Disclaimer: We own the BBC/Kudos are the evil overlords and keep it all to themselves

Still rated M.

Hope you like!

Reviews and criticisms are appreciated! We would really like to know what you think of it even if it is just a line :)

A.N. This is the final chapter of Entrapment and we hope you enjoy it as much as we have writing it. Hopefully we'll write more fic in the future *fingers crossed* Many thanks to our beta Kimi-87 for getting this back to us quickly and correcting everything for us :)

5 and a half minutes earlier…

Unknown to Gene the Quattro was being watched as it pulled up outside Luigi's that night. As Gene slammed his door and made his way after Drake he was still being watched. Marisol's car held the spies. Mari, Belle and Ali exchanged smiles as Gene and his D.I started to argue. Belle rolled her eyes.

"What are we going to do with him?"

Mari laughed and shook her head.

"I don't think Gene needed our help screwing things up with Alex after all. He's doing a mighty fine job for himself."

Ali frowned.

"Shh listen."

Gene continued to shout on.

. "Oh really? An' what exactly 'ave I done to get you so bloody worked up?"

"Where do I start?! You refused to press charges against Marisol, Alisa or Isobel... which I know you had your reasons for but then you fabricate evidence making me look like an idiot in front of the Superintendent.-"

The girls gasped as one. Belle shrugged.

"I knew we'd have something to do with it."

Mari patted a reassuring hand on Belle's.

"They'll always find something to argue about. Don't look so down, come on girls this is entertainment!"

The girls fell quiet once more to listen to the arguing pair, watching Gene as he lit up his cigarette calmly while his D.I stewed.

"You know what the problem with you is Gene. You can never say sorry!" Alex barely managed to contain her anger as she ground out the words from between her teeth on him. "Do you even know what it means?!"

"For your information Drake I've got nothing to be sorry for."

"Sorry but – "Alex was about to make a sarcastic remark but she was cut short.

"Apology accepted" Gene took a drag from his cigarette, crumpling the now empty packet and discarding it to the ground.

Ali laughed out loud earning a glare from Belle.


Mari rolled her eyes and turned to face Ali who sat in the back seat.

"You were the one telling us to be quiet and listen. You carry on laughing like that and we'll be spotted."

Ali scowled but said nothing, turning her head to the window.

"You know what Gene." Alex turned to face him her tone falsely cheerful, "Why don't you go and see one of those tarts you seem so eager to keep your bed warm at night."

The girls gasped again. Mari looked at her friends in horror.

"That's a bit harsh!"

Belle chuckled softly.

"No it isn't."

Ali smiled in agreement with her friend, Mari sighed and the three continued to listen. All had fallen silent, and the shapes of Gene and Alex had disappeared from under the street light. Belle was agitated.

"Where've they've gone?"

Mari started the engine.

"We might have been rumbled, let's get going."

Mari started to put the car in motion but Ali shouted out.

"Wait! Look, over there."

Mari and Belle followed her gaze and gasped. Gene had Alex's hands held behind her back and gazed down into her eyes. As they watched he cupped her cheek before their lips connected. Belle giggled.

"Well it looks to me as if they've made things up."

Mari shifted the car into gear again.

"We should go."

Ali wound the window down, stuck her head out and did her best northern accent.

"Get a room yer dirty bleeders!"

Mari pushed down on the accelerator and the car sped away, taking the girls and their giggles off into the night.

Gene and Alex sprang apart looking all around them, not a soul in sight.

"What the bloody 'ell?"

"Well whoever they were I think they're advice has to be taken."

Gene narrowed his eyes at her, he was sure if he'd stopped kissing her she'd reject him. Especially after all he'd said and done it would have been what he'd expected, but here she was, her lips swollen from their kiss and her eyes dark with desire. Gene knew then that she had to be feeling exactly the same as him. Gene closed the small gap between them and took her hand.

"Yer know me Bolly, I always take advice."

Alex snorted softly with laughter, her fingers lightly grasping at his coat sleeve as she led him to the steps. Once out of view of the diners Gene rested his hand on her waist leaned forward to kiss the back of her neck. She responded almost immediately her head tilting to give him more access, and as she let out a sigh Gene was sure he heard Alex giggle.

