Author's Ramble!:

Lynn: I'm SOOOOOO sorry! School started, and it's back with vengeance! BAH!

Liza: Breathe.

Lynn: RIGHT! Now, for useless information! I'm writing a Twilight Fic! YAY! And Liza and I are in it!

Liza: What?! I never agreed to this!

Lynn:-Ignoring- Anywho, I'd like to thank ilikelickingwindows, Mihael Jeevas, Shoelacey, Phantom Twilight Princess, SutaakiHitori, ChristinaAngel, Ferret Demon, Ninja-Hidden-In-The-Paddocks (Please don't tell! Please?), and xxmisfit121. If you put me on Story Alert or anything, THANKS! Sorry, but my e-mail… belongs to me. Sorry!

Liza: Start! Now.

Lynn: Right-O!


Chapter Six FINALLY!!:

"So, guess what guys?" Joe declared as the group of psychos took a seat in the kitchen. Joe and Lynn had decided it would be best to tell their friends about the good news until they got home. "We're invited to this huge beach party!"

Everyone spun around as Ally burst into laughter. After a few minutes, the girl looked up slightly and saw that Joe and Lynn weren't laughing with her. "Oh, you were serious?"

"Who the fuck would invite you idiots to a party?" Hidan said, sounding almost as amused as Ally had.

"Well, as it turns out, Alexa and Bella have invited us to their huge Beach Party! Apparently there was a cheer competition in town, so the girls were staying down here for the week! But now, to celebrate that the competition is over, they're throwing a party! They really like parties and sleepovers." Joe explained, trying to make the party sound appealing to the Akatsuki by being upbeat.

Lynn popped her head up, suddenly excited. "A cheer competition? AWESOME!! Is Mel going to be there too (She was briefly in the first story, remember? Now you know where she was! She and Ally don't get along to well. Although, Ally does like her more than Joe)?"

Everyone silenced for a moment as Joe struggled to unlock the front door of the house. After a few minutes of jiggling the knob and screaming at the inanimate object, Ally finally intervened and opened the door for him. Joe stuck his tongue out at her and led the way into the kitchen.

"So, what do you guys think?!" Lynn asked excitedly as everyone took a seat at the kitchen table.

Ally groaned and leaned back in her chair. "We can't go anyway, remember? We're stuck babysitting these losers."

"WHO ARE YOU FUCKIN' CALLING A LOSER?!" Hidan screamed, causing Deidara and Lynn who was sitting next to him to jump.

"I'M CALLING YOU A LOSER, ASSWHOLE! YOU GOT A PROBLEM WITH THAT?!" Ally screamed back, slamming her hands on the table.

Joe jumped slightly at the sudden outbursts and looked to see if anyone was about to stop them from tearing each over limb from limb. But Pein was currently staring off into space while the others were staring in wonder at the miracle of soda.

"What did you say you fouled mouthed little bitch." Hidan said in what was almost a whisper.

Ally smiled slightly, obviously not intimidated by Hidan's reaction. "You called me foul mouthed? That's rich coming from a guy who can't go one sentence without saying 'fuck' (Ally, you're NOT one to talk)!"



"Language." Lynn said quietly as the two began screaming curses that would make a drunken sailor blush.

Joe slowly backed away from the table as the sudden screams began to catch the attention of the other soda obsessed Akatsuki members.

Deidara smiled and turned towards Kakuzu. "I have ten dollars on the scary Blue girl, un."

"You're on."

"STOP FUCKIN' BETTING ON ME!!" Hidan screamed at the two gamblers.

Kakuzu rolled his eyes at his overly aggressive partner. " I was betting on you! Now, stop arguing with me and take the girl down! I have ten whole dollars on the line."


"Aw, what's the matter? Is the baby afraid of losing?" Ally said with mock pity in her voice.

Hidan's face turned red with anger as he turned his attention back to Ally. "WILL YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU LITTLE BITCH!"

"Guys, focus!" Joe finally shouted above they chaos, causing everyone in the kitchen to turn towards him. "What are we going to do about the party?"

"That's easy, silly! We'll bring them to the party with us!" Lynn announced like it was the simplest thing in the world. "Once we get to the party we'll enlist Bella and Alexa to help us! I'm sure they'll love you guys!"

Pein thought for a minute. "I don't know, this doesn't seem like a good idea to me."

"My ideas rarely are! However, there'll be free food there, which is good since we have no kitchen and we can't keep paying for Dominos (I DON'T OWN!!)!" Lynn said happily.

"Free food? You should have started with that one. As the Akatsuki financial consultant, I believe it's in our best interest to attend this party." Kakuzu announced.


