A.n: Yeah, I'm making fanfics with my friends like every five minutes..well NOT MY FAULT! Yesterday I saw nine episodes of Death Note and fell IN LOVE WITH IT! Then I saw L: Change The World with my friend Vanessa, and the last part was so heartbreaking and the "I want to live" I mean how much more heartbreaking can you get!? So I am now in the Death Note fanclub!

"Dudett, L is fucking smexi when he's all smart and in a fetal position." Reneey grinned as she lay on her stomach, hugging her best friend's Death Note mangas.

"I know! But he's cooler when he eat his sweets too!" Vanessa smiled putting up her L poster on the wall.

"Hey, do you still have the Death Note plushie in your bag? That we got from the anime expo?" Reneey asked. Earlier today, both of the girls went to this thing called Anime Expo. They had met many people cosplaying as L. People have to pry the girls from hugging the said person. "I can believe that Misa actually have half of her life to get the damn eyes."

Vanessa happily got the plushie out of her death note book bag. "I know, and later in the series she does it again." Vanessa said.

"Seriously, she could have had like six minutes to live, then it would have been three!" Reneey yelled, throwing her hands up in the air, "And on Valentine's day...how ironic..."

Vanessa shrugged. "You have a point. She's an idiot for doing that. It's not like we can stop her."

"I know two things we can stop though." Reneey said looking at Vanessa.

"What?" Vanessa asked curiously.

"If by any chance whatsoever," Reneey said as she inspect her nails, "We go into Death Note, I forbid L and Light to die!" Reneey got up on the floor, pointed to the ceiling and shouted, "YOU HEAR THAT! I FORBID IT!"

Vanessa sweatdropped. "While I agree with you, do you have to yell at the ceiling? Your insanity is increasing." Vanessa said.

Reneey hmped. "Light and L are too smexy to die! And nobody, touch L's sweets! How dare that person eat his swwets in L Change the World!"

"For me, it's HOW DARE THAT PERSON TRY TO ACT LIKE L? He's nothing but an L wannabe!" Vanessa shouted.

"Nobody touches his sweets! And nobody tells him what and when to eat!" Reneey went on a rant. "Maki-bitch crossed the line when she told him to walk straight!"

"The sound of cracks, and L's face were priceless though." Vanessa said. "In the anime and manga, Maki doesn't exist.

"Remember that professor?" Reneey said. "The one on the good side that didn't died?" Vanessa nodded.

"I say we burn that newspaper and stuff it up hiss ass." Reneey muttered.

"I agree. No one hit L with a newspaper, like if he was a dog!" Vanessa said angrily.

"Just like no one scolds him either!"

"At least no one in the L Change the World exist in the manga and anime."

"Except for Near, L, and Watari." Reneey muttered as she waited for Vanessa's rant on Near.

Vanessa's brown eyes glinted dangerously."THOSE DUMBASS!! NEAR ISN'T A BLACK/BROWN HAIR BOY!! DAMMIT!! HE'S A FUCKING ALBINO WITH WHITE HAIR!! WHITE HAIR I TELL YOU!! WHAT THE CRAP WERE THEY SMOKING WHEN THEY DECIDED TO INTRODUCE NEAR AS THAT!?" Vanessa shouted as she ranted to the dvd shelves, staring right at the dvd copy of L Change the World.

"Just like in Death Note: The Last Name, isn't Misa's hair suppose to be blond?" Reneey asked. She only saw nine episodes, but she knew a bit more from Vanessa.

"Of course! And Light doesn't have a girlfriend to kill in the first Death Note live action! And the third Death Note user isn't a girl in the Death Note live action 2! Those lazy bastard!" Vanessa ranted.

"That's true." Reneey muttered. "Hey, know what would be awesome?"

"What?" Vanessa asked.

Reneey grinned. "Wouldn't it be awesome if we go to school tomorrow and a Death Note would come falling down like it did to Light?"

Vanessa laughed. "Yes, very awesome, but sadly, unlikely. It'll still be nice if it did, though."

"How do you know?" Reneey challenged.

"There's no report of mysterious deaths." Vanessa shrugged.

"Yes, because Light hasn't found it yet!" Reneey grinned, "Or well, rather us."

Vanessa rolled her eyes."Sure. That's the reason." Vanessa muttered.

"Anyway, Death Note is over, let's go to random store!" Reneey yelled as she grabbed Vanessa's wrist and dragged her out the door.

Vanessa just grabbed her wallet."Can we go to the ice cream store? I want rainbow ice cream." Vanessa said.

"Mk, then we can go into some random stuff and hope to find Death Note stuff!" Reneey squealed. As they were walking to the ice cream store...


Flying everywhere! Paper, the girls, the guy they bumped into.

"Shit! Sorry!" Reneey said.

"We weren't watching where we were going. Sorry again." Vanessa said.

"It's okay," The guy said, he was wearing white pants, and white hoodie that covered his head.

"Here, let me help you." Reneey said.

"No!" Shouted the guy. Both of the girls blinked.

"I mean...it really no trouble." The guy gathered up the paper put it inside a yellow envelope and left.

"Vanessaaa," Reneey said, "that dude is carrying a yellow envelope..."

"You don't think..." Vanessa trailed off.

"But there's no..." Reneey blinked. "To the train station?" Reneey asked.