"Did your mother never tell you not to play on the stairs?" Gene growled against her neck, his lips barely brushing against the skin of her neck. With both hands he pulled her flush against him, "I'm not playin' games anymore Alex."

Before she could respond Gene turned her in his arms, his lips crashing down on hers. His kiss was demanding and left her breathless as she gave in, her legs feeling weak beneath her. As if he could read her mind Alex let out a squeak of surprise as Gene carried her up the steps.

They barely broke the kiss as Gene staggered up the stairs, so reluctant to release the precious cargo in his arms. Finally Alex pulled away murmuring something that sounded like 'keys' as they reached her door.

Gene waited as Alex squirmed in his arms trying to find her keys but suddenly Gene made an impatient noise and kicked the door clean open. Alex could only cling to him in shock and stared at her front door which now had a considerably large foot print stamped on it.

"Gene!" Alex glared at him, the moment almost lost as she felt her anger rise again.

He made no comment however, choosing instead to step inside and kick the door shut behind him. Gene quickly kissed Alex before she could begin to complain about her front door, her attention captivated as he set her on her feet, whipping her around and pinning her to the front door.

Alex could barely move as Gene held her against the door, she knew that this was what she wanted but at the same time she wanted to fight against him and take control. As Alex wriggled against Gene, he dropped his head to her neck, his lips brushing against her skin so lightly and she gasped beneath him, the rough feel of his stubble scratching across the smooth flesh of her neck was driving her crazy. Alex shivered at the feeling as she felt Genes' fingers start to work at the buttons of her blouse.

The last button of the blouse slipped free, Gene forced her legs further apart pinning her like he would a suspect as he frisked them. Alex's hands were pinned into place above her head, whilst his other hand fought to unclip her bra. Once loosened he released her arms only to drag the blouse off, followed shortly after by the bra both of which were discarded behind him, the rustle of fabric joined by the sounds of Alex's low moans of pleasure and Genes own deep steady breathing.

"Put yer 'ands against the door an' don't move 'em." Gene ordered Alex, she took her time to react to his demands but Gene made it clear he was in no mood to play nice. He placed his hands on the bare flesh of her hips just above the waistline of her jeans, slowly he trailed them upwards lingering in all the right places before forcing her hands flat against the door. "Next time do as yer told quicker."

Trailing his hands back along a similar path Gene finally paused at her breasts, his thumbs skimmed across the gentle curve of her breasts before he cupped the weight of them, brushing his thumb back and forth over her nipples and encouraging another mewl from Alex.

"Turn." It was less of an order now and had a subtly hint of a plea but Alex was beyond the point of wanting to analyse Genes every move. She turned in his arms, her back pressed against the cool, solid wood of the door made her gasp a little. Gene seemed unbothered that she was a little uncomfortable and took his time kissing down from her ear, along her neck and across her collar bone before taking a peaked nipple into his mouth. With one hand he mimicked the same action as his tongue on the other breast, Alex arched into his touch. All the time she felt her palms firmly pressed against the door as if she were unable to touch Gene just yet.

"Oh…" Alex sighed loudly in pleasure, her fingers curling up so her hands formed fists.

Gene continued his administrations, nipping at the sensitive flesh before bringing his mouth back to hers, and meeting her tongue.

"Mmm. Tastes good." Gene grunted, his voice deep and thick with desire. Alex could only imagine that something else was thick with desire for her as well.

"Really?" Her voice betrayed her as she sounded so breathless.

"I've been dying for a drop of Bolly." Gene was pressed against her now, his body revealing exactly how much he had been 'dying' for a drop of Bolly. Alex knew now that she had him distracted. With a gentle bump of her hips she moved him backwards, one hand now pressed in the centre of his chest carefully forcing him back, whilst the other hand was gently tugging at his belt.

A knowing smile played at her lips as Alex finally got the control she wanted. With the moves of a cat... or lioness as would be more appropriately suited, Alex side stepped Gene and sauntered past him, hips swaying as she put distance between them. Gene thought she looked so bold, standing there half naked, hand on hip and not a bit self conscious about it. Gods how it made him want her all the more.

"Oh it's a drink you want?" she teased, her tongue wetting her lips briefly, "Why didn't you say? I've not got any Bollinger to hand but I'm sure I can find something to fulfil your needs."

