrated with her father's rude attitude.

'That's plenty of time…' hissed Shintaro.

Ichigo blinked, 'For what?'

'For you to get to know each other…'

Ichigo didn't like the emphasis he put on the word "know".

'What do you mean?'

'I mean,' started Shintaro, his voice gradually growing, 'I mean…how do I know that in all that time, you too didn't…get friendly?'

'Get friendly! Dad! I wouldn't do anything like that yet, I've hardly met him!' retorted Ichigo, jumping from her seat.

Her father growled, standing up, 'Oh so you're not denying that you might?'

'I…no of course not, I mean what? What are you talking about? Stop it!'

'I will not! And I will not have my daughter fooling around with some European pretty boy!'

'Shintaro!' hissed Sakura, re-entering the room, with three cups of tea.

'Well he is! Look at that hair!'

'Shintaro!' yelped Sakura, trying to keep her husband under control.

Kish was now becoming surprisingly self conscious with his hair. Personally he had always kinda thought green was a nice colour.

'Dad!' yelled Ichigo.

'Ichigo, if I find you and that boy even a step out of line!'

'Dad I thought we'd been over this! Haven't you realised I can make my own choices?'

'Well you broke up with that Aoyama boy, so you obviously can't!'

Shintaro stopped; he had said that without thinking.

Ichigo bit her lip.

'Ichigo, sweetie…' whispered Sakura.

'No, I'm not going through this any more, I'm sorry if that what you think, but it's not true. Kish is staying, I'm going upstairs with him to help him unpack, nothing more,' replied Ichigo bluntly.

'I'll….I'll put on some dinner then,' offered Sakura, forcing a smile.

Ichigo forced one back, 'Yes please mum…that would be great.'

Shintaro forced himself stay calm as Ichigo took the poor bewildered Kish (who was fiddling with a strand of his hair, self consciously), by that hand and led him upstairs.

Ichigo could hear the shouting between her parents from upstairs.

Good, she thought, he deservers to be shouted at…

'Well that went…' mumbled Kish, '….horribly…'

Ichigo whimpered, 'What are we going to do?'

'Oh no Ichigo,' stumbled Kish, panicking as she started to cry, 'Please don't cry…'

'But it's no use! If my dad won't even accept an exchange student, how on earth is he going to except an alien?'

'It'll be fine,' Kish assured, titling her chin up towards him and kissing her forward head lightly, 'They'll understand, if your dad was that angry that means he really cares about you, so they will understand, yeh?'

'I…I guess so…' she didn't want to cry in front of Kish. He had been so brave, through Suika's death and everything, she had to be stronger now.

'Don't worry,' Kish hushed, with a comforting smile, 'It will.'