ZUKI: Sorry for the late epilogue! I got exams and chicken pox that's why…gomenasai!

SV: Blah…blah…Just shut up I'm feeling irritated right now.

ZUKI: Whatever. Just do the disclaimer already and I'll be satisfied.

SV: Don't you think I know that? Anyways…Zuki doesn't own Gakuen Alice or its characters.

Epilogue: 10 years later…

In the midst of September, a family of four with another family of three went somewhere to visit someone.

The family of three is waiting by a temple and the woman in the family was becoming more irritated because the other family was late. This family consists of a blond-haired man, a raven-haired woman and their little boy which is the combination of the woman's hair which was raven and the man's eyes which was cerulean blue.

Then, the family of four came which consists of a raven-haired man who was holding a brunette little girl with crimson eyes, a brown-haired woman who was holding a raven-haired little boy with crimson eyes who is the twin brother of the little girl.

The brown-haired woman lets go of her child's hand and runs toward the raven-haired woman, "Hotaru! I missed you so much!"

When she came near, Hotaru points a gun at her…


"You dummy…we just met yesterday, Baka Mikan," Hotaru replied.

"Mou..Even so, well anyways where's your son?" Mikan said.

Mikan noticed their child, "Wow so this is little Kouta! Wow he got your eyes Ruka-pyon!"

The blond-haired man answered, "When would you stop calling me that?"

Mikan ignored Ruka's protest about the nickname, "Hi! Kouta, My name is…"

"Mikan Sakura, the idiotic best friend of my mother…You better get away you idiot or I'll shoot you," Kouta cuts her off and point a miniature version of her mother's gun.

Mikan backs off, "But he got your attitude Hotaru…which is bad."

The raven-haired man spoke, "Oi. Polka dots, how long are you going to ignore us?"

"Natsume…Would you stop the name calling?" Mikan pouted.

Natsume smirked, "Not in a million years…"

"Oi. Kaa-san, I thought we were going to see someone…so hurry up…" The raven-haired little boy lighted a small fire ball.

"Ah…Natsume! What have you been teaching little Kaname-kun!" Mikan shouted.

Then the fire ball went to the tip of Mikan's hair.

Mikan quickly nullified it, "We better go…"

The brunette little girl walked up to her, "Mou, Kaa-san aren't you even going to introduce us to the other family?"

"Oh yeah Nami-chan, Kaname-kun…This is your aunt Hotaru and uncle Ruka. This is their child Kouta-kun!" Mikan introduced.

Nami and Kaname went up to Kouta, but Nami chose to speak first and smiled, "Hi Kouta-kun! My name is Nami Hyuuga! I have the alice of Fire, Nullification and SEC!"

Kaname chose to speak next, "Kaname Hyuuga…Same alice as the idiot"

A faint blush appeared when Nami smiled, "K-K-Kouta Nogi…Animal P-Pheremone and I-I-Invention alice"

Natsume smirked, "So his attitude is not completely Imai's huh?"

The adults laughed but stopped because the next thing that happened was…

Nami jumped on Kouta, "You're so cute! So I'm gonna be your best friend forever!"

Kouta became beet red, "G-G-Get off me…your b-b-baka germs will transfer t-to m-me!"

Kaname smirked and pats Kouta's head, "Better take care of her…or I'll castrate you and burn you to ashes…"

"We better end this now or we will never get there…" Ruka suggested.

Hotaru agreed and carried Kouta while Mikan carries the twins.

As for Ruka and Natsume, they followed as they talked about their current family, more on Ruka's part actually.

Then, they finally arrived at a Sakura tree.

"I thought we're going to visit someone not something…"Kaname said.

Mikan smiled at him sadly, "We are visiting someone Kaname-kun…It's your grandmother"

This simple statement silenced him and the children understood what she meant.

All of them stayed silent and serene as a large breeze past through them.

'Here they are Kaa-san…your grand children, even though you're very far away from us…I know that you're watching and shining upon us like the stars…Thank you…Kaa-san…'

Mikan puts a bouquet of flowers near the Sakura tree while each of them gave their condolence.

"Alright everyone let's go…"Mikan spoke and all of them went away from the Sakura tree.

Unknown to them, Yuka's spirit was watching over them, sitting on a branch. As another breeze came by, Yuka smiled.

'Mikan, I'll protect all of you for eternity…'

ZUKI: Thank you for reviewing minna! That's the last one! Thanks for the support! Though this is my first epilogue…I hope you continue to support my other stories as well…

SV: *sleeps*