Anxious Paradox

Author's Note:

So! A new Campers! story. Hopefully you'll like it, and hopefully I'll post more frequently. Chicago's next month, so if I'm not done by then (and I don't know how long this story will be so who knows) I'll take the week off for the convention, most likely - or maybe not, who knows? Anyway, enjoy and keep letting me know what you think as we progress! Oh, and I'm not making any money off this and not purposely infringing on anyone's copyrights so don't sue me!


"You know… I could come."

Ian Brooks smiled and gave his wife into an embrace.

"You said you'd rather help Beckett."

"You want to go alone?"

"Of course not. We could drop the boys with my mom – or yours – and spend some time on the beach…"

Cassandra Brooks smiled.

"You have a report to deliver."

"It can wait."

"It's for the President."

"He'd understand…"

She laughed, pulling away from him and slapping his hand.

"You need to get to Earth, Colonel. I have things to do."

Ian made a show of an exasperated sigh and a groan of disappointment that she knew was only half sham. He'd really make Jack wait if she gave the word and she loved him for it. But also knew that the report he was supposed to give to O'Neill and the others was an important one.

"You're an evil woman, Cassandra Brooks. Leading me on like that and then-"

"I did not lead you on!"

"You did. Slinking in here with that sexy walk of yours, wagging those delectable hips in that way that you-"


He was interrupted by the twins, who came rushing into the room, grinning excitedly when they saw him. Ian reached down and swept them both up into his arms.

"Do you really have to go?" Carter asked, hanging upside down with the absolute confidence that his father wasn't going to drop him.

"Yup. Uncle Jack's waiting on me."

"Can we come?" Michael asked.


"Cause we have school…" Carter reminded his brother.

"Can't we skip, daddy? Please?"

Ian shook his head and turned Michael upside down as well, dangling him beside Carter.

"Nope. Besides, who's going to keep your mom safe if we all go?"


Cassie snorted, and Ian swung Michael over to her. She caught him and then tossed him onto the bed.

"I need you guys here," Cassie told the boys. "Now, tell your dad goodbye and let him get going so he can get back."

Carter joined his brother with a well-placed toss from Ian and the two grinned up at him.

"Who was in charge last time?" Ian asked, already knowing but checking to see if they'd remember.

"Me!" Carter said, quickly, just as Michael pointed to him.

"Then Michael's in charge this time. Keep mommy from working all night – and make sure she eats right."

Cassie smiled over their heads at Ian, who winked.

"Yes, sir."

He knew that Michael would watch Cassie like a hawk, constantly nagging her about eating if he saw her skip a meal or not go to bed on time – which actually varied. Turning their children on her was one of his most brilliant ideas – and it worked every time. Besides, it gave them a purpose when he was gone, and debriefing when he returned was always fun – especially with their memories.

Ian kissed them both, and then kissed Cassie once more before reaching down and picking up his travel bag.

"I'll be back before you know it."

She nodded.

"You'd better be."

He turned and headed for the gate room content in the knowledge that they'd be okay until he returned.


"What exactly are you trying to accomplish with this thing?" Jack O'Neill asked his second in command.

Carter spared a look at him, one that was only a little annoyed. It wasn't like she'd tried to explain this 'thing' to him a dozen times already. Of course, she was used to it, which was why the annoyance was tinged with amusement. She wasn't sure if he was messing with her or not – and she kind of liked that. Most of the time, anyway.

"We're going to see if we can increase the output of the wormhole…"

"By having someone else dial it up?"

She shook her head.

"By having Lieutenant Stein dial the gate from Q-34X19 we can get a better idea of just how the power will fluctuate if there's any kind of-"


Jack held his hand up to stop her lengthy explanation.

"Will it blow us up?"

"No, sir."

"Will it blow up Stein?"

"It shouldn't."

Jack looked down at the black lab who was standing beside him, watching intently as if he understood what was going on.

"What do you think?"

Jaffer rumbled cheerfully when Jack addressed him, but didn't answer.

"How much longer will-"

The Stargate started dialing in, and Sam smiled.

"He's starting, now. We'd better get out of the way, just in case."

"In case of what?"

She shrugged, moving over to stand by the device she'd connected to the Stargate itself – not to the computer like she normally would have. She looked down at the monitor she'd built just for this purpose and then over to the technician in the control room. He looked down – presumably at his own computer – and then gave her a thumbs-up as the Stargate finished dialing the final chevron locked.

A warning beep sounded from the new device just as the wormhole engaged and Sam looked down, her expression not so much worried as confused.

"What the…?"


Jack wasn't at all happy with the tone of her voice, and she looked at him.

"It's nothing. Just an odd reading."

"Which means…?"

Jaffer shifted restlessly beside Jack, the lab looking at the Stargate and making another soft wuffling noise deep in his chest.

"Easy, Little man," Jack told him, his hand dropping to the lab's shoulder while his eyes were still on Carter.

The beep sounded again, and Sam frowned again.

"I don't understand this…"

"Understand what?"

She started to answer when the gate flared, alarms suddenly blaring all around them. An instant later a form came flying out of the gate, tumbling down the ramp and flinging what looked like a sports bag across the room as he came to a stop in a heap.

Jack jumped back, expecting the worst and Jaffer jumped forward; ready to protect his Jack if it was an attack.


Jack wasn't about to let his dog face the unknown alone, and he wasn't the only one to stop when the man who'd landed at the bottom of the ramp turned over with a grunt of pain, looking over at the black lab.
