AH! FIVE MONTHS! I can't believe it's been so long since I updated! I forgot about this and only with people recently reviewing did I remember it, sorry people! Anyway I've been newly inspirited for this story and have a lot of time to write it now, to try and apologise I'll be posting the next chapter within two days. Also because it's been so long I've posted a small summary of what's happened so far…


After a meeting with Masaya and being attacked by a figure Ichigo was kidnapped by a young girl and taken to the alien's planet, it turns out a virus is spreading throughout the alien race and only her DNA can help them survive.

Because of this it is against the rules for the aliens to teleport anywhere unless they receive a pass permitting them, unfortunately it is impossible to tell which aliens are infected unless others see them actually attacking others.

So any alien could change at any moment…

Ichigo has met three people, all of whom are siblings… Mizu, Kaji and Tsuchi. All three are members of a council and refuse to let her return to earth unless she accepts to give them her DNA.

Meanwhile the fourth sibling Kaze has been released early from prison and Ichigo has discovered that Kaze and Kisshu are lovers…

It seems Kaze took the wrap for Kisshu years back when Kisshu attacked the four sibling's mother. Kaze went to jail in his place.

Whilst trying to cope with life, Ichigo holds on to the hope that her friends on earth will save her…

Meanwhile on earth the group at the Mew Café and Masaya are worried, they do however have a way of rescuing Ichigo. Pudding and Taruto still meet and so when Taruto comes to earth they plan to use him to get onto the alien's planet…


Ichigo sat in her room eating the food Kaze had brought her, she hadn't realised till now how hungry she had been.

She wasn't sure how the aliens had got their hands on human food but she didn't really care.

However… the aliens hadn't given her the usual human breakfast. Instead of cereal or a fry-up they had offered her the meal that would be like heaven to an eight year old.

Cake, ice-cream, jelly, crisps, sweets and finally coke.

Although normally she wouldn't eat so much sugar, her stomach was rumbling so loudly it made her conscious to quiet to hear.

Once she was full she stood off the bed and wondered what to do today, she didn't wish to see Kisshu or Kaze as it was still difficult to grasp they were lovers. It wasn't that she was upset, angrier at Kisshu for telling her he loved her whilst on earth.

Walking over to the door she tried it to see if it was open… it was.

Smiling she walked out of the corridor only to find Tsuchi stood with his arms folded and glaring at her.

"Um…" she murmured.

"Let's go." He grunted grabbing her arm and dragging her off.

Ichigo decided it best to obey, sneaking a glance at Tsuchi she found his eyes narrowed and the force he was using to grab her arm was extraordinary.

"Er, you're hurting me." She stated wincing.

Tsuchi grunted in reply but she felt his grip relax lightly, that was going to bruise tomorrow…


(On Earth)

A young girl walked up to the pink café, it was early and it wasn't supposed to be open yet but she was wondering if she could ask them to post an advertisement for a play she was doing at her school.

Many of her friends came here and it was rumoured the café had closed for good as it hadn't been open in days which was unusual considering they were hardly ever closed – even at Christmas!

Grabbing the handle she pulled it and was surprised to find it open, hoping it not rude she peeked her head inside to find the café inside pitch black.

Taking a step inside she nervously looked around, the open door behind her gave bit of light but not much…

Gripping the fliers in her hand tightly she called out, "Um… hello?"


"What now…" she murmured to herself, she doubted the door would be open if nobody was inside but she didn't want to go snooping around in such a dark place.

"We're closed."

The voice made her jump and sent her heart racing from fright, letting out a deep breathe she squinted her eyes trying to find where the voice had come from. Finally her eyes rested on a black silhouette in the darkness, although she couldn't see much she could tell it was a boy from the voice.

"Um… I know that. I was just wondering if you'd post this flier up for when you open, I'm doing a play you see and—"

"Not interested." Interrupted the voice.

"Oh." The girl whispered, "Well how about I give you one just in case…" she said forcing a smile.

"I said…" the voice whispered as the figure moved, "GET OUT!"

As the figure jumped forward yelling the girl let out a frightened gasp and in her haste to escape dropped the fliers on the floor before running out.

A few minutes ticked by until another figure entered the room and flicked on a light switch, looking around the green haired girl turned her attention to the boy standing in the middle of the room with a emotionless expression on his face.

"Um… Ryou?" Lettuce asked walking forward.

