Ok so this is my first story so be easy on me.I got the idea from reading an SON story.This girl posted a story about her life using characters from SON and I thought it was cool so I'm doing the same thing.This story is based on my life.Its about an experience I went through in my first years of high school.I decided to use Hannah Montana characters cause I love the show and I'm obsessed with the Mikiley shipping so this story is Mikiley.And the girl I'm writing about reminds me a lot of Miley so she's gonna be Miley and I don't really remind myself of how Mikayla was on Hannah Montana but I guess I have to be her.haha So in this story Mikayla will be pretty much the oppisite how she is on Hannah Montana but maybe a bit like Alex from Wizards of Waverly Place anyway well I'm gonna stop now and just let you guys read the story.Please review I'd love to hear everyone's thoughts.

Also I guess I should do the whole disclaimer thing it seems everyone does on here lol so yes I do not Own Miley or Mikayla or Hannah Montana or any of the characters I use in this story.Ok enjoy!

Don't forget to review!


Unexpected Love

Mikayla's pov

"So sweetie you nervous about your first day of school?...hello?Hey."

I shake my head clearing my thoughts when I feel my mom grab my arm

"Huh?" I reply as I notice she's giving me a confused look

"Are you alright?"

"Oh yeah I'm fine I guess I'm just a bit nervous about my first day of high school."

A bit was a bit of an understatment.I was a total and complete wreck.I'm usually really confident but coming back to school always makes me nervous and starting school in an entire new place makes me more than nervous.I mean its a big jump from Sea View to Malibu.At Sea View there are two grades 7th and 8th but at Malibu High there are four 9th-12th.

I sigh as we pull into the parking lot of the school.Its much bigger than Sea View.Well of course its bigger Mikayla there's like a couple hundred more people at Malibu High

"Well here we are" I hear my mom say as we pull to a stop

"Joy.." I mutter under my breath so she dosn't hear me.

"Have a good first day sweetie"

"I will" I smile unsure as I step out of the car

Well here it is.I wonder if its to late to turn around and leave.I turn to see my moms car is gone.

"Guess it is" I sigh slowly walking towords the doors.Ok get ahold of yourself Mikayla its just a new school no big deal.Look at it this way atleast your not the new kid.You've got friends here so just calm down you can do this.I reach for the door with shaking hands and slowly pull it open.Immideatly I feel someone grab me from behind.

"Guess who" I tense up but than soon relax as I recoginize the voice

"Hey" I say turning around smiling and giving my best friend Oliver a big hug

"Hi yourself.You act like you havn't seen me in a year we hung out all summer...you ok?"

"Huh?Oh yeah I'm cool just happy to have my best friend here with me on the first day of high school."

"Why Mikayla I think you are nervous" he says poking me in the sides

"Who me..?" I giggle hugging him again

"Come on lets go find our home room" he says pulling me off down the hall

The great thing is me and Oliver are in the same home room.Always have been.Thats were we first met.

"Hey Oken let me see your scedule." I grab it and feel relief wash over me when I read his first class.

"What?" he asks noticing the big stupid grin on my face.

"We have Drama together.First block."

"No way." he smiles checkin out our scedules "Well lets go we don't wanna be late."

"Here we are room 208."

"Yep here we are." I giggle nervously

"After you."He smiles opening the door for me

Well this isn't so bad.I sigh with relief as I walk in the room.Its a small cozy class room.Not to many people seem to be in the class maybe like 25.I recognize most of them cause mostly the class is made up of freshman but their are a couple people I do not recoginize who are from higher grades.

"Hey lets sit over here."I hear Oliver say.

I turn around to find him sitting at a tabel with a familar blonde.

"Hey Lilly." I smile sitting down next to them

"Hey Mikayla." she smiles back

Lilly is Oliver's ex girlfriend.They dated like in 7th grade for like 2 weeks so they were able to still be friends after they broke up.I don't talk to Lilly that much.We started talking last year in 8th grade but we're not like best friends or anything.

I notice that two other people have set down at our tabel.I don't recognize them.They look a lot older than us so I assume they are Juniors or Seniors.They were really nice though.Their names were Jackson and Cooper.

"Mind if I sit here?" I hear someone to my left say

"No its cool." I reply turning around to see a gorgous young brunette girl standing there.I somewhat recognize her.She used to sit with Lilly at lunch last year but back then she had glasses and hardly talked at all.What was her name?

"Thanks,I'm Miley"She smiles sitting down next to me

"Mikayla." I smile back shaking her hand

"Well its nice to meet you Mikayla"

"You to...oh sorry." I blush realzing I'm still shaking her hand smiling like an idiot

"Its ok." she says giggling

Oh my god she has the cutest laugh...woah where did that come from Mikayla.I just shake my head clearing the thought.I look back over at the brunette and smile.I think I'm gonna like this class.


So what did you think?Should I continue?Sorry if I spell anything wrong I suck at spelling.And sorry that the first chapter isn't that intresting its just the start trust me it gets more intresting in future chapters.