"Hello?" Asked Light's mom.

"Are you Light's girlfriend?!" Asked his hyper sister.

"Uhhh...take it away, Vanessa!" Reneey said in a whisper tone, as she pushed Vanessa forward.

"We're not Light's girlfriend. We're his friends. We're very sorry for bothering you, but we got lost. And do you think Light can spare some time to help us?" Vanessa asked.

"Oohh, so Light know you?!" Asked Sayu. "How did you guys meet? Come in and tell us!" She looked at her mom. "Can they come in?"

"I don't see why not." Light's mom looked at the girls. "Would you like too?"

"Uhh...should we?" Reneey asked Vanessa.

Vanessa paused to think."I'm afraid we can't. We don't want to intrude. We have to find our way. We just want to see if Light was available to help us, and we have a question to ask him as well. I hope you understand." Vanessa said.

"Well, alright, but it's not safe to be outside, you know with Kira now these days." Sachiko said. Sayu nodded. "But I'll go get him for you." And she left.

"I'm Sayu!"

"I'm Reneey Umbra and this is...?" Reneey asked Vanessa, already forgetting her last name.

"Vanessa Sohma." Vanessa said helpfully.

Sayu looked at Vanessa, "You know, you and Light could make a cute couple!" (A/N: hint hint!)

Reneey snicked a bit and grinned.

Vanessa blushed and subtly kick Reneey."Thanks, but as I said before, we're just friend." Vanessa said, still blushing.

"For now," Reneey sang in a whispered tone.

Vanessa subtly kick Reneey again."Hush, please." Vanessa whispered to Reneey, still blushing.

"Alright Mom, I'm here." Light said as he came down. But then stopped dead and his eyes went wide. 'These are the girls that I bumped into today.' He thought inside his head.

"Light, these girls said that they know you!" Sayu said.

"Well...yes." Light said nodding.

"If you don't mind, can we go with Light?" Vanessa asked.

st be careful." Sachiko said. She closed the door and pull Sayu away from the window. So it was just Light, Vanessa, and Reneey.

"So, what do you want?" Light asked.

"We want you to pay for our hotel, and I think Hoshi's fondness for apples rival your friend Ryuk." Vanessa said, grinning a fangirl grin.

"What? I don't know what you're talking about." Light said calmly.

"The human whose name is written in this note shall die." Vanessa said quoting, before smiling.

"When writing the name, you must picture the person's face inside your head." Reneey also quoted and grinned.

L pushed them beside a bush. "Do you have a death note?"

"Maybe so, maybe not." Reneey said.

Vanessa just grinned."Like Reneey said, maybe. But we need a place to stay." Vanessa said. "A hotel would be nice." She added.

Light growled. 'Do they know something?' "but first, what is your name?"

"I'm Reneey Umbra."

"And I'm Vanessa Sohma. But don't worry, we're not stupid enough to give our real name to a notebook user like you."

Light glared. "Well at least you are smart as that, but why would I pay for your hotel?"

Vanessa grinned. "What if our notebook ended up broadcast live? L will know how you kill." Vanessa said.

"Isn't that right, Kira?" Reneey whispered the last name into his ear. Light stopped dead, his eyes went wide, his hands turned into fists. Then it went back to a calm and normal expression.

"I can't pay for a hotel, but maybe my dad can." Light said.

Vanessa paused."How are you going to explain it to him?" Vanessa asked.

"I'll think of something, as long as you don't tell anything to anybody." Light said.

Reneey looked at Vanessa, asking for an answer."Sure, but Reneey, do you have anything you want to add?" Vanessa asked.

Reneey's eyes lit up. "Go on a date with Vanessa."

Vanessa blinked."What?!" Vanessa said blushing.

Light also blinked and yelled. "What?!"

"Like I said, go on a date with Vanessa." Reneey said grinning.

Vanessa blinked."Why would you say that?" Vanessa asked.

"Well, if you want me to go out and say that you're Kira, and how you kill, then so be it." Shrugged Reneey.

"Alright." Light twitched.


"So what?" Light blinked.

"Ask her out!" Reneey snapped. "I'll leave you two alone." Reneey said as she grabbed Hoshi and dragged him away.

Vanessa blushed."I'm sorry. It's better to do what Reneey says." Vanessa stammered, in embarrassment.

"Yes, but I don't like it." Growled out Light.

"You hate me already!" Vanessa said in a depressed tone. "You think I'm awful and ugly don't you?!"

"W-what?!" Light said with wide eyes. "No, I mean I don't think you're ugly, no I think you're...well attractive..."

"Then why you pause?" Vanessa asked, not believing Light.

"Because...I...can't handle the...beauty!" Light said sweatdropping, he could hear Ryuk laughing his ass off.

"Liar! You're pausing again!" Vanessa pointed out. But inside, she was somewhat laughing at how easily Light lost his cool. But her feelings were still hurt.

