Disclaimers: Numb3rs is owned by CBS, et al. I own nothing other than the elements/characters of the story that I have written. The same can be said for CSI as I do not own any of the elements/characters. I am making no money from this and it is only for our entertainment.

Story Summary: Wedding bells are in the air and a bachelor party holds deadly implications. Cross over with CSI.

Author's notes: I've had this idea kicking around for several months and now I've got the time to write it. Please enjoy and take time to review if you can……you know we writers feed and grow stronger on it!

Numb3rs Numb3rs Numb3rs

He was nervous. It didn't take a genius to figure that out. He had straightened his tie at least six times already since he had arrived and glanced at his watch every minute; hoping that he could move time faster.

In ten minutes she should be arriving, he had never known her to be anything but punctual. In fact that was one of her many endearing qualities; once at work he had sat down and made a list of all of the things he loved about her. At 172 he had received a phone call that required his attention and he had slipped the list into his desk drawer.

They had been dating for quiet a while and had been co-workers and friends for even longer. Initially the decision to even enter into a dating relationship had had been cause for concern. Would they be able to maintain a professional demeanor around one another and more importunately, would co-workers and others still respect the individual work and accomplishments of the couple. The last thing either wanted were whispers about how she might be using her relationship to "climb" the ladder.

It was for that reason that they had kept their relationship secret until their friends started noticing something. Of course when you work with FBI agents, how long can you keep something secret?

Glancing again at his watch he saw that another two minutes had passed. Sighing, he looked around the restaurant. The Little Door was considered a very romantic spot. When he had called to make reservations he had asked for table that would give them a little privacy, however upon arrival he realized that every table had the feel of intimacy. He had entered through the rustic wooden doors and entered a covered patio that was thick with ferns and other exotic lush foliage. A nearby fountain added a musical component with the sound of the water running along the tiers. The soft light thrown off by the wrought-iron candelabras, lending the entire patio a soft and relaxing feel, supplemented the candles lighting the table.

Perfect he decided; a wonderful place for him to surprise her with their "anniversary" of dating. Colby had once told him the importance of remembering the little information that mattered to most women, including important dates. He smiled ruefully; Colby who was always full of advice about women and dating yet could not find a relationship of his own. One night stands yes, but second dates, no.

He looked again, just four minutes until his clock would show 8 o'clock. Keeping his eyes focused on the door he watched for her arrival. Suddenly, there she was. Standing, he watched as the host showed her towards the table.

She was beautiful. Her face had broken into a wide smile when she had seen him and he thought he really didn't deserve a woman like her. The dress that flowed with her as she walked across the room complemented the tone of her skin and her hair was up, exposing her neck. He could feel his arousal for her as he looked at her. She was a total package, smart, witty, sexy and for some crazy reason, in love with him.

"Hello," She was slightly breathless as she sat in the chair he had pulled out for her. "This is beautiful. I had heard that it was nice, but this is just perfect." She looked at him with her eyes sparkling, "Thank you for bringing me here."

"Only the best for you. If I could afford it I would fly you to the four corners of the earth and we would dine in the most exotic of restaurants." He reached for her hand and stroked it softly. "I'll have the private jet warming up and we can fly to Paris for dessert."

Laughing lightly at his joke, she added. "Perhaps a beach in the tropics for breakfast?"

"Why not." He picked up the menu. "I've ordered an appetizer and a bottle of wine already."

"Great, I'm starving. What did you order?" She looked up from the menu.

"The baked tomato and feta cheese tart."

"Sounds delicious." She glanced back to the menu.

The waiter approached the table and nodded to him, smiling and returning the nod he watched as the bottle was opened and a glass was offered to her.

"Thank you," She reached for the glass and as she went to take a drink she froze. Reaching into the empty glass, she pulled out a shining ring. Confusion was on her face, "Excuse me? Did you lose this?"

The waiter bit back a smile, "I don't believe so miss." He sat the bottle down and turned from the table.

Holding the ring, she looked at him; realization slowly dawning over her face.

Rising from his seat, he moved beside her and kneeled beside her. "I cannot begin to think of the words to tell you how much I love you. You are my waking thought and the last one I think about before I sleep. I see myself growing old with your eternal beauty by my side. I don't want to spend another day without your love, will you do my the honor of being my wife?"

She sat speechless for a moment; tears sprung to her eyes and slowly made their way down her cheeks. For an agonizing heartbeat he thought that he had made a mistake and that the tears were in sadness. It was all wiped away when he saw the sunny smile reappear on her face and a vigorous nodding of her head.

"Yes, yes, yes." She laughed thorough the tears. "I would love nothing more than being your wife. I love you so much."

He took the ring from her and slid it onto her finger. It was a perfect fit and he had Megan to thank for that. Girls apparently talked about thinks like that. The sparkle of the princess cut diamond was brilliant in the candlelight. Kissing her hand he rose and returned to his seat.

The waiter returned and poured wine for both and promised to return shortly with the appetizer. Once he had left, she smiled. "I don't know if I can eat a bite. I'm so excited." She paused for just a moment. "Oh, I'll have to call my mother, she'll be so surprised. There are so many people I'll have to call!"

"Easy," he smiled. "You can let them know tomorrow. Tonight," he lifted his glass for a toast. "Tonight and forever after is for us."

Author: So? Who is getting hitched? Cookies to the correct!