She slinked over to the kitchen, wiggling her hips at him as she went. Gene shrugged out of his jacket and pulled his tie free and threw both over the sofa, before he followed her. He was only a step behind Alex when she reached the sink; he came to stand behind her, hands on her waist. Gene distracted Alex as she was trying to pour two glasses of wine, the liquid sloshing out of the glass and into the sink. She gave up trying to pour any drinks and left the glasses and bottle standing in the sink as he murmured in her ear

"There's only one thing I want to taste."

His hand wandered to the front of her jeans, pulling the fly down slowly. Alex leant back against him, her hips rolling in a certain way so that she was rocking her body against him. It was enough to drive a man

"You can have what you want. I'm nothing if not a good hostess." She glanced over her shoulder at him, her eyes now almost black with desire.

Gene allowed her to turn in his arms before he slipped her jeans down low enough allowing her to kick them off. He noted briefly that she was wearing a gorgeous deep red and lacy set of underwear that left so very little to the imagination. Gene didn't doubt that the bra had also probably been something he would have normally taken the time to enjoy but he found with Bolly that she made him want everything then and there.

"It's not fair that I'm here nearly naked and you are barely undressed Gene." Her voice was husky as she spoke and it surprised Alex at how sultry she sounded.

His gaze met hers for a moment, steely blue and confident as always.

"Well yer always unwrap the bottle of Bolly before yer get to the good bit don't yer?"

Alex laughed as Genes attention returned to removing her underwear; she wrapped her arms about his neck and pulled his mouth down to hers. She felt the lace pool at her feet and she kicked it away as her fingers tangled into his hair. Genes' kiss bruised, it was well practice and yet somehow frantic, it was as if he couldn't get enough of her, but she knew her kiss was much the same.

Gene lifted her on to the counter and broke the kiss. Alex gasped at the sensation of the cool counter top against her bare skin but her attention was soon captivated as Gene bent his head and kissed her inside thigh, one leg and then the other.

He carried out his actions so very slowly, teasing her to the point when Alex was close to begging. It was only then that he kissed her most sensitive spot, and began to massage her with his tongue. When she moaned out his name he knew he must be doing something right.

"Mmm. Better than Bollinger that is."

"And... ah.... twice as... oh yes.... expensive!" Alex's lips formed a perfect 'oh' and she just about managed to answer him back between gasps and mewls of pleasure.

Gene teased her entrance with his finger, his tongue continuing to tease her. What really got to her was the way he would slide a finger into her momentarily then pull his hand away.

"Oh Gene…please?" She pleaded now, voice thick with emotion.

Gene chuckled against her body, the vibrations making her roll her hips in pleasure and finally he pushed his finger inside her slowly. Alex could barely stop herself from pushing back with her hips, trying to quicken his rhythm which was so painfully slow. He teased her and teased her, speeding up and slowing down when she started to shake and get so incredibly close. His tongue drew agonisingly gentle patterns across her and she grabbed a fistful of his hair, one hand barely managing to keep her upright on the counter.

"Gene!... Ah! OH! For crying out loud! Please!"

The last word had barely left her mouth when he slipped two fingers inside her and she moaned. He flicked his tongue back and forth and quickened his pace within her, fingers curled up so they hit that sensitive spot which really made her body tingle with pleasure. She started to shake and repeat his name over and over, pushing on his head and clinging to the cupboard door; her fingertips turning white with the pressure.

He felt her reach her peak and Alex tried to stop from screaming the building down as she felt her body tense with the orgasm. She bit her lip, let out a deep groan as Gene felt her spill against him. He slowed down steadily, lapping at her like the cat that had truly got the cream.

When he felt her breathing start to steady he trailed a line of kisses back up her body. He raised his head and nipped at her bottom lip, a smug smile caught at the corner of his mouth.

"Worth every penny."

"Mmm." Alex closed her eyes and gently eased herself back up into an upright position. Her arms rested on his shoulders as she studied his face for a moment. "You don't know the half of it Mr Hunt."

Considering how much she had wanted to beat this man up after all she had gone through for him, Alex at that moment couldn't be more content to stay where she was. It was a pity to think that they hadn't gotten to do this sooner but Alex knew that in reality it had been worth the wait... and there was plenty more in store for him tonight.

