OOh! I kinda excited 4 this one!!


Disclaimer: Naruto is not mine!!

Read and Reveiw PLEASE!!

Sakura huffed as she wiped the sweat off her huge but adorable forehead. Who knew that mixing chemicals was so tiring? "Good, now mix the red chemical with the blue liquid." explained Tsunade, talking in her strict voice. Sakura nodded, taking the blue liquid and mixing it with the red one. Soon the potion started bubbling. "Now...the final ingredient, special green tea powder!!" she said, Sakura huffed once again. She took the small pack and put some in the potion.

"NO!! YOU PUT TOO MUCH!!" said Tsunade. Sakura eep'ed. "Sorry! Sorry! Sorry! I messed up your anti-aging drink!!" Sakura panicked anime tears coming out of her eyes. Tsunade sighed. "It's alright Sakura, we can try it again tomarrow." she said.She's 21 now...her attitude is quite chilish, must've got it from Naruto.Tsunade inwardly shrugged. Sakura nodded. "Now, can you get the papers from Shizune?" Sakura nodded.

Once Sakura left, Tsunade put the now green potion on her desk, next to Sakura's Mountain Dew Drink. Tsunade sighed, her nose was suddenly...iching. "Ah...Ah...ACHOO!!" the blonde howkage sneezed. She looked around for the tissue box, but damnit it wasn't there!! "Grrr...stupid sneezing..."she mumbled standing up to get a tissue box from the closet.

Sakura came back with huge stacks of paper in her arms. "Shisou, Shizune-nii said that you need..." Sakura stopped talking when she couldn't see her mentor around. "Shisou??" she mumbled. Suddenly she coughed..coughed...and coughed. "Woa...I need to drink something..."she said. She grabbed the green potion instead of the Mountain Dew, and drank it.

She drank the whole thing. Her stomach started feeling weird...in fact, her whole body started feeling weird.Her eyelids wee getting heavier. THUMP...she fainted.

Tsunade came in her office smiling. "Aahhh...my nose is now, mucus free." she said. She suddenly gasped, dropping the tissue box. Suprise was written all over her face In her office was a little cute baby toddler with pink hair was on her floor. She had her pink hair in high pigtails, pink bangs framing her round face. She was currently playing with her too-huge-for-her t-shirt.

The pink haired baby girl was looking at her with big round innocent green eyes. She smiled, she stopped playing with her t-shirt and giggled. Come to think of it..Sakura- Tsunade gasped. Her eyes traveling to the potion that was on the floor. The veil was empty. Tsunade sighed, Sakura must've been thursty, so she reached for her drink but instead she got the potion a drank it!!.."Yea...! I'm so awsome! Genuis Tsunade...genius.." Tsunade smiled at herself.

HOLY SHIT!! Tsunade started panicking. SAKURA TURNED INTO A TODDLER!! She yelled..well, in her mind. What were you thinking!? Howkages don't yell out loud! "SHIZUNE!! CALL TEAM 7!! IT'S URGENT!!" yelled Tsunade. Well...ahem..nevermind about the 'Howkages don't yell statment. In 5 seconds Shizune was in her office.

Suddenly Sakura started crying. Tsunade and Shizune looked at her. Sakura looked at them with teary eyes, her bottom lip quivering. "Na.Nana..."she mumbled. Tsunade and Shizune aww'ed. Tsunade immedietly carried her saying. "Don't worry baby...Grandma is here...shhhh." she coo'ed. Shizune cocked an eyebrow. "Howkage-sama??" Tsunade looked at her. "Go get team 7 immedietly!!" she whispered harshly.Shizune nodded..fearing the great 5th howkage.

Sakura looked up at Tsunade and giggled. "Nana!" she laughed taking one pigtail in her chubby hands. Tsunade laughed. Ahh...Sakura, so this is how it feels to be a grandmother...she thought, a smile showing on her face.


Sakura was fast asleep and Tsunade already changed her into something more suitable for Sakura. (She used some jutsu ok?!) Sakura was wearing a torqoise colored dress with red shorts. Her hair was still in pigtails with red ribbons. Her dress also had puffed sleeves. Sakura sighed in her sleep. Tsunade squealed for the upteenth time.