Suddenly Ryou wobbled slightly and gasping Lettuce ran forward and placing her arm around him for support, she lead him to a nearby chair and sat him down.

Crouching down she asked, "Ryou?"

Ryou looked down at her and gazed at her, suddenly a smirk appeared on his face and he laughed slightly.

Lettuce merely crouched there baffled by his behaviour.

Finally Ryou went quite and putting an elbow on the table rested his head on his had, "I really am an idiot." He muttered staring into space, "Here I am being useless whilst everybody else is trying their best, I'm so stupid…"

"No, no, no!" Lettuce cried with a desperate expression, "You're not stupid at all! You're one of the smartest people I've met!"

Ryou glanced down at Lettuce and a ghost of a smile appeared on his face, "Thank you Lettuce."

Lettuce blushed slightly and standing up took a few steps back; placing her hands behind her she clasped them together.

"I-it's not your fault you know. Everybody is upset at what's happening, not just you. S-so don't worry." She said, trying her best to cheer him up.

Ryou nodded and stood up; walking forward till he was in front of Lettuce he smiled. Lettuce looked up slightly nervous at the lack of distance between them.

"I won't." he murmured before suddenly pulling Lettuce into him and wrapping his arms around her in a hug.

Lettuce's face immediately went scarlet however when she heard Ryou whispering she paused.

"I just hope she comes back so we can all be happy again."

Lettuce smiled weakly and wrapping her arms around Ryou whispered back, "I know you do…"

As the couple hugged one another, another person stood at the entrance of the basement watching them.

Smiling slightly he turned around and walked back down into the basement, At least they have each other to keep one another company.

Reaching the basement he ran a hair through his purple hair and sighed, Masaya was indeed worried sick for Ichigo.

At least tomorrow… we'll be able to get her back.


Tsuchi dragged Ichigo into the small room she had been into before when the aliens had explained about the disease spreading through the race. This time however, the fourth seat was occupied by Kaze. Two guards were stood on either side of the door as last time and moved aside allowing Tsuchi and Ichigo to walk in.

Once inside, Tsuchi released her and went and sat in his seat. As Ichigo stood in the same position as before she gazed at the four siblings.

Kaze smiled warmly at her and waves, "Hey Ichigo!" she cried happily.

Ichigo smiled back weakly.

"So…" Kaji began, "We need to speak to you Mew Ichigo."

Ichigo nodded, "What about?"

"Our mother." Mizu replied.

Ichigo's eyes widened.

Mizu nodded at her reaction, "It seems she has gained information of you being here and is coming tomorrow to meet you. Although we have accepted we would like to go through a few things with you."

"L-like what?" Ichigo asked.

Kaji leant forward and clasped his hands in front of his face, "Our mother is somewhat unpredictable."
"That's a nice way of putting it." Tsuchi grumbled.

"So…" Kaji continued, ignoring Tsuchi, "We will try our best to keep her from being alone with you. If you do find yourself in that situation don't worry, we will be keeping an eye on her at all times."

Ichigo's left eye twitched, Is that meant to be make me feel better! What kind of person needs to be watched 24/7!?

"R-right." Ichigo said with a fake smile.

Kaze beamed, "That's it Ichigo! Put on a brave face!"


"Don't worry; we won't let her harm you." Mizu replied.

"W-what!?" Ichigo yelled, "You mean she's gonna attack me!"

"Of course not…" Kaji replied.

"Unfortunately, no." Tsuchi muttered.

"Why you…" Ichigo growled.

"Don't worry Ichigo, we won't let you die!" Kaze cried giving her a thumbs up.

"Die!" Ichigo yelled, "I'm going to die!"

"I fear I've said too much, he he." Kaze mumbled sheepishly.

I'm going to die! Ichigo thought as she tried her best to open the door whilst Kaze and Mizu kept trying to keep her back.

"Don't worry about what Kaze said!" Mizu yelled.

"I promise we won't let you die!" Kaze yelled pulling on Ichigo's arm.

"Please don't say anymore Kaze." Kaji pleaded placing a hand on his forehead and letting out a sigh.

"Let. Me. Go!" Ichigo yelled.


Lol, kinda ended it on a funny note. If you imagine it anime-wise you can see Mizu and Kaji restraining Ichigo chibi-style. ^^

Also, for those of you who hate RyouXLettuce, sorry. It doesn't mean that they will end up together in this story… well unless you don't mind that lol. But anyway no offence to PaiXLettuce lovers.