"Like I said earlier I can be a really good hostess."

"So show me."

Alex slid down from the counter, helped by Gene who seemed eager to allow his hands to wander across her body. She managed to gain control again, hooked a hand into the front of his trousers and led him into the front room.

She wasted no time in fussing about and instead opted to simply push him back on to the sofa. She sat astride him, her body still warm and sensitive from the orgasm so that the lightest of touches from him made Alex want to groan in pleasure. She made swift work of his shirt, unbuttoning it and nibbling at his neck as she did so.

Gene closed his eyes and let his head flop against the back of the sofa, as her kisses were quickly followed by her fingers lazily trailing down his body. With a little help from Gene, Alex was able to pull his shirt off and throw it haphazardly into the room.

She carefully slipped back off of his lap and knelt on the floor in front of him; she tried to undo his belt with shaking fingers and had to stop for a moment to calm herself and not reveal just how much she had been wanting to get her hands on him. Gene waited as she unzipped his fly, and watched her eyes widen when she saw the throbbing bulge imprisoned by his boxers. Alex ran a hand over the top of the fabric, teasing him and she barely concealed the smile that graced her lips when he breathed in sharply.

"It's rude to stare." Alex looked up at him through her eyelashes, a sight that was the final undoing of Gene.

"I'm pretty sure what yer doin' 's pretty rude an' all"

"You don't seem to be complaining Gene." The emphasis was heavy on his name as she guided his trousers from beneath him. She paused for a moment as her fingers dipped under the waistband before she pulled his boxers down to his knees. Alex waited as Gene kicked away the last of his clothes and finally took him in her hand.

Gene let out a murmur of pleasure as his head fell back once again against the sofa. Alex barely moved her hand but she brushed her thumb across his tip.

"Bigger in every department." Gene could feel her warm breath on him as she spoke.

"Mmm." Was the only response he could manage to make at that moment.

Alex worked him slowly, leaning forward to lick at his tip, Gene pushed his hips up towards her eagerly wanting more, but she leant her weight down on his hips so he couldn't move. Alex had decided she was going to be in control and Gene was not going to have any influence this time... well for the moment.

She worked him a little faster sliding her hand up and down his length while she took the tip of him into her mouth. She heard him groan and hold his breath as she worked her mouth slowly up and down taking more of him with each dip down. With her other hand she cupped and stroked the sensitive skin of his balls, helping to slide him further into her mouth.

"Alex…" It was a plea... from the Manc Lion himself and Alex knew just how much he meant it.

She had heard what she wanted and so worked him faster, her tongue still swirling and rubbing against the tip. Alex finally let him raise his hips and help her, his thrusts up were demanding but still controlled enough that she knew Gene didn't want her to gag.

Gene's groans and mumbles of pleasure and pleas came more and more often, and also becoming less and less intelligible. When she knew Gene was at the end of his tether she secured her lips around him, sucking ever so lightly and working him in rhythm until he came into her mouth.

She sucked at him slowly, making sure not to miss a drop. He waited for her to spit it out but instead she looked up into his eyes and swallowed.

"You don't taste so bad yourself Mr. Hunt."

Gene could hardly believe himself, not seconds ago he had found sheer ecstasy, release and relief; and here he was growing more turned on by the second all over again by a simple action. He pulled her roughly to him, his body turning on the sofa so that Alex was pinned beneath him. Gene claimed her mouth with his, as Alex rubbed herself against him, and he knew he wasn't the only one who needed more. He pulled away from her with effort.

"Condoms?" His attention was somewhat focused on her collar bone as he tried to stop himself from taking her then and there.

"In the bedroom." Alex hooked a leg over his hip and Gene glanced up at her a look shared for the briefest of moments.

Gene managed to pull himself away and stood, he offered a hand to Alex and helped her to her feet. She pressed her lips to his, a lingering kiss beginning but Gene knew that they had to get to the bedroom or else he would end up taking her on top of the television and any other surface he could find.

Alex led him into the bedroom, despite Gene knowing the way and he watched her as she threw the duvet back and bounced onto the bed waiting for him. She knelt in the centre of the bed, her hands cupping her breasts as she watched Gene slip on the condom.