"Financial consultant."

"Fuckin' accountant!"


"Financial consultant."

"Fuckin' accountant!"


"Financial consultant."


"Oh yes, lets bring this madness out in front off witnesses, that's brilliant." Konan said as Lynn hid behind Deidara.

"You know, she's right. We're highly trained, elite ninjas who rarely have any social interaction. Maybe it would be best if we just stayed home." Kisame said somewhat hopefully.

Joe shook his head. "No way! After you guys destroyed something as pure and wonderful as McDonalds, do you really think I trust you alone in my house?"

"He deserved it, un!" Deidara shouted defensively.

Lynn smiled manically and rubbed her hands together. "Besides, it was AWESOME!!"

"In that case, screw the law! Who care? As long as it's awesome, who cares if it's illegal?!" Joe snapped back.

"Damn straight!" Ally said as she slapped Joe on the back. "Nice to see you've finally come around."

"Perhaps we should attend this party."

Everyone in the room stopped what they were doing and turned towards the black haired Uchiha sitting next to Kisame. Itachi looked up from the table and noticed everyone was starring at him with pure shock. Even his own team mates were looking at him.

"What?" Itachi said cautiously.

"You haven't spoken through the entire story." Konan explained.

Kisame nodded. "That, and fact that the first time you do happen to say something, you suggest we go to a party. You know, where you'll actually have to socialize with people."

"Yes, well, I do believe it is a good idea. After all, we have no idea where we are or when we'll be able to get home. Perhaps studying their culture will help us understand so that we can survive in this world without killing everything in sight." Itachi said slowly so that the others understood.

The people in the kitchen nodded slowly and turned to the Akatsuki Leader for approval. Pein, who had recently snapped out of his trance, looked at the others carefully. Finally, after what felt like hours, the man nodded slowly. Immediately, the kitchen broke out into victorious cheers, with the occasional groans of defeat.

"The only problem may be Zetsu." Pein interrupted. "Where is he anyway?"

Pein just got the sentence out of his, Zetsu walked into the room. The plant man looked at the those

And so, it began… Adventure to the Beach House in which Bella and Alexa are Throwing Their Party!


Lynn and Ally looked at the house before them cautiously. The music inside was up so loud that the ground below them was shaking, and there were several different colored light flashing through the windows. Outside of the house, their were several teens either making out or about to make out. The two Gothic girls looked at one another, and then back at the house.

""Damn, Bella and Alexa are good!" Ally exclaimed as she drug her reluctant pink haired friend closer to the house. "Come on, Lynn!"

Lynn shook her head quickly and tried to pull away from her friend's death grip on her sleeve. "M-maybe I should go help Joe! You know, in case the Akatsuki try to kill him or something!"

"No way in hell are you leaving me alone in a house full of cheer leaders!" Ally said, tugging a bit harder on the sleeve of Lynn's purple and black hoodie. "Besides, you can use the social interaction."

Lynn used all her might as she pathetically tried to pull away from her friend. Of course, she predictably failed against the much stronger girl and was pulled forward a few more inches. So, Lynn settled on what she happens to do best: Whine!

"But I don't want to interact with people! They bite! And it's really loud in there! And-

"Tough shit, we're going in!"

With that so eloquently said, Ally gave one more good tug on Lynn's sleeve. Unfortunately for Lynn, Ally's pull had a lot more strength than she had intended it to. The force of the pull swept Lynn right off her feet as she went flying towards the cement sidewalk. Ally moved out of the way quickly as Lynn slammed into the ground.


Ally gasped slightly. "Oh my God, Lynn, I'm so sorry!" The blue haired girl screeched as she ran over to help her friend up.

"Some fuckin' friend you are."

Ally spun around angrily, dropping poor Lynn in the process. Before Ally could say anything offensive, she saw that Joe had dressed the Akatsuki. Kisame, Zetsu, Sasori, and Kakuzu were dressed long black turtlenecks with long black pants. The rest of the members had borrowed Joe's, and in Konan's case Lynn's, clothing (with the exception of Deidara, who was also wearing a pair of Ally's fingerless gloves).

Ally stared at them for a few more minutes before bursting out into laughter. "What the hell?! Just when I thought Hidan couldn't look any worse, you dress him up like Joe!"

"You little bi-

"What happened to Pinkie, un?" Deidara asked, cutting Hidan off before he could continue his cursed filled rant (which really pissed him off).

Everyone went silent as Ally slowly turned her attention to Lynn, who was STILL lying on the sidewalk. "I dropped you again, didn't I?"

