Title:"How bout you don't"
Author: Lil Jei
Fandom: NCIS
Pairing: Tim/Abby. Past Tony/Abby
Rating: PG
Word Ct: ???
Summary/A/N/Warning: It's a continuation of what was supposed to be a one shot fic - "Don't think I don't think about it…" which had Tony as the main voice. The second chapter was all about Abby. Now it's all about Tim. It's a future fic/AU. Set 10 years after Abby and Tim got married. 15 years since Tony had wised up and left. It is un-beta'd.

One: .
Two: .

Tim knew something had changed. Abby was being secretive. Not even Gibbs could tell him what was going on in his pseudo daughter's mind. The feelings, the haunted moments, and the shame in his wife's eyes had started to appear a few months ago. He didn't know what was wrong and to be honest he didn't know if he could face it if he did. For the first time since marrying her he was unsure of her love for him. Not the kids though, god forbid she ever lose any love for them. It was just him that wasn't satisfying her and he didn't know how to stop that or help her out.

It had been one big battle after the next in their house lately. Work wasn't as bad; they were tolerable of one another and just gave each the other the cold shoulder. Their marriage had been wonderful once upon a time ago. And all he knew that within a beat of his heart and blink of an eye it had all changed. At first it had just been a little snapping and badgering. He'd thought she was pregnant again. But a week turned to months. And now he was in the middle of their bedroom staring at her open suitcase and screaming mouth and just couldn't help but give in.

He'd been a fool to think she'd love him forever. She'd never been a one man woman. She always said she got bored easily. He guessed he'd been lucky to have ten good years out of her. He didn't want her to leave. Even with as bad as she'd been lately he still loved her. And he knew that despite his faults she did love him. In her own way he knew she forgave his temper, his writing fits, and even his uppity attitude that he had. Which was probably too much of their time together. Tim was tired, dead tired of fighting and as he tried to grab her and hold her to him he had to fight a gasp within as he looked into her eyes and saw no fondness, no love, just a little regret and a whole lot of hate.

He let her go then. Releasing her, he just watched as she walked away. He'd tried to change a long time ago, he'd fought to be a better man. They both had to compromise throughout the years and still he couldn't stop her. He had tried for so long to keep her, to give her all his love. It hadn't worked. Her eyes told him they were through. He knew deep down she wouldn't be back. Not anytime soon and not for him. She was leaving him, the kids, and her life all for what he didn't know.

Originally he had hoped for another try but knew that it was no good. There was no chance of that as he listened to the door slam, the car rev up, and then the kids cries. He stood there still clinging to the scent of gunpowder and jasmine. Still hoping she'd be back, that she'd jump into his arms, crying and begging to be forgiven. He could see the scene in his mind but knew in his heart it wouldn't be happening.