A/n: Oh my word, I'm Alive

A/n: Oh my word, I'm Alive!! Yes that's right I'm back, now everyone might be wondering hmm, why isn't wolf writing anymore of her Harry Potter stuff. To answer that I lost my files with both With Lions Eyes and Harry's New Legacy, so I'm been working at getting them back up but at the mean time I'm writing this h/hr story based a bit on King Arthur…. Somewhat.

I know bits of the legend and this plot was running in my head for a while I was working on New Legacy because of one characters family history, so I thought what if the Character lived in Avalon/Camelot waiting for the King's return but now has to go and find him. Well here the first chapter and I hope you all like it because if I get positive replies I might continue, I'm also looking for a Beta reader so if you like to Beta this story please message me. Enjoy! Also i;m sorry about how short the prologue is but i promise the next chapter will be longer


The Knight enter a darken room with only a beam of light told the end. "Come forward, brave knight." The light spoke. As the metal of the Armor clicks across the floor, the light reflecting off the dark armor make the knight look like an evil aura coming from the knight but the Shield the knight was carrying bared the symbol of ancient king of legend.

"You have summoned me, my lord." The knight spoke with a disorder voice that masked the identity of the knight.

"I have." The light replies as a flash of light fills room the room that would blind anyone within the room but the knight stood unaffected by the light. "As you know, knight, your family sworn to protect this ancient land for generations." The light began to fade as a arb appeared in front of the knight. The knight watch the orb as the orb shows the knight a war torn school of magic. "Now it seems a war has begun and it's time for a leader to end this war."

The next image show was warring wizards and witches fighting one and other. "No one is safe in this war… It is like the past, father, sons, and children fighting in a war that should have not started… like before your ancestor was defeated to bring in a golden age that was safe for muggles and wizards alike."

"My lord, that was my ancestor, not I, I don't have that power."

"You do, it's time for you to bring Pendragon's blood here to Avalon, and help him reclaim his rightful place and end this war."

"Everyone knows Pendragon's line ended after Hogwarts opened its doors, and Excalibur lost it power after that." The knight answers but a very strong wind throws the knight to the ground and the light blinded the room one more.

"Enough, foolish Knight, have you forgotten that Arthur had a daughter whom family now carries his blood?"

The knight stood up in awe and remembers, the legends of King Arthur never told of a daughter and it was a close guarded secret that was known only to the Knights of the Round Table.

"Forgive me, my lord, sometimes I remember the legend that's told by wizards and muggles, but not what was taught to me."

"Forgiven you are, knight, but now you must hurry and bring the heir here."

"My lord, tell me who is the heir of King Arthur Pendragon?"

The orb twisted an image of a boy with unruly black hair and bright green eyes that are full of life. "The boys name is Harry Potter…"