"No! I really don't think you're ugly!" he hated it, but he went to hug her. 'You know, she isn't really all that ugly either.' He thought to himself. 'Wait! What am I doing? I can't be thinking of that now!'

Vanessa sighed. She finally believe Light, for now. "I believe you, for now." Vanessa said. She leaned into his embrace.

"Alright." Light let go. "Now I suppose...you wanna...go...on a date?" He forced a smile.

"The nearest ice cream store?" Vanessa asked. She wasn't completely fooled by Light. Beside, she been wanting an ice cream for a while now.

"Alright, it's getting late now, why don't you sleep over here, and tomorrow I'll get Dad to get you hotel rooms, and the date..." Light hated to have them over, but he couldn't risk the chance of being exposed.

"The date will be short. Don't worry about it." Vanessa said, gaining back some of her confidence. "Maybe later, if Reneey approve, we can show you Hoshi." Vanessa said.

"Alright." Light sighed. "So where is Reneey and your shinigami?"

Vanessa blinked at that."Reneey! You better not be lost!" She called out.

Back with Reneey

"Shit, where am I?!" Reneey yelled at the sky.

"I told you not to wander off." Hoshi sweatdropped.

"Shut up!" Reneey snapped.

"Um...crap, where am I?" Reneey said. "Okay, I know that...I know that I'm lost..."

Back with Vanessa and Light

"If Reneey's lost, I'm going to kill her! She has the note on her! And she also have a big mouth." Vanessa muttered to herself before looking up. "RENEEY!!" She shouted, hoping against hope that Reneey would hear her.

'This is perfect, if I find her first, I can get her to give me the Death Note, so that way I'll have two.' Smirked Light. "I'm sure she couldn't have gone far. You go left, and I'll go right, alright?"

"No way! I'll be the one ending up getting lost too! I never been here before, and I lost my map. Beside you don't know Reneey, she could have already gotten on the opposite side of Japan!" Vanessa said.

Light blinked. "How could she do that in less than five minutes?...And do I even want to know...?"

"Trust me you don't. How do we find her? She probably already pissed off a few people already. The most we can hope for is that she didn't see a few certain people, lose her head and glomp them." Vanessa said, thinking of L.

Light blinked. "What do you mean?"

"Eh, don't worry about. Let's just look for her before she get into trouble. Imagine what will happen if she get caught by the police." Vanessa said.

'Yes, that won't be good on my half.' "Alright, your shinigami is with Reneey...right?"

"Yeah, but how will that help? You can't see Hoshi." Vanessa said.

"But my shinigami can, I can have Ryuko look for Hoshi." Light said.

"Alright, but you owe me an apple." Ryuk said as he went to find Hoshi.

"Thanks, hopefully Reneey isn't on the other side of this town yet." Vanessa said.

"So let's go find them," Light said as he started running in some random direction. Vanessa followed him, keeping up easily.

"Do you have any idea whatsoever where she would be?"

"She's Reneey, she'll be random, and you can't predict randomness."

"Is there a store that she likes? She could be around that area."

"She like eyeliners."

"An eyeliner store..." Light said, "This way!" He turned right and ran. Vanessa followed silently.

"It should be around here somewhere." Light said as he looked around. And sure enough, there was his shinigami Ryuk. Right next to him, (Though Light couldn't see) was Hoshi. But here was Reneey? All Vanessa was hoping for was that there wasn't anyone stupid enough to touch Reneey's eyeliners.

"Hoshi! Where's Reneey?" Vanessa asked.

"She's in that store." Hoshi pointed his fingernail to a make up store.

Vanessa nodded before dashing into the store."Reneey?" Vanessa called out, without being overly loud about it.

Reneey blinked, she put down some silver mascara and looked to the right side and grinned. "Hey Vanessa!"

Vanessa twitched."Hey Vanessa? That what you have to say for yourself? I was worried that you pissed off someone important! Or got wrongfully arrested by the cops. The notebook is safe, right?" Vanessa asked.

"Yeah, I left it with Hoshi, cause if I had it, it would have been lost." Reneey shrugged.

Vanessa sighed."Let's go, I'm going to hold onto the notebook, okay? Light said we will spend the night at his house." Vanessa said.

Reneey blinked. "For real? A night with a hot-ass guy?!"

Vanessa had to giggle at that."Yes, for real. I want you do distact him enough so we can touch his notebook and see Ryuk." Vanessa whispered the last sentence to Reneey.

"Distracting is my third skill!" Grinned Reneey. "So where is Light?"

"He should be right outside." Vanessa said.

"Mk, hold on!" Reneey grabbed many eyelingers and left the store. "So how did the asking out go?" Reneey grinned asking Light, while Vanessa receive their Death Note back.

"...It...went...great..." Grinted Light.

So finally they were at Light's house. Light went to tell his parents of the situation, came back, and said it was alright. Reneey and Vanessa had to take the guest room.

"All right, ready?" Reneey asked Vanessa.

"Of course. It's a simple run in and out mission." Vanessa said.