"To the train station." Vanessa answered. "Wait, do you know how to get to the train station? I have no idea how." Vanessa added.

"Uhh...Well, if that is who we think it is, then Ray should be lying dead at the train station." Reneey muttered. "To the map!"

"Just don't get us suspected as Kira instead." Vanessa muttered.

"How could I do that? Yell to the world that we're Kira?" Reneey snorted.

"No, if we meet L, we must act like we have no idea anything about Kira, but we can glomp him." Vanessa said winking.

"Yeah, but my mouth refuses to stay shut!"

"Control it or else I'll sew it up. The needles may stabbed me and hate me, but I think I can get it to work with me in sewing your mouth shut."

"...Evil..." Reneey muttered as she got a map. "Do you have any idea how to use a map?"

"I'm not like you, so yes, hand it over." Vanessa said, grabbing the map. "Let's see, we go...this way...then this way, okay, ready Reneey?" Vanessa asked.

"What the hell do you mean by that?!" Reneey shouted gathering people's attention.

"Which one? Let's hurry." Vanessa said.

"The one where it says you're not like me!"

"...Can you read this map without getting us more lost?"

"...Fine, go lead the damn way." Reneey muttered, causing Vanessa to grin in victory.

"Let's go!" Vanessa said hurrying off.

The girls made it to the train station, only to be blocked by the police man, and someone carrying a person with a black sheet over it.

"...You don't think, that's...Ray?" Reneey whispered to Vanessa.

"It's gotta be Ray, if the person we bumped into was Light." Vanessa whispered.

"But it can be a coincidence, until we hear random prisoners getting a heart attack, like twenty something a day." Reneey whispered back.

"Twenty three, and remember, in xxxholic Yuko said there's no such thing as coincidence. Beside, I don't watch the news anyway." Vanessa whispered.

"True, Yuko doesn't believe in it." Then Reneey made a face at Vanessa. "And you think I do?"

"True, we can look it up on the internet later. But suppose it is Ray, what should we do? We can't go up to the police." Vanessa asked.

"What can we do, well first thing first, is to figure out where the hell we live."

"You're right!"

"...Maybe the phone book?" Reneey asked.

"I don't see it anywhere." Vanessa said.

"Well, what else can we do?" Reneey sighed.

"Well, I have no idea. The only thing I can think of is ice cream." Vanessa shrugged. "I want my ice cream, otherwise, I can't think straight!"

"And I need my coffee!" Reneey snapped at the sky. "Well, there is one good thing here."

"Really?" Vanessa asked, looking at the map for the nearest coffee shop and ice cream store.

Reneey stopped, grinned, grabbed Vanessa in a tight hug, and proceed to jump up and down like a maniac. "ONE OF THE HOTTEST GUYS IN THIS ANIME FREAKING TOUCHED US! TOUCHED US!"

At least she was smart enough not to yell "Death Note"

"Yes, that is so awesome! But can you let go? And stop drawing attention?" Vanessa asked.

"But he freaking touched us! Oh my fucking god!" Reneey squealed as she let go and had a dreamly fangirl look. "Now if only the other hot guy could touch us!...And I don't mean in a perverted way..." Reneey added.

"I just want a hug from him. That will be nice." Vanessa said, sighing a fangirl sigh.

"A hug from him would be so OOC, but it would be hot OOC! Like in L Change the World!" Reneey unknowably shouted L out loud, then stopped dead, "...opps..."

Vanessa twitched. "Reneey, you better hope to god that none of the important character heard you." She whispered out. "Excuse her, she meant a tv show, the actor who play L, Ken'ichi Matsuyama" Vanessa said.

Reneey nodded. "Yep! That's who I meant! I totally meant that!"

Vanessa grabbed Reneey and begin storming off. "Keep your mouth shut or else I buy a needle and a string. I still got 27 dollars." Vanessa muttered.

Reneey kept her mouth shut and decided not to tell Vanessa that she didn't have twenty-seven dollars. "So now what?"

Vanessa paused. "I have no idea."

"Let's try to go back to the house?" Reneey suggested.

Vanessa shrugged."Ok." Vanessa said.

"...Do you remember the street and address?" Reneey asked.

"Err...no? All I remember is that in four days, Light's dad is suppose to meet L." Vanessa said sheepishly.

"My mind is one of a goldfish!" Reneey said in defense.

"That excuse is getting old." Vanessa deadpanned. "So which direction should we go in?"

"Hmm, I pick that way!" Reneey pointed north, as she moved...



The fourteen years old girl shouted as she fell to the ground on her ass.

"What the fuck?!"

"Reneey, apologize to him for bumping into him." Vanessa said.

"I didn't bump into into anything!" Reneey snapped as she got up. "I slipped on something!"

Vanessa looked up. "What did you slip on?" She asked.
"I don't know! Let's go look for it!" Reneey said. Both of the girls were on the ground, looking for the thing that Reneey slipped on. And both of them just happened to touch the thing at the same time. It was a pure black notebook.

"So you found it!" Said a voice hovering above them. It was a male, with red hair, spiked hair that went down, yellowish skin, black clothing, and red eyes.

"Vanessa..." Reneey said slowly. "You aren't seeing what I'm seeing...are you?"

"I think we're seeing a shinigami. Just wonderful. More reasons for people to think we're crazy." Vanessa said sarcastically.