As she watched him, Alex let her eyes roam across his body; he was by no means perfect. With previously hidden scars now on show and evidence of years drinking beer around his middle, that much was evident. Okay so he wasn't as toned as some of the men she had 'entertained' but then nor was he displeasing to the eye. Instead she found him to be in every annoying sense of the word... manly. He was strong; confident in his body and gods did he know what he wanted and how to get it.

Alex found her eyes dropped further still, as he rolled the condom on…that was certainly nothing short of perfect. It was truly an 'amazing organ' to quote the man himself and she had no doubts that it was going to be capable of much more than she could ever imagine. And then there were those long, long legs... Gene Hunt was definitely sexy.

Gene was stood there silently watching as Alex seemed content to study his body and give it her appraisal. She shut her mouth which earned a quirked eyebrow at her.

"Apparently Bols it's rude to stare."

She smiled and her eyes dropped to his manhood once more.

"Mmm. Apparently very rude but someone doesn't seem to mind."

The bed dipped as Gene settled on the edge, he settled back against the pillows tugging at her arm forcing her to lie against him. Tilting her head back Alex could easily read the amusement in his eyes.

"Yer not lookin' so bad yerself." His hands began to wander up and down her side, caressing her exposed breast before cupping it. "Oh an' I'm not complainin'"

"Good." Alex arched into his touch, her eyes fluttering closed as he massaged her breast.

"These are quite nice."

Alex arched her back once more, eager for his touch. He slowly moved his hand further down, his hands kneading her warm body as they guided down between her legs. He purposely avoided touching her where she wanted it most before settling his finger tips against the bundle of nerves he found between her legs.

"An' as fer this…"

Alex pulled Gene to her; he rolled them so that Alex was beneath him, her hands wrapped around his shoulders and fingers entwined in his hair. She rolled her hips in need, desperate to feel more than just the pressure of his fingers resting there unmoving.

Gene kissed Alex with that still unsatisfied need, a kind of desperate hunger that seemed to urge them both on. Gene circled his fingers around the bundle of nerves earning a gasp of pleasure, her fingers tensing in his hair. He knew that they both needed more than this and so he moved his hands to her hips, and nudged her legs further apart with his knee.

He paused, both of them panting and so in need to feel each other.


She eventually met his gaze, unsure that she wanted to see his face only to realise that he thought it was a big mistake... despite what his body was telling her. Alex studied his face, searching for a sign, for anything that would give away what he was feeling.

"Gene I..." She was silenced by Gene kissing her.

"Alex...I've wanted this fer so long Alex…I need... oh gods t' be inside yer." He mumbled against her lips, as he felt Alex rock her hips against his only making it all the harder for him to hold back for just a moment. She wondered why he wasn't taking her there and then but it soon dawned on her that what he was trying to say it was an apology... or sorts. She would never hear him say that he was sorry out loud but that didn't matter when the Manc Lion was about to make it up to her in more ways than one.

Alex wrapped her legs around his hips, pulling Gene closer.

"Please Gene…" He needed no further encouragement and slowly slipped himself inside her; both of them groaned in satisfaction. He held onto her hips to pull her to him while he thrust into her, his grip tight enough to probably leave a bruise in the morning. His strokes were deep and steady, building up into a faster pace, taking him deeper inside her.

"Oh god...unnnnh-so big…good. Oh! So good." Alex threw her head back in desire, not caring that there was a chance everyone downstairs would hear them if they weren't careful. She gripped his shoulders while he thrust inside her, her hips meeting his pace. Alex dug her nails into his back as he upped the pace and if Gene had felt it, he certainly said nothing only growled with desire dipping his head to kiss her passionately again.

Alex rolled and rocked her hips, meeting him thrust for thrust, all the time wanting more of him; needing more.

"Fuck... yer so tight...Alex...'.beautiful." Gene just about formed a coherent sentence before he felt Alex buck beneath him and he knew the time was getting closer for the both of them, he pushed harder against her, his rhythm becoming more frantic as the pair got closer and closer to the edge.

"Oh! Gene…I'm gonna-unnh…I'm gonna…" He could feel Alex tense up and Gene knew then that he was going over the edge too. He thrust against her with all his might, pushing as deep and hard as he could go. Gene felt her walls tighten around him, it was all the encouragement he needed and he groaned out loud.