"Yeah." Lynn said as she as she slowly tried to sit up. "I'm fine, though! Buuuuut, I think I might have ripped my jeans."

Of course, Lynn noticed the tear in her jeans before she noticed the gaping wound in her leg that was gushing blood. Deidara pulled the blonde up slowly (she doesn't trust Ally) as Sasori looked at the cut.

"Congratulations, you managed to kill yourself walking to a door that's not even four feet away. If you bleed to death, can I make you into a puppet?" Sasori asked apathetically as he looked at the knee injury.

"Gee Sasori, because that's just every girl's dream!" Lynn said with mock happiness.

Sasori shrugged. "You'd probably be a useless puppet anyway."

"I'm gonna go inside and wash this out. Maybe Bella has Rugrats band aids! YAY!" Lynn said happily, ignoring Sasori's comment about being useless.

"And I'll go find Alexa so she can help us babysit! Ally, you come with us… before you kill someone else." Joe announced.

"I'll go with her, un." Deidara volunteered in order to escape having to spend any more time with Joe and Ally.

Joe rolled his eyes. "Yeah, like I'm going to let the Destruction Duo go somewhere alone. Doll Face, you go with them. Bella's right over there yelling at people, okay? Bye!"

Sasori, Deidara, and Lynn waited for their friends to walk away before walking over to Bella. The black haired girl was currently screaming at a boy about Lynn's age who was carrying a cooler. As they approached her, they noticed that the Cooler Dude looked a bit frightened.

"Now get out of here before I call the police!" Bella screamed as the boy ran oit of the property.

Lynn looked at the boy and turned to Bella. "Um, hi?"

Bella's scowled quickly changed as she noticed her friend standing by her. "LYNN, YOU MADE IT! Where are Joe and Ally?"

"They're looking for Alexa. Um, I kind of cut my leg before. Do you have a band aid or something?" Lynn asked.

Bella nodded. "Yeah sure! They're in the-

The black haired girl stopped midsentence as she looked past her friends at the two male Akatsuki members. Lynn watched nervously as Bella's eyes slowly widened in recognition. The pink haired girl nodded slowly as Bella looked back at her.

"Kitchen… this way." Bella said finally before leading the other three through the unbearably crowded house with ease.

As they walked, Lynn could occasionally hear Sasori sigh in annoyance from next to her. She figured that out of all of the Akatsuki hat Sasori and possibly Pein would hate this party the most. Lynn was honestly surprised, however, by the fact they Deidara didn't seem to mind the party at all. I wonder what'll happen if someone here insults him…

"Here we are!" Bella said, gaining back some of her composure. "So, are you guys friends of Lynn's?"

"We're Joe's cousins." Sasori said before Deidara could speak.

Lynn smiled and nodded. "Yeah! They're Joe's cousins… from Arizona… they have killer bees there."

"Fascinating." Bella said, smiling slyly. "So, what are your names?"

Lynn, Deidara, and Sasori glanced nervously at one another. Joe had made it VERY clear that he didn't want anyone to find out about the Akatsuki if it could be helped. However, he never went over how they were supposed to keep this secret (Joe's an idea person, not a plan person)!

"Um, this is Bob and this is… Bob." Lynn lied lamely, causing Sasori to nearly kill her. "They're parents weren't very creative."

"They're not the only ones." Bella muttered under her breath. "Well, it's nice to meet you guys! If you'll excuse me, I have to talk to Lynn for a minute."


Sasori and Deidara looked at one another and ran out of the room before they could get drug into the conversation. Lynn pleaded silently for them to stay, but her telepathy must have been a bit off today because they RAN.

Bella waited until they left before turning to Lynn. "Bob and Bob?"

"Joe told me to do it!" Lynn said defensively.

Bella smiled and laughed slightly. "I can't believe you have the Akatsuki living with you! I mean, first the Sand Sibs and now the Akatsuki! You have the best luck, I swear."

"Remember, you are talking to the girl who just cut her knee open on your sidewalk." Lynn pointed out. "Which, by the way, I'm suing you for!"

"Yeah, well… I'll sue you for staining my sidewalk!" Bella countered.

"… Fair enough."


"Kakuzu, stop it! We look cheap!" Joe scolded.

Kakuzu rolled his eyes at the boy and continued to stuff food into the duffle bag Ally had brought with her. Meanwhile, Ally had taken off with Hidan, Itachi, and Kisame to go "mingle". Pein and Konan were sitting in the corner pretending not to know them, and Kakuzu had brought Joe with him to the snack table in order to carry more food. That only left Zetsu, who was walking dangerously close to Joe.

