Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters of plots from the POTC series. I only own Beaux and Sirius, and other themes that are not seen in the POTC series.

Cold As Glass

Sequel to Heart of Glass

A Pirate Lord's Adventure

The Prologue

The ocean. It has been my only source of distraction while Sirius had been gone these days.

The rolling and swelling of the waves, fruitful yet dangerous winds, and temperamental weather were the only things that kept me sane, while Sirius was gone.

Each day that passed without him, the more bitter and lonely I became.

Without him, my world was without sun and moon.

Elizabeth tried to comfort me with shopping, tea, and walking around Port Royal, but that never fancied my interests. Will even tried to take me back to Tortuga to see my mother, but I did not wish to let her see my pain. For she would laugh at me, in scorn, for being so foolish in marrying Sirius and believing my father was a saint.

But the Governor had always been polite and treated me like his daughter, making sure I was always comfortable and had what I needed.

I had lost my appetite for both life and food, and found myself saving half of my meals for Sirius, knowing he would be hungry when he arrived.

Yet the maids and butlers had noticed this, and began only giving me half portions, telling me that they would save the other half of my meal for Sirius. But I knew they were lying and were just trying not to waist food.

"Beaux-"I quickly turned around-from my perch upon the bench where I had last sat with Sirius-, and saw Governor Swann holding a weathered letter in his hands. He looked torn between emotions, and slightly colder than his usual self. Instantly my emotions went on high alert.

But he didn't say any more, instead he handed the letter over to me, and walked away.

I carelessly pulled apart the letter, breaking the wax seal, and looking down into it.

Madam Celeste Hélène Béatrix Teague,

His Majesty's Royal Navy regretfully informs you that Commodore James Norrington's ship, the HMS Interceptor, has been reportedly lost at sea, off the coast of Tripoli, due to hurricane weather, during their pursuit of a Pirate Captain Jack Sparrow and his ship the Black Pearl. In return, we regretfully inform you that there have been no reported survivors from this wreck, except for Commodore James Norrington, himself. As result of his reckless endangerment, James Norrington has been stripped of his title and will no longer be working for the Royal Navy. We extend our deepest sympathies towards you and your tragic loss of your husband, Sirius Teague.

With Our Deepest Sympathies,

Lord Cutler Beckett and His Majesty's Royal Navy

My heart stopped, my breath failed to leave my mouth, my eyes welled up.

But I forced myself to look back over letter, before I fell to the floor, crying as loud as I could.

I had lost him. He was gone. A hurricane had taken my husband. All thanks to Captain Jack Sparrow! And that good for nothing Commodore James Norrington!

I was alone again. I was a no one. A widowed daughter of a pirate, whom I killed.

This couldn't be happening…not to me. Not again.

But as I blinked through the tears, I saw the ocean. That body of water which had been calming me.

It had taken my husband from me, stolen my father's soul, and now carried Jack Sparrow to safety.

Damn Jack Sparrow. Damn him to hell.