Burned Bridges Epilogue


The large screen fades to black. Then the credits start rolling. The crowd stands up, grabs their cups that once contained soda, and the enormous tubs that now only contain the kernels and other remains of popcorn that the movie goers decided not to eat. They stumble down the rows of seats and out of the movie theater. The lines to get out of this particular theater in the cinema is long, and the ones for the bathrooms are even longer. It was a packed house for the first ever showing of "Burned Bridges", the brand new Home Improvement movie.

In time, the movie would go on to surpass even such great movies as Titanic in the amount of money it grossed. It kept all the stars and producers and crew members of Home Improvement very rich, for a very long time.


A/N: Wow, imagine that, a surprise ending from me. Who would've thought?

I started writing this story one year ago today. My life was a lot different back then than it is now. Back then, Burned Bridges and Crash were the new kids on the block on so to speak.

Anyways, the thank yous:

Thank you to the readers, who have taken their time to read and review my mindless drivel.

Thank you to Baxxie and Colin Creevey for helping me write the mindless drivel.

Thank you to randyiscool for getting me motivated to start writing this story again. (No, I could never seriously call one of my stories mindless drivel. For me, it's almost like having children. I'm sure even Jeffrey Dahmer's mother still saw him as being the good little boy I'm sure he once was. Maybe not though. I don't know. Anyways, this is all 100 percent off topic of what I'm trying to write here).

Please review if you liked this chapter.

Thanks again!

-Yours truly for the final time here, Randy Taylor