Squealing Tsunade



Squealing Tsunade




"TSUNADE-BAACHAN!! YOU OLD GEEZER!! OPEN THE DAMN DOOR!!" yelled our favorate blonde. Tsunade popped a vein. "YOU LITTLE BRAT!! IT'S ALREADY OPEN!!" yelled Tsunade. Tsunade gasped when she saw Sakura's eyes opening. Sakura sighed "Hmm..." she said cutely.

"BAA-CHAN!! WHAT DO YOU WANT HINATA-" Naruto couldn't finish his sentence when he saw a cute pink haired girl in Tsunade's arms. Sasuke came in..he grunted and plopped into a seat. Lastly came Kakashi reading his Icha Icha. One minute later he put the book away. He looked at the Howkage and his eyes were as big as dinner plates.

"Who.Is.That?" Kakashi and Naruto said in unision. Sasuke looked up from glaring at the floor and he cocked an eyebrow. "Hn.." he said. Tsunade smirked. "She is your mission." she said. Naruto gasped. "IS THAT SAKURA-CHAN'S BABY!!" he yelled screaming his lungs out. Tsunade grew a vein bonking Naruto on the head.

"No!" she said. Sakura's lip started quivering, she tugged on Tsunade's clothes. Tsunade ignored her. "This baby is.." "Sakura.." said Kakashi finishing for her. Tsunade nodded."What happened..?" asked Sasuke who looked like he was bored. "SAKURA-CHAN IS SO KAWAII!!" yelled Naruto grabbing Sakura from Tsunade and flinging her up in the air. Sakura cried..Naruto laughed. "DOBE! CAN'T YOU SEE THAT SHE'S CRYING!?" said Sasuke, yelling at Naruto's stupidity.

"NU-UH SASUKE-TEME!!" yelled Naruto. Sasuke slapped his forehead. Suddenly Naruto actually didn't catch her this time. Sakura began falling. Luckily Sakura was caught by Kakashi with one hand. Sakura stopped crying, looking innocently at Kakashi. Kakashi smiled behind his mask. You can actually tell because his eye wrinkled. "Hello Sakura..." he said. Sakura smiled, cocking her head to the side.

Tsunade squealed once again, this time waving at Sakura. Sakura laughed at Tsunade's antics. "Nana!!" she smiled. Sasuke and Naruto looked at Tsunade questionly. "So..? What happened again?" asked Naruto. Tsunade's face became strict once again.

"Sakura and I was making a anti-aging drink for me, and she accidently drank it." she explained. Sasuke sighed. "So we're just baby-sitting our teammate?" he stated. Tsunade nodded, "I'm cancelling all your missions for the next 3 months." she said. "3 MONTHS!!" yelled Naruto. Tsunade nodded, a small vein showing on her forehead. Naruto sighed, Sasuke grunted, Kakashi played with Sakura.

"BUT-" Naruto was about to protest when he saw Sakura smiling at him. He aww'ed. "AWW! SAKURA-CHAN!! YOU'RE SO CUTE!!" he yelled. Kakashi and Tsunade coo'ed at Sakura. Sakura laughed. Sasuke irked an eyebrow at the three of the grown adults.

Geeze...Sakura's cute and adorable and beautiful but they're just...going overboard..



Inner Sasuke...so yup, you liked Sakura for soooo long now!!

I thought I threw you away...



You loved Sakura ever since you were a kid! Even before our clan died! That was for 3 years and more!!

-sigh- shut up already! GO AWAY!!

hn..fine but this isn't the last of THE INNER SASUKE UCHIHA!!

"Hn..." he said. "What's her age now?" he asked. Tsunade sighed, "She's 1 years old..." Sasuke nodded. "Fine but where is she staying?" he asked. Tsunade smirked. "Your place..." Sasuke glared at her. "What? Why?" he asked...more like demanded.Tsunade glared at the Uchiha. "Because! Naruto's apartment is too crowded and Kakashi's apartment is full of PORN POSTERS!!" she yelled.

Kakashi rubbed the back of his head sheepishly. Naruto pouted. Sasuke sighed, grabbing Sakura from Naruto, and getting out of her office. "Come on..."sighed Sasuke who was in the hallway. Kakashi nodded, Naruto yelled "YOSH!" both of them followed.

Tsunade sighed and sat on her comfy chair. Suddenly she realized. "I DIDN'T GET TO SAY BYE TO MY GRAND-DAUGHTER!!" she yelled, anime tears coming out of her eyes.