"Um, is Zetsu going to eat me?" Joe asked nervously.

Kakuzu looked at the plant man and shrugged. "He might. If he does, that means one less mouth to pay for…"

"PEIN!" Joe shouted to the Akatsuki leader, who was currently rubbing his temples in a pathetic attempt to get rid of his headache.

"Joe, Zetsu won't eat you."

Konan nodded. "Yeah, Zetsu doesn't eat garbage."


Joe was cut short when he suddenly saw someone he recognized standing in the crowd. "ALEXA!"

The black haired girl looked over and smiled at Joe. Alexa quickly gave the boy she'd been talking to her drink and ran over to her friend. As she ran over, Joe noticed her pull something out of her pocket. He tried to move, but it was too late.

"Death by spork." Alexa said as she poked him.

Joe rubbed his arm and smiled. Finally, after all the insanity and possible death he'd had to go through for the last five minutes he'd been alone, Joe was happy to see a familiar face. Even if the familiar face had stabbed him in the arm with the mutant like utensil (It's not a spoon, and it's not a fork! Creeeeeeeeeeeepy)!

"ALEXA! These are my cousins… Bob and… Bob." Joe said stupidly (Now you know why Joe and Lynn are friends! The both lack originality)!

"O…kay?" Alexa said, just as suspicious as her sister had been. "Who are those two over at the table, then?"

Joe glanced at Konan and Pein and smiled. "That's… Robert and Bobette?"


"He's the rebel of the family." Joe said quickly. "See! Look at all the piercings!"

Joe's smile twitched slightly as he felt Pein glaring at the back of his head. Of course, it could have been Konan who was mad at him for naming her "Bobette". In which case, Joe would probably have been even more scared.

Alexa nodded slowly. "Joe, are they… you know."

Joe sighed in defeat. "Yes… Bobette and Robert are in an incestuous relationship."


"They don't want people to know because they're… shy?" Joe said quickly. It was painfully obvious he was making this up as he went along, but he really didn't care anymore. He was a bit more afraid of Konan right now, who was dead silent after her slight outburst.

Alexa nodded. After a few minutes, she leaned over and pat him on the head. "It was a nice effort Joe. You get a D for that."

"I only get a D for all of that?"

"I know who they are." Alexa said in a hushed tone so the Akatsuki members couldn't hear her.

Joe sighed and nodded. "Damn it, why do our friends all have to be Narutards."

"Joe! Pinkie got kidnapped by the band aid girl, un." Deidara said as he and Sasori walked over to Joe and the others.

Joe was about to wave high when he heard something that almost sounded like a dog whistle. He turned to Alexa, who was staring at Sasori as he glared at the party goers around him. Alexa quickly looked back to Joe, as if hoping he was as psyched as she was. After seeing he obviously wasn't, Alexa couldn't help but wish that Bella and Lynn were there. Especially Lynn, who must have been going crazy in house full of hot guys (I tend to be a bit fangirlish:).

"Um, hello." Sasori said, slightly confused as to why the girl who looked like band aid girl was glaring at Joe.

Alexa turned to Sasori and smiled. "Hi, I'm Alexa. I'm gonna guess you're Bob, right?"

Sasori sweat dropped and nodded pathetically. Unfortunately for Sasori, his sigh had caught the attention of Joe, who was freaking out about having to babysit so many psychos at once. A slight smile slowly spread across the blonde's face as he looked from Alexa to Sasori and the back to Alexa. A plan had formed.

"Sasori, go dance with Alexa!" Joe said as he pushed the red head towards his friend.

Sasori looked at the boy, a slight hint of fear and anger on his face. "You… what?!"

"Yeah, what?!" Alexa said, also as confused as Sasori.

Joe smiled to himself as he pushed the two towards the dance floor. "It'll be fun, you can have a little fun once and a while Doll Face!"

Sasori was about to say something when he and Alexa were pulled into the crowd of people. Joe and Deidara laughed hysterically as Sasori a flustered Sasori watch Alexa dance like an expert. The red head attempt some awkward movement that could be interpreted as a cross between choking and having a seizure before Alexa took him by the hands and began leading him through some simple dance moves.

"You should learn to sleep with your eyes open, un." Deidara muttered.

Joe could feel himself pale as Deidara walked over to see if Kakuzu and Zetsu had left anything on the buffet table. Sasori wouldn't actually kill him… would he?

"Kakuzu, you took all of the fucking food, un!"

"This is our dinner for the next two weeks!"

Yes, yes he would.




