So I have a nice long two week break coming up (: If I'm not totally busy I will update. I'd update this weekend, but I'm going to a Taking Back Sunday concert. (HELL YEAH!!) lol. (: So heres what I've got.

Koda's pov.

"He's gone! HUZZAH!" I shouted, throwing my fist up into the air.
Bella and I started to dance.
"Hes gone, hes gone!!" We sang.
Nessie was looking out the window with binoculars.
I went behind her, "Do you see anything Captain Private General Sargent Sir!?" I asked.
She looked at me seriously, "No! Just a brick wall! But who knows what the enemies are planning!"
"I don't know! Return to your post!" I ordered.
"Yes Ma'am!" She went back to looking out the binoculars.
"All seems to be in order Mr. Dr. Professor Koda!" Bella said, looking out the front door.
I gave her a high five.
"Hey we should make a commercial and ask people to join our army!" Bella said.
"We should! And we shall! But the video recorder is... upstairs!" I said.
Bella nodded, "Sounds risky! I'll go! If I'm not back in two minutes... tell my mother... tell her... tell her that her haircut was AWFUL!"
"Alright!" I said.
She ran out the door.

Chapter Who Knows What; Koda's Army!? (Who would've guessed she was so evil)

Koda Bella Nessie

Ok! So now we must make our video! And then show the world! MUAHHAHA!
Yeah! I have the camera! (:
Good, good! It's all going according to plan!
There's a PLAN behind all this?
Duh. I only LOOK stupid. (:
Haha, better think again. Oh wait, don't hurt yourself!
. Have you spotted anything?
Yes! There appears to be a stain on the wall....
Oh my!!
Ok! So are we gonna make the comercail?
Heck yeah!

Four hours later...

Koda's pov

"Let's watch it!" I said. I divided onto the couch, Nessie put the video in.
And sat on the floor while Bella sat on the couch with me.
The commercial started.
It showed Bella sitting in a white room, in a chair. Staring at the camera.
"Join our army!!!" She said from the clip.
Then it flashed our faces.
And went on to me, I was singing in my part, "Join us, join us. We need people in our armyyy. Cause we suckkkk with only three peopleeee!"
Then Nessie, "Join us! MUAHAHA. If you like piggyback rides you will join us!"
Then in real big words it said "Join Fort EVIL and it's EVIL Army!!!"

Then ended.
"That... was retarded" I said.
"Let's brodcast it!" Bella and Nessie said together.
"HELL YEAH!" I shouted, jumping up.

Emmett's pov

"Ok team Not so EVIL!" I said, looking at Edward, Jasper, EVIL Bella robot, and Jacob seated in front of me. "We have to bring down Fort EVIL! And it sounds like they're making an EVIL army! We must CRUSH them!"
Jasper shrugged, "Ok..."
EVIL Bella Robot got up, "Hell. Yes. They. Are. Going. Down."
Edward shrugged too, "Let's Bloo this!" He said.
Bloo looked at him, "Oh no, oh NO. That is SO not your line." He got up and left the room.
Edward stood up and yelled after him, "IT WAS A PUN!"
He sat down and crossed his arms, "Kill joy." He muttered.
"OK LETS GO!!" I said. I took off to my bathroom and jumped into the tub.
Edward sat on the toilet, Jasper sat in the sink, and EVIL Bella Robot hid behind the door.

Three hours later.

"So what exactly are we waiting for?" Jasper finally asked.
"I HONESTLY don't know!" I said from the bottom of the tub.

So what will become of Team Not So EVIL!? Will they stay in the bathroom for ever!? Or go off and fight Team EVIL!?
And what about Team EVIL!? Will they get an EVIL army?! Or just a bathroom surprise!?
WHO KNOWS!?!?!??!!

I'm so lame (:
Review please!