For a moment it felt like he could see stars and Gene pushed into her one final time feeling the rush as he came. Alex clung onto him, riding out her own waves of an orgasm; her body shuddering as she slowly came down from her high.

Gene rolled to the side, dropping his weight onto the bed beside her. She briefly felt him press his lips against her shoulder as they tried to regulate their breathing. They lay there, his arm flung across her waist and her hands gently holding onto it as they both panted for breath.

Eventually Gene rolled over onto his back, pulling Alex into his embrace. She lay there with her head resting against his chest, taking in the smell of his body and the linger of sex in the room.

"'ang on a minute." Gene slipped out of her grasp, off of the bed and padded out of the bedroom and into the bathroom. Alex lay there staring at the ceiling only now thinking about the fact that she hoped that her underwear had looked alright.

Alex heard the flush of the toilet and she wriggled back on the bed leaving more space for Gene. He returned, trousers in hand which he deposited beside the bed before he sat back down, dragging the duvet up from its crumpled place on the floor. Settling back Gene waited as Alex snuggled against him and played with the chain at his neck. It was an awkward moment as Alex considered that there was still a chance that Gene would want to leave after all this... then where would it leave them? A one night stand? A fling? A casual shag? Her head was swimming with all the potential outcomes when she jumped at the sound of Gene clearing his throat. Alex moved back a little and looked up at Gene, now acutely aware of her rather attractive but very naked DCI she had in her bed.

"Well?" Gene leant over the edge of the bed and retrieved a cigarette and his lighter. Alex rolled her eyes but didn't bother complaining at least he pulled a used mug off of the bed side cabinet and used it as a makeshift ashtray.

"Well what?" Alex watched the smoke as it rose up from between his lips.

"Up to yer usual standards?" She could tell he was teasing her but Alex knew that Gene was probably feeling a little insecure right now. They had passed a boundary of no return. If Gene stayed tonight then who knew that could happen... but looking at him now she realised that it really didn't matter what happened in the future. What mattered was here and now.

Alex lifted herself onto her elbow to look at him, all insecurities visible in his blue grey eyes; she tried her best at a light and teasing tone but she sounded more like a sultry call girl to Gene.

"Well…I think you might have to show me again." She pouted, the moment of worry long gone.

Gene smirked slightly, and stubbed out the cigarette into the mug.

"Can't keep a lady waitin' now can I?"


"Lady Quattro: First off a massive thank you to everyone who stuck by us in this fic, we weren't always the quickest when it came to updates! Thanks to everyone who left reviews, they were encouraging and highly appreciated! It's nice to know where you stand! And thanks to gazing-at-blue-skies and nefertari1989 for working with me on this one and encouraging me to keep at it when things got a little tough. I couldn't have done it without you, you dirty little smut monsters! Much love all, LQ."

"Nefertari1989: A huge thank you to everyone who has stuck with us on this project it's been a bit of a rollercoaster ride with all of us trying to match up ideas and plot lines and generally getting carried away in the fun of it all. We loved all your reviews and support for the fic and even if you didn't leave us anything thank you for reading, it means a great deal to us. Finally I would like to thank gazing-at-blue-skies and Lady Quattro for being there with their continual support, encouragement and general poking that got me through this fic in the end. I seriously couldn't have done it without you guys and our secret little emails and codes. And with this I bow out of fan fiction writing hopefully to much aplomb otherwise a garibaldi and a cuppa will do nicely. You've all been great, Nefertari1989 (Wobble_duck)"

Gazing-at-blue-skies: Well what do I say, it has been a pleasure to read the reviews and have emails, posts and comments of support from you lovely readers. To everyone who read and to those who also reviewed I just want to say thank you, without your dedicated support we three would probably have kept our smutty thoughts to ourselves! And to my co-writers nefertari1989 & Lady Quattro I just want to say that although I've had a rollercoaster of a ride this year, your support and encouragement in my writing and my life has been more than I could ever ask for. It has been challenging but oh so incredibly fun to work with you both. And on that note (before I get all Gladys on you) I say we three certainly deserve a rather large mug of tea, a pack of garibaldi's and a nice pink wafer! Love & hugs Gazing-at-blue-skies (simply-blonde)