Itachi pretended he was on a tropical beach while Hidan screamed at Kisame and Ally, who were happily screaming lyrics to a song (500 Miles by the Proclaimers. I DON'T OWN). Itachi had NO problem when Ally had forced his partner, a former member of the Seven Swords Men, to sing karaoke. He really didn't even have a problem when they had decided to dedicate some love song to him. However, their horrid screaming combined with Hidan's cursing and the weird looks they were getting was beginning to get on his last nerve.

"So, another round?" Ally asked as she and Kisame got off stage.

"No fuckin' way you two are going back up there! My ears are STILL bleeding from your last 'performance'."

Ally glared at the white haired man. "Alright tough guy, you and me. Unless you're… scared."

"Whatever fuckin' challenge you have, bring it!" Hidan said, a certain look of arrogance in his eyes.

Kisame just barely contained his laughter as Hidan followed Ally a few feet away from them. Itachi was about to ask him what he was laughing at when he heard a long sentence filled with expletives echo through the room.


Itachi smirked slightly and turned towards Kisame. "Can she actually make him do it?"

"Ten bucks says she pressures him into it eventually." Kisame said happily.

-5 minutes of profanity corrupting the innocent minds of several drunken teenagers later-

"Cause when you need me, darlin' can't you hear me, SOS!"

"The love you gave me, nothin' else can save me, SOS!"

"When you're gone."

"When you're gone!"

"How can I eve try to go on!"

"This is possibly the most violent version of SOS I've ever heard." Miha (Haha, I needed to do it!) said to a stunned Joe.

As a matter of fact, several people had gathered around the karaoke stage at this point, including not only Joe but also Bella, Lynn, Alexa, Miha (They found her… like magic! Or a glomp GPS built into Lynn's brain), and the Akatsuki. They were all staring at Ally and Hidan, who looked like they were ready to kill each other during their duet of SOS by ABBA!

"How much longer can they keep this up?" Bella asked, sounding slightly nervous.

Lynn shrugged. "Who knows. It's kind of scary though."

Everyone nodded as they continued to watch the two sing. Finally, after three extremely tense minutes, the song ended. Hidan and Ally both threw their microphones and ran off stage in opposite directions. Everyone kind of waited a few minutes before clapping unsurely at a now empty stage.

"Alright, who's next?" Alexa asked suddenly, attempting to salvage the karaoke.

"I'll do it!" Joe said, skipping up on stage. "I'm gonna sing Big Casino by Jimmy Eat World."

Lynn jumped up excitedly as the song began. Joe began singing, sounding as great as he always did (Joe was by FAR the best singer… EVER! We love Joe)! Alexa also jumped, and began to drag Sasori towards the dance floor again.

"Um, um… Are you sure?" Sasori said, sounding slightly unsure. "I'm no good, remember?"

"Come on, you're improving." Alexa encouraged as she grabbed his other hand. "Now come on!"

Bella, Lynn, and Deidara gasped slightly as Sasori began to dance with Alexa. They three looked at one another before setting their sights on Itachi. The three smiled and stalked over to the unsuspecting Uchiha.

"What?" Itachi asked. His ears were still in shock from listening to Hidan, so he was a bit grouchy.

Lynn smiled. "We want to see you dance!"






"You're worse than trying to get Miha to dance!" Lynn said.

Miha glared at the pink haired girl. "It's stupid! Why would I want to dance in front of people?"

"So you do dance when you're alone!" Lynn said, seeming very proud of herself.

"It doesn't matter because, one day, you will both dance. In public!" Bella said, pointing at both of them. "Oh yeah, you'll see."

"But in the meantime," Deidara said, interrupting the rant. "Lynn, would you like to dance with me, un?"

Lynn smiled happily. "YEAH! Come on!"

Bella looked nervously over at Ally. "They're cute together, huh?"

"I think they're just long lost siblings." Ally said. "Either way, Gaara's gonna blow an aneurism when he finds out!"

"I'm the one who gets away, I'm a New Jersey success story! And they'll say, Lord give me the chance to shake his hand! They'll say…"

And so, we happened to have learned many important things at this party. We learned that I have a strange song collection, and that Sasori can't dance!

"Hey Alexa, where'd the pizza guy go?"

We also learned to keep an eye on Zetsu when out in public!


Lynn: -Officially Dead-

Liza: Wow… now I have to pay for a funeral.

Deidara: Ha-

Sasori: You say -ha and she'll kill you.

Deidara:-Shutting Up!-

Lynn:-Magically alive again.- Hopefully I can update again sooner! Sorry for such a lametastical